Supreme Chef

Chapter 848 The Island in the Center of the Thunder Field

Chapter 848 The Island in the Center of the Thunder Field

After his body recovered completely, Lin Mu also let out a deep breath.

Lin Shu exhaled like a sword, directly passing through the thunder sea, blowing away the chaos in front of him.

"This is the perfection of the flawless body. The body is flawless and flawless. Even exhaling can hurt people." Lin Mu is also very satisfied with his current situation.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and Lin Mu's body also felt a tearing pain.

"It seems that if you want to stay completely unharmed in the minefield, you have to surpass the flawless body." Feeling the tearing pain, Lin Mu also waved his hand to close the chaotic world.

Lin Mu doesn't need it now, he has to walk safely in the minefield. What Lin Mu needs to do now is to be able to stay in the minefield until he gets out of the deserted island secret place.

Another day passed, and the trees were completely ready.

"Okay, it's now, we only have one hour, we must hurry up." Taoist Guang said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded, and then waved his hand to put away the chaotic world.

As soon as the chaotic world was put away, the violent thunder field squeezed from all sides.

This is completely different from what Lin Shu felt in the chaotic world.After all, in the chaotic world, all you can feel is the ray of sky.But in the real minefield, what Lin Mu has to face is the entire minefield.

Although Lin Mu is already a flawless body, but being directly in the minefield like this, Lin Mu still feels a lot of pressure.

In an instant, numerous wounds appeared on the body.

It's just that as soon as these wounds appeared, they disappeared immediately.

This is the heaven-defying feature of Wuxia Body Dacheng.

Standing in the middle of the thunder field, Lin Mu looked around at the turbulent sky thunder, and felt a little strange.

This is the minefield, the place where the thunder was produced, but who is it that blocked the minefield here.

The most important thing is, whoever has this ability can block the minefield here.

"Could it be the Four Great Emperors of the Immortal World?" Lin Mu looked around and thought suspiciously.

But soon Lin Mu denied his own idea, because the four great emperors all have Taoism in the cultivation world, it is impossible for them to do such a thing.

"Anyway, there's still time, so I'll take a look around first to see who is blocking the thunderstorm here." Without sensing the power of the space formation, Lin Mu was also ready to look around to see who it was. What kind of method was used to block the minefield here.

Lin Shu is now a flawless physique, and it is not difficult to walk in the minefield.

Lin Mu walked for a while, but did not find any changes.Except for the sky thunder like the ocean, there are sky thunder like the ocean.There is nothing here except Tianlei.

"Could it be that the formation that blocks the thunder is the entire deserted island secret place?" In such a situation, Lin Mu could only think of it like this.

"But even if the deserted island secret realm is a formation, the formation should have an eye."

As Lin Mu walked, he was thinking about the entire deserted island secret.

Because sooner or later, the trees will also ascend, and now that the minefield is locked, the trees will obviously not be able to ascend.Can't ascend, and talk about revenge.


After Lin Mu took two steps, he suddenly felt fluctuations all over his body, and felt that all the thunders were faintly converging in one direction.

Along this direction of flow, the trees are also overflowing rapidly.

Just a few steps sideways, Lin Shu felt the tearing force of space.

"Could it be that this formation is still perfect, and you don't want me to see the secrets here." Lin Mu also lamented that the power of space teleportation would not come sooner or later, and it would only appear when he was about to discover something.

But giving up at this point is obviously not in Lin Mu's character.

The trees advance rapidly, wanting to compete with the transmission power of this space.

The distance from the center is getting closer and closer, and the tearing force of the space is also getting bigger and bigger. Lin Mu feels that he has completely lost his footing.


Finally, when the tree was about to approach the center, a black hole in space directly pulled the tree into it.

And the moment Lin Shu was pulled in, he also punched him.

The fist wind rolled forward, blocking the heavy thunder sea, and Lin Mu also saw a scene that he couldn't imagine.

Lin Mu saw that there was an island in the middle of the minefield.Lin Mu was sure that it was not an illusion, it was a real island.

The island is on the ground in the center of the minefield, and it is safe and sound.The island was not affected by the minefield at all, and among the trees, it seemed that there were people on the island.

It's just that the black hole in space has completely swallowed the tree, and it is no longer possible for the tree to continue exploring the island.

Teleported by the space black hole, Lin Shu's mind is still on the island in the center of the minefield.

"Senior, do you see what's wrong with that island?" Lin Mu couldn't figure it out, so he could only ask Taoist Guang for advice.

Taoist Guang pondered for a moment and then shook his head. Obviously, he didn't know what the island in the middle of the mine field represented.

"I'm afraid it was arranged by the great master in ancient times." Taoist Guang analyzed.

Lin Mudao: "But the matter of not being able to ascend should have happened within 2000 years. Could it be that the ancient master did such a thing, and the fairy world didn't have any sense at all? If the fairy world sensed it, the fairy world would definitely not unstoppable."

Guang Dao said: "I don't know about this either. Only the person who arranges here may be able to answer your question."

Lin Mu also nodded, feeling that it was true that only the person who arranged this place could answer his own question.

After a period of dizziness, Lin Shu appeared on the deserted island again.

However, because the deserted island secret has been closed for more than a month, the deserted island has become a veritable deserted island.

As for the next opening of the deserted island, I am afraid it will have to wait 1000 years.I'm afraid this deserted island will be completely deserted for 1000 years.

Glancing at the deserted island, Lin Mu also gave out his scarlet red, ready to leave at full speed and rush to Xijizhou.

Lin Mu has already wasted too much time, now that there is scarlet, Lin Mu doesn't want to continue to delay on the merciless sea.

"I knew you wouldn't die so easily, so I've been waiting for you." Just as Lin Mu was about to leave, the original wife of Sanxian Island suddenly appeared in front of Lin Mu, and said faintly.

Seeing this original wife, Lin Mu also felt dizzy for a while.Lin Mu really didn't know how the original wife's head grew, and her analytical ability was so terrifying.If I haven't come out for a month, whoever I am will think I'm dead.But she is lucky, just stay here.

"Give me what I want, and I'll let you go to Xijizhou!" The wife of the original wife seemed to be determined by Lin Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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