Supreme Chef

Chapter 844: Primordial Beast

Chapter 844: Primordial Beast (2)

"Taotie? Isn't Taotie the fifth son of the dragon, isn't he your brother?" Lin Mu remembered some legends he had seen on Earth.

"Brother fart! I'm so handsome, how could I have a brother like him. Taotie exists at the same level as the four ancient mythical beasts of our dragon clan, one of the four ancient fierce beasts. How can we meet it in this ghostly place? "The blood spirit dragon said while running.

Lin Mudao: "You are both top ancient existences, you know how to run when you see it."

Blood Linglong said: "This beast obviously grew up longer than me. If we grew up at the same time, I would be afraid of it. Let's run quickly. If we are caught up by this beast, it will be difficult for us to run. I don’t want to be swallowed by this beast.”

Taotie is known as the four evils of the ancient times, and their only ability is to eat.Whether it is a person, object, or space, it can eat it in one bite.

Even in the ancient times, the powerful Taotie could devour the sky and the earth with one bite, and destroy a planet with one bite.Only the most powerful divine beast in the ancient times is the opponent of Taotie.

While running, Lin Mu turned his head and looked at the disappearing space, secretly terrified in his heart.

Lin Mu now finally has an intuitive concept of how terrifying the primordial ferocious beast is.But looking back at the Blood Spirit Dragon beside him, Lin Mu began to doubt whether this creature was an ancient mythical beast.

"Why are you looking at me with this look? As long as you give me time, I can kill a bunch of this kind of goods with one paw." Xue Linglong said.

"Aww!" As if hearing the provocation of the blood spirit dragon, an inexplicable roar came from behind Lin Shu and the blood spirit dragon.

"Oh my god! This guy has entered the growth stage, run away quickly." The blood spirit dragon gave a strange cry, and also fled in a hurry.

And when Lin Mu turned his head, he broke out in a cold sweat.Because behind him, less than ten feet away, a large space disappeared directly.

When did Taotie arrive? Lin Shu didn't notice at all that he was so close to him.

Throwing the blood spirit dragon into the chaotic world, Lin Mu also quickly teleported, and quickly distanced himself from Taotie.

Lin Shu teleported twice in a row, finally feeling a little safer.

Lin Shu fled all the way, and the aura around him also became thinner.

And with the thin spiritual energy, Lin Mu finally saw clearly what this glutton looked like.

This Taotie looks completely different from Lin Shu's idea, it is not big, even very small.

It looks a bit like a puppy, but its head is very big, even several times bigger than its body.

But it is such a puppy that looks extremely discordant, it can be devoured directly with one mouth, a large space.

"It's only in the growth stage now. When it really matures, it will only have one mouth left, and then it will be truly terrifying." The blood spirit dragon said to the forest.

This is actually the same as the legend that Lin Mu heard. The strongest state of Taotie is that it has only one mouth, and this one mouth is enough to swallow the world.

Lin Mu ran away quickly, while thinking about how to get rid of this horrible thing.

In fact, what Lin Mu is most concerned about is what kind of person would keep such a terrifying thing in such a secret place, and just let it guard a medicine courtyard.

If he had tamed such a terrifying beast by himself, Lin Shu would not be so overqualified.

"Before Taotie entered its infancy, it was at its most vulnerable. At that time, it looked like an ordinary spirit beast." The blood spirit dragon seemed to see what Lin Mu was thinking.

If this is the case, Lin Mu is completely understandable.

But if that person knew that what he tamed back then was not an ordinary spirit beast, but a glutton, how would it feel.

"Can we subdue it?" Lin Mu asked the blood spirit dragon.

There is still a month to go, and this Taotie obviously has unlimited energy, running alone like this is obviously not the way.

The blood spirit dragon said: "You will definitely not be willing to subdue it. The reason why Taotie is called an ancient beast is because it will not be subdued. Even if it is subdued when it is young, after it grows up, it will not be subdued. Will eat its owner right away.

