Supreme Chef

Chapter 850 Spiritual Crystal Deposit

Chapter 850 Spiritual Crystal Deposit
After Lin Mu handed over Chi Hong to Feng Xing, he himself was also the general who entered the back and continued to practice.

"Brother is the nine-colored lotus he gave you. I don't think he is very strong, he just crossed the seventh floor of the Tribulation Realm." Feng Xing's younger sister, Feng Fang, blinked beautifully, looking at the room inside and asked .

Feng Xingdao: "Sister, you are only seeing the surface. When I met Brother Lin, his cultivation was only at the third level of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, but he still defeated the No. 40th person at that time with one punch. And Brother knows that even if I made a move at that time, it would be very difficult for me to pass a move under Brother Lin's hands."

After a pause, Feng Xing said: "And think about it, before Brother Lin entered the secret realm of the deserted island, he was only on the third floor of the robbery. But after he came out, he was already on the seventh floor of the robbery. Such talent and potential can be compared with others." Yet?"

After Feng Fang listened, her small mouth also formed an 'o'. Obviously, she didn't expect that Lin Mu was really so powerful.

"Brother, Brother Lin is really so powerful?" Feng Fang said with big eyes blinking beautifully.

Feng Xing nodded heavily, and said: "Brother Lin is much stronger than we thought, and we will definitely not make mistakes by following Brother Lin."

The conversation between Feng Xing and his sister naturally fell into Lin Mu's ears verbatim.But this is not because Lin Mu intends to eavesdrop, but because the crimson itself belongs to Lin Shu, and it is difficult for Lin Mu to hear or not.

Chi Hong headed west all the way, and his wife, the original wife, also chased west all the way, but the two went in completely opposite directions.

Lin Mu practiced in seclusion in the crimson red. In three months, his cultivation base has been completely stabilized. At the same time, he has made a small step forward, but he still hasn't broken through the seventh level of the Tribulation Transcendence.

Feng Xing controls Chi Hong, and advances along the route that has been explored long ago.Although this route is a bit detoured and often encounters inexplicable spatial turbulence, there are indeed no people on this road, which saves a lot of unnecessary trouble.

According to Chi Hong's speed, although this road is a long way around, Lin Mu estimates that in half a year, he can reach Xijizhou no matter what.

The closer he got to Xijizhou, the more uneasy Lin Mu became. After all, when he left, the demon world had already invaded Xijizhou.He didn't know what happened to Liu Yiyi.

Just when Lin Mu was thinking, Chi Hong suddenly stopped, Lin Mu reached out his consciousness, and saw two people standing in front of Chi Hong.

These are two masters who crossed the eighth floor of the tribulation. From the equipment on the two of them, it can be seen that both of them should come from the great sect.

These two people stopped the way, obviously not to ask for directions, they obviously took a fancy to Chi Hong, the ninth-grade flying spirit treasure.

Lin Mu frowned slightly as he looked at the two monks from the eighth floor of the tribulation who came from famous families.Because Feng Xing said that there are very few monk activities here.How could there suddenly be two more monks with such a high level of cultivation, and they are still from the big sect? This is obviously a bit abnormal.

The two of them were obviously not something that Feng Xing brothers and sisters could handle, so Lin Mu also came out from inside.

"Brother Lin." Feng Xing said apologetically when he saw Lin Mu come out.

Because Lin Mu had told him to avoid everyone, but he failed to avoid the two in front of him.

Before Lin Mu opened his mouth, Feng Xing explained directly: "Brother Lin discovered the Spirit Crystal Mine here, and many big forces have entered here to compete for Spirit Crystals. These people usually won't come out, and they won't attack casual cultivators. I I have tried my best to avoid the location of the mine, and I don't know how they appear here."

After hearing Feng Xing's words, Lin Mu's eyes lit up, and he said, "You said that there is a spirit crystal mine here."

Feng Xing nodded, and said: "Yes! It was a casual cultivator who accidentally discovered that there was a Spirit Crystal Mine here, and then the news leaked out for some reason. Then it attracted a large number of forces to compete."

The most important thing for Lin Mu now is the spirit crystal. In order to break through the late stage of the flawless body, Lin Mu has already consumed all the spirit crystals in his chaotic world. Now Lin Mu can be said to be truly destitute.

Lin Mu was still thinking about whether to refine a batch of elixir and replenish spirit crystals after arriving in Xijizhou.As a result, now, some business is delivered directly to the door.

"The people inside come out immediately, or I will destroy your flying spirit treasure." The people outside waited for a long time, but no one came out from inside, and they also shouted loudly.

Lin Mu looked at Feng Xing who was full of guilt, patted Feng Xing on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, don't be so depressed, someone sent us a spirit crystal, we should be happy."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu left Feng Xing and Feng Fang with astonished faces, and came to Chi Hong alone.

Seeing a tree on the seventh floor of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm coming out of it, the two of them couldn't help frowning slightly.

Obviously this is different from what they saw, because they only saw Feng Xing and Feng Fang, but not the trees.

They also came here today because they lost their way, but unexpectedly, they ran into Lin Shu.Especially the ninth-grade flying spirit treasure scarlet red made them even more envious.

You must know that there are many spirit treasures of the ninth rank in the cultivation world, but the flying spirit treasure of the ninth rank is much less sought-after than the defense spirit treasure of the ninth rank.

From their point of view, they lost their way today, not only did they not suffer a loss, but they also got a big deal.

Although the appearance of trees somewhat exceeded their expectations, it was obviously impossible for them to give up.Moreover, the trees are only on the seventh floor of the catastrophe, and they are all on the eighth floor of the robbery, and the two of them will not be able to eat the trees together.

"Is there something wrong with the two who stopped my flying spirit treasure?" Lin Mu asked.

"Something's up! Don't you know that you have entered the restricted area of ​​our Kukai faction? Leave your flying spirit treasure and we will let you go. Otherwise, your flying spirit treasure must be kept, and people must also be left behind!" One of them roared fiercely.

After hearing his threat, Lin Mu smiled lightly and said, "You said this is your restricted flight area, so do you know where this is?"

"Here... eh?" The two of them were already lost, so how could they know where this place is.

Seeing that the two of them couldn't say anything, Lin Mu's expression changed suddenly, and he said, "You two don't even know where this is, so you dare to stop me. This is highway robbery."

Seeing Lin Mu's toughness, the two of them sneered and said, "So what if we block the road and rob it? Hand over your flying spirit treasure, and I'll let the three of you go."

After hearing this, Lin Mu calmed down and said, "It's okay to do what you want? But those who dare to block the way and rob me will have no good end. What do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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