Supreme Chef

Chapter 845 Thunder Domain

Chapter 845 Thunder Domain
Seeing Taotie chasing after him again, after Lin Mu cursed, he also continued to turn around and run away.

"Running like this is not an option, we must find a way to get rid of him." Lin Mu thought secretly.

While running through the forest, he checked the map Feng Xing gave him, looking for a relatively safe route.

After looking around for a long time, Lin Shu finally set his sights on the unmarked area.

Although after entering, Lin Mu tried his best to avoid it, but now there is no way, Lin Mu can only run in that direction.

Although Lin Mu thinks that direction is very dangerous, he also believes that only by running in that direction can he completely avoid Taotie.

After Lin Shu changed direction, he didn't think about anything else, and ran frantically towards the central area.

Lin Shu's speed was very fast, Taotie's speed was even faster, it seemed to have anticipated something, and chased after Lin Shu like crazy.

Seeing Taotie's strange appearance, Lin Mu was even more convinced that the place in the center without any markings could definitely avoid Taotie.

Soon Lin Mu approached the central area, but Lin Mu didn't feel any strangeness or discomfort.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy Lin Mu felt.Before the storm, it's all calm.

When Taotie arrived here, he chased after the trees like crazy, and the speed became faster and faster.

Seeing the approaching Taotie, Lin Mu directly teleported towards the most central location.

After several consecutive teleports, Lin Mu and Taotie also completely distanced themselves.

But Taotie also started to spin around when he saw the distance from the trees, and he didn't dare to take another step forward.

"Hey! If you have the ability, come here!" Seeing Taotie standing still, Blood Spirit Dragon also became arrogant.


Taotie looked at the Blood Spirit Dragon, and let out a low growl.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu also understood, it turned out that this Taotie had been running towards the Blood Spirit Dragon all the time.That blamed the glutton, chasing after him like crazy.

"You still have the guts to scream, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been chased to this kind of place by it. I would have fed you just now if I knew it earlier." Lin Mu gave Xue Linglong a chestnut and said unceremoniously.

Xue Linglong rubbed his head and said, "Isn't it quite safe here? Why are you beating me?"

Lin Mu said angrily: "Can't you see, that beast didn't dare to come here, which proves that this place is not dangerous, but very dangerous."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Xue Linglong also said: "Yes. What is there on earth, this beast is so scared that it dare not take half a step."


As soon as Xue Linglong finished speaking, the area where Lin Mu and the others were standing suddenly burst into thunder.

Pieces and pieces of sky thunder suddenly appeared, like a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, slanting down directly, as if it was about to destroy the world.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu also turned pale with fright.He finally knew why Taotie didn't dare to come over.

Such a thunder sea, even if ten Taotie come over, they will die.

Lin Mu didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, and directly stepped into the chaotic world.

In the last scene when Lin Mu entered the chaotic world, what he saw was that this place completely turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Lin Mu never imagined how terrifying it would be for thunder and lightning to gather into an ocean.

Lin Mu returned to the chaotic world, looked at everything outside through the monitoring array, and was too shocked to say a word.

If it wasn't for his fast running, if it wasn't for his own chaotic world, maybe he wouldn't even have a scum left now.

"What the hell is this place? How could there be such a terrifying sea of ​​thunder and lightning." Blood Spirit Dragon looked outside, his face pale with fright.

Taoist Guang stared outside, but did not speak.

Obviously, Lei Hai, who was so terrifying, also shocked Daoist Guang, this ancient power.

"Senior, do you know what's going on?" Lin Mu looked at Taoist Guang and asked.

Taoist Guang shook his head and sighed: "I don't know either. I have never heard of such a terrifying thunder sea in ancient times. I am afraid that only the legendary source of thunder can have such a terrifying scene."

"The source of the thunder! Thunder field!" Hearing Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu's brain flashed, and he thought of what the great power in the land of perishing immortals had said to him.

"Thunderfield is locked!"

"Could this be the locked minefield! Is it the reason why everyone can't ascend?" Lin Mu also murmured.

Guang Dao said humanely: "It is very likely that this is the mine field that the great expert said, that is, the reason why the realm of comprehension cannot ascend now."

Lin Mu nodded, obviously in his heart, he had already agreed.

It's just that what Lin Mu cares about now is not how to save the cultivation world, but how to get out.

With such a terrifying Lei Hai, if he goes out by himself, he probably has no choice but to die.

"Forget it, let's ignore these, anyway, after a month, it will be automatically teleported. Let's improve the level of the Shadowless Knife first." Lin Mu thought for a long time, but he didn't come up with any solution, and he could only wait for this month. the arrival of the period.

Taking out the Yun Li Tie and Zi Yun Bing, Lin Mu directly summoned the Flowing Frost Heaven Fire, melting the Shadowless Knife, Yun Li Tie and Zi Yun Bing.

After the three things melted, they were quickly fused together under the guidance of Lin Shu.

And as the three groups of liquid continued to merge, the shapeless liquid also emitted terrifying Lingbao fluctuations.

"Fifth Grade!"

"Sixth Grade!"

"Seventh Grade!"

"Eight products!"

In the end, the grade of the Shadowless Knife stayed at the peak of the eighth rank, and still failed to enter the list of top-grade top-level spiritual treasures.

Seeing that Wuyingdao stayed at the eighth rank, Lin Mu also tried hard to make Wuyingdao take a step.

However, no matter how hard Lin Mu worked and improved, the Shadowless Knife still had no change in level.

Although the peak of the eighth rank is the same as the ninth rank, it is only a small step.But it was this small step that blocked the Shadowless Knife from the top Lingbao.

In the end, Lin Mu had no choice but to give up, and pinched a few tricks to make the Lingbao take shape, so that the Wuying Knife returned to its original four different appearances.

The reason why the Shadowless Knife has no fixed appearance until now is because the grade of these materials is not enough.

According to Lin Mu's speculation, only the truly top-notch materials in this world can completely shape the Shadowless Knife.However, such materials should not be considered in the realm of comprehension.

It took Lin Mu only one day to refine the Shadowless Knife using the Nameless Time Tower.And in the next few days, use the best spiritual springs collected.Constantly stabilize, and find ways to improve your cultivation.

The top-grade spiritual spring is worthy of being a top-notch good thing. It only took half a time to help Lin Shu's cultivation, and successfully broke through the third floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm and entered the fourth floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

In the Nameless Time Tower, the joy brought about by the improvement of his cultivation made Lin Mu completely forget the passage of time outside.

(End of this chapter)

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