Moreover, Taotie is a beast that can't get enough to eat. It doesn't care about human and inhumane things, it only knows how to eat.If you really take it with you, I am afraid that the world will be against you. "

After listening to the words of the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu also gave up the idea of ​​subduing Taotie.At the same time, Lin Mu was also wondering whether the owner of this medicine courtyard was eaten by gluttonous people, so he stayed here.

Seeing Taotie who was chasing after him, Lin Mu also had an idea, and said, "Okay! Since you want to eat, I'll find you a big one to eat."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu turned his palm, and a mark of spiritual consciousness appeared on his hand.

This divine consciousness mark came from Sanxian Island, and the master of the Ascension Realm set it for himself, but it was not clever enough, and Lin Mu discovered it immediately.

Lin Mu originally planned to deal with him after he had collected enough resources, but now that he met Taotie, he happened to give him to Taotie.

Seeing that the mark of spiritual consciousness was not strong enough, Lin Mu directly used his own power of consciousness to expand the range and energy of the mark of consciousness dozens of times.

At the same time, the Immortal of the Ascension Realm who came in from Sanxian Island, who was still depressed and lost the trace of the forest, suddenly had a sense of consciousness, and immediately said excitedly on his face: "Found it!"

After discovering the traces of Lin Shu, he also immediately set off to follow Lin Shu.But he didn't know that Lin Mu dug a big hole for him in front of him, and it was a big, big hole.

He flew all the way to the direction of Lin Mu, and Lin Mu also used his spiritual sense mark to commit crimes, and also flew in his direction.

But Taotie was behind, following closely, as if he had spotted the trees.

After flying for half a day, Lin Mu finally met the master of the Ascension Realm of Sanxian Island.

"Lin Mu is your own trap this time, come with me!" The Ascension Realm master of Sanxian Island was also ecstatic when he saw Lin Mu flying towards him.

"Idiot!" Lin Mu dropped such a sentence, and immediately teleported away from the spot.

He was also ecstatic when he saw Lin Mu leaving his place.This is the real space rule.If you can own it, you will definitely have great strength.

"Hey, what is this!" After Lin Mu left, it only discovered the gluttony that looked like a puppy.

"Ooohoo!" With a loud roar, Taotie rushed over immediately.

"Looking for death!" Seeing such a puppy dare to act fiercely against him, the Ascension Realm expert also raised his hand to kill this 'puppy'.

But he obviously underestimated this 'puppy' too much.His attack landed on that 'pup''s body, let alone a trace, not even a wave.


Without any hesitation, Taotie directly swallowed one of his arms.

Losing an arm, the master of the Ascension Realm also quickly backed away, looking at Taotie opposite him with horror in his eyes, terrified in his heart.

"What monster is this!"


But one arm obviously couldn't satisfy Taotie's appetite, so he roared again, and Taotie pounced on him again.

Seeing Taotie rushing forward again, the Ascension Realm expert did not dare to hide his clumsiness.He directly sacrificed his spirit treasure, and smashed it heavily at Taotie.

He used an eighth-rank Lingbao flying sword.

An eighth-rank Lingbao flying sword, in the hands of a strong person in the Ascension Realm, let alone splitting mountains and cracking rocks.Even if the Hengjiang River stopped flowing, it would be a breeze.

However, when such a powerful spirit treasure fell on Taotie's body, it left only a tiny trace.

"This is……"

Seeing that Taotie's body didn't change a bit, the Ascension Realm expert was completely scared.

He wanted to turn around and run away, but his speed was not as fast as Tao Tie.

Taotie rushed over at once, and swallowed the space he was in in one gulp.

Looking at a strong man in the Ascension Realm, without any resistance, he was swallowed in one gulp.Lin Mu's back was also in a cold sweat. Fortunately, his speed was fast enough. If his speed was a little slower, he might have become a glutton's lunch now.

"Damn it! It's not over! I don't feel overwhelmed after eating so much!" Seeing Taotie rushing towards him again, Lin Mu cursed.

(End of this chapter)

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