Supreme Chef

Chapter 847

Chapter 847

A day passed, and the injuries on Lin Mu's body finally recovered under the joint effect of the ninth-grade elixir and the "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

"How do you feel? Are you okay?" Seeing that Lin Mu was awake, Xue Linglong asked quickly.

Lin Shu, who escaped from death, also sighed in his heart.

Although the power of Lei Yu is the weakest moment, such power is still not something that Lin Shu can easily bear.

"I'm fine. How long will it take for Lei Yu to reach its weakest moment again?" Lin Mu looked at Taoist Guang and asked.

Taoist Guang glanced outside and said, "There are still five hours."

Lin Mu nodded, and then began to rearrange quickly.

Although he lost his life for the first time, it also made Lin Mu understand the power of this minefield.

Five hours later, Lin Shu with the ninth-grade elixir in his mouth opened the chaotic world again.

This time the opening in the trees was even smaller, but countless quicksilver-like thunders still fell.



This time, relying on the ninth-grade elixir, Lin Mu persisted for two breaths before being knocked over again.

But this is finally an improvement, after all, it is much better than not holding on to a breath just now.

For the next half month, Lin Mu had to walk around the gate of hell every day.

It was also fortunate that Lin Mu swept away such a heaven-defying pharmacy, if not just the ninth-grade elixir, it would be enough to make Lin Mu retreat.

For half a month, the trees consumed five top-level ninth-grade elixir.

These elixir are all the top-level elixir for refining the legendary Heaven-Defying Pill, and if any one is taken out, it will cause a huge sensation.

If people in the comprehension world knew that these five plants of ninth-grade elixir were eaten by peonies like Lin Mu, they would probably go crazy.

As for the consumption of spirit stones, it is even more countless. Basically, the spirit stones brought by Lin Mu himself and the spirit stones obtained by killing people along the way were consumed.

Of course, after consuming so much, it is not without some rewards.At this time, Lin Shu was under the thunder of Lei Yu, and he could hold on for ten breaths.

However, ten breaths is obviously not enough for Lin Mu to escape. According to Taoist Guang's estimate, he will have to persist for at least a quarter of an hour before he can escape smoothly.

After all, the time for the opening of the deserted island secret realm has passed, and it is not so simple to sense the power of space here.

After another half month, Lin Mu could already check for about half a quarter of an hour, but it was still not enough.

It has been delayed for a month, and Lin Mu is also a little anxious.Lin Mu doesn't know the situation in West Jizhou at all. According to Lin Mu's plan, Lin Mu is only going to stay here for a month, but it has been two months now, and it seems that there are two more months, and I am afraid that he can last for a quarter of an hour. time.

"Fight it!" Seeing that the thunder in the thunderfield outside had weakened, Lin Shu gritted his teeth, ready to give it a go.

Nine Star Grass and other five other nine-level elixir were stuffed into his mouth together, and Lin Shu directly tore a thumb-thick hole, allowing the sky thunder in the thunder field to lean upwards.

This time, Lin Mu was ready to fight, so he didn't take any protection, just preparing to resist the thunder.

The sky thunder, like the Milky Way, directly hit Lin Shu's body, almost hitting Lin Shu with just one strike.

However, Lin Shu shook a few times, and finally gritted his teeth and persisted.

"Is he crazy?" Xue Linglong looked at the sky thunder that was like a nine-day waterfall, and said blankly.

"His flawless body has reached the limit of breakthrough, and only this kind of oppression can break through." Taoist Guang said.



The sky thunder continuously scoured and bombarded Lin Shu's body.

"Witch God Body Refining Technique" has been run to the limit by Lin Shu, but it is still unable to resist the destructive power of the sky thunder.

Half a quarter of an hour has passed, which was the limit that Lin Mu could bear before, but at this moment, Lin Mu did not retreat, and continued to persist through gritting his teeth.



Like a scraper, the sky thunder scraped off large pieces of flesh and blood from Lin Shu's body.

Lin Mu has reached perfection in the middle stage of his flawless body, and it is very difficult for him to have anything that can hurt him in the realm of comprehension.Even if it is a ninth-grade spirit treasure, if it hits the body, the tree will only vomit blood at most, and it will definitely not fall off in large and large pieces like now.

Although the whole body was exposed, Lin Mu still did not back down, but still gritted his teeth and persisted.

"Is it really okay for him to fight like this?" Xue Linglong watched from the side, all terrified.

Daoist Guang also said in a solemn tone, "As long as he can survive this test, his flawless body will become great in the cultivation world. Such benefits will be extremely huge for him."

Although it is said that the flawless body has achieved great success in the fairy world or in the cultivation world, the effect is the same.But if Lin Mu can break through the limit and achieve great perfection in the realm of comprehension.It will be of great benefit to Lin Mu to continue to train in the future.The most direct thing is that if Lin Mu continues to break through in the fairy world in the future, the resistance will be much smaller.

Another ten breaths of time passed, and Lin Mu had almost turned into a skeleton, but the ninth-grade elixir that Lin Mu held in his mouth was still not swallowed by Lin Mu.

"Witch God Body Refining Technique" was running crazily, and there were no flesh and blood trees. "Witch God Body Refining Technique" is equivalent to walking directly on the bones.

A streak of jet-black golden light shone on the tree's skeleton, and each and every mysterious rune was deeply engraved on the tree's bone.

These runes may seem disorganized at first glance, but their power as a whole is enough to block the attack of Tianlei.

"Flawless golden bones! He did it! He really did it!" Daoist Guang shouted excitedly when he saw such a scene.

The blood spirit dragon didn't understand what the flawless golden bone meant, but seeing how excited Taoist Guang was, it also knew that Lin Mu had succeeded.

"What is the flawless golden bone?" Xue Linglong asked after seeing that Taoist Guang had calmed down a bit.

Guang Dao said: "Flawless Body, Immortal Body, and Peerless Holy Body. These are the three strongest stages of body training. Although these three stages strengthen the entire body of a person at the same time, there are actually some differences.

The flawless body mainly exercises the human muscles and bones, which will be formed at the time of great achievement.Flawless bones.

The Immortal Body mainly exercises the internal organs, and when it is fully developed, it will become the five elements and five internal organs.

The Peerless Eucharist is the last step, which is to exercise the muscles and membranes of the person. As for what it will be like at the time of Dacheng.I don't know, because since ancient times, no one has truly achieved the Great Accomplishment of the Unparalleled Eucharist. "

The tree with eyes closed all the time opened his eyes suddenly after the bones were completely covered with runes.

At this moment, Lin Mu didn't begrudge those elixirs any more, and swallowed them all in one gulp.

Even if the five-baht top-level ninth-grade elixir is not refined into a elixir, the medicinal effect is the best among the best.

The flesh and blood lost by Lin Shu was made up almost instantly.And it is more tenacious than before.

The flesh and blood have recovered, and the trees are completely fine, and they can walk freely in the Thunder Falls without any harm.

"This is the power of Wuxia Body Dacheng!" Lin Mu was also very satisfied with such power.

With such a strong body, Lin Mu believes that as long as he is not a perfect master of the top Ascension Realm, he should be able to handle it.Even if you can't handle it, you can still run.

(End of this chapter)

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