Supreme Chef

Chapter 849 You Don't Know Me

Chapter 849 You Don't Know Me
Lin Mu looked at his original wife, and said, "You really linger. I completely regret working with you now. If I could be given a chance to start over, I'd rather be chased and killed by those two bastards."

The original wife said: "But you no longer have the opportunity to choose, you only have two choices now, either hand over what I want, or die!"

Lin Mu looked at his wife, and said: "You are so confident, you can definitely kill me. Your ghost husband and the sea monster, they both wanted to kill me, but I ran away. If you do this time If I ran away, then I think the next time I come back, the only thing you have to face is death. If I were you, I would definitely not provoke an enemy with unlimited potential."

The original wife smiled slightly and said: "The two of them were run away by you because they are stupid and they don't understand you."

Lin Mu looked at his original wife and said, "You mean, you know me very well?"

The original wife, said: "Although I don't fully understand you, I think it shouldn't be difficult for me to catch you. This place is completely under my control, and your space rules can't be played here at all." It works."

Lin Mu was not surprised when he heard what the original wife said.With her terrifying psychology, it's not surprising that she did such a thing.Without such an arrangement, Lin Mu would find it abnormal.

Raising his hand and punching out, the space suddenly lit up with waves of ripples, all of Lin Shu's attacks were resolved in circles.

"The layout of the array is good." Lin Mu also commented relaxedly.

Lin Mu's relaxation and calmness made the original wife feel that something was wrong.But what was wrong, she couldn't tell at all.

Lin Mu said: "You are indeed much smarter than them, but you made a fatal mistake, do you know what it is?"


Lin Mu said: "Your most fatal mistake is that you chose the wrong target. You chose me, not anyone else.

If it was anyone else, perhaps he would have died long ago.But if you choose me, you are doomed to failure. "

"Don't be arrogant here. This place has been completely blocked by me. What else can you do?" The original wife also raised her voice to give herself confidence and prevent herself from being affected by the trees.

Lin Mu quietly took out the Heavenly Dragon Bow and Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, and said: "I really can't do anything, I can only shoot through the broken things you arranged!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he directly drew the bow and set the arrow, ready to activate the celestial keel arrow.

Lin Mu didn't have time to waste time here with his original wife, so when Lin Mu came up, he used his most powerful offensive method so far.

The original wife looked at the Heavenly Dragon Bow in Lin Mu's hand, and she didn't care at first.But when she stared at Tianlong Bow for a while, her face suddenly changed drastically.

Because it is completely unable to see the body of the Heavenly Dragon Bow clearly, let alone ascertain what level the Heavenly Dragon Bow is.

The undetectable level, the original wife knows well, it must not be that the Tianlong bow has no level, but the level of the Tianlong bow is too high, which has exceeded her cognition.

"No!" Seeing Lin Mu let go of the bowstring, the original wife also roared.

But it was already too late, the Tianlongbone Arrow made a sharp whistling sound, and passed through many spaces, and the formation arranged by the original wife, in front of the Tianlongbone Arrow, was like paper.Almost without any resistance, it was completely torn apart.

"I still have something to do, so I don't deserve you to play. But in the future, I will definitely visit your Sanxian Island." Lin Mu left such a sentence, and directly controlled Chi Hong to escape quickly.

Even Lin Mu didn't hesitate to risk Chi Hong's disintegration, and forcibly activated Chi Hong's extreme speed, making Chi Hong quickly leave here.

The original wife's wife looked at the scarlet red that she used to follow the trees, but now it became her biggest obstacle, and she gritted her teeth with hatred.

This is shooting herself in the foot. Originally, she was planning to use it to track the trees, but now she didn't expect that it made the trees come true.

Chi Hong's speed was extremely fast, and she completely left her original wife behind in the blink of an eye.

But Lin Mu didn't give up and run away just because he couldn't see her anymore.

Such a terrible woman will never give up easily.She will catch up, it's just a matter of time.

While controlling Chihong to escape, Lin Mu contacted Feng Xing, asked Feng Xing to wait for him in front, and took him to take the relatively safe passage leading to Xijizhou.

Feng Xing was also very excited when he received Lin Mu's voice transmission, and he also brought his younger sister with him, and went to the place Lin Mu told him without stopping.

As for the original wife, of course she didn't intend to let Lin Mu go.

Not to mention that Lin Shu has space rules, which is what he wants most.Even what Lin Mu said, she couldn't let Lin Mu go.

Lin Mu said that when he grows up, he will destroy his Sanxian Island with his own hands.

If it was someone else, the original wife might not believe it.But now it is Lin Mu, a monstrous monk, what Lin Mu said, the original wife believes.And she also believed that if she couldn't catch him this time.I am afraid that soon, I will sink into the bottom of the sea together with my Sanxian Island.

The speed of Lin Mu's practice is too terrifying.For others in the deserted island secret realm, raising two floors is already remarkable.

However, Lin Shu's improvement was twice that of others, and Lin Shu directly improved his cultivation by four floors.From the third level of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, it was directly promoted to the peak of the seventh level of the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

If Lin Mu is given time, the time for Lin Mu's rise may be much shorter than he thought.

Lin Mu has a good saying, it is very unwise to easily provoke an opponent with unlimited potential.

But now that she has been provoked, it is obviously impossible for her to let Lin Mu go.

While sacrificing her flying spirit treasure to keep up with Lin Mu, she met him through a message and gave orders for everything at home.

Obviously she has already made a decision to follow Lin Shu for a long time, no matter if Lin Shu is needed to the end of the world, she does not intend to let Lin Shu go.

Even if she followed Lin Mu and went to Xijizhou together, she would follow without hesitation.

She was a cautious woman, and even more so, a terrifying one.

She knew how to completely wipe things out before the scene.

When Lin Mu arrived at the place agreed with Feng Xing, he saw Feng Xing was waiting for him with his younger sister.

With a wave of Lin Mu's hand, he brought Feng Xing and the two of them into Chihong.

"How is Brother Feng's road scout?" Lin Mu asked.

Feng Xingdao: "The route has not changed, but there have been some changes in some places, but there is no need to worry too much. They are not targeting casual cultivators like us."

"Okay! Then where to go! You control the spaceship!" Lin Mu said to Feng Xing.

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "And don't let anyone approach us, or let any spaceship catch up with us."

Feng Xing nodded heavily, and said, "Then I know what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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