Supreme Chef

Chapter 851 Give You Lessons For Free

Chapter 851 Give You Lessons For Free
"It's a joke, just the three of you, and you still want to do something to us. It's a big joke." After hearing Lin Mu's threat, the two of them also laughed loudly, as if they really heard some joke.

Lin Mu saw the two smiling, and also stared at them smiling, and said, "I also think it's quite funny, two people who are beyond their control, dare to stop me."

"Boy, you..."

Before one of them could speak, the voice stopped abruptly.

At some point, Lin Mu had already appeared in front of him.And at some point, his neck was firmly grabbed by Lin Shu.The half-sentence he didn't say was also caught in his throat abruptly.

Neither of them saw how Lin Mu moved. When they realized it, the person who was not controlled by Lin Mu immediately attacked Lin Mu.

But he is fast, Lin Shu is faster.Lin Mu directly blasted out a Wuhuang fist, and that expert who had crossed the eighth floor of the Tribulation Realm turned into a puddle of powder in an instant.

"Senior and junior don't know Mount Tai with their eyes. I don't know that senior is going to pass by here, so please forgive me. Junior is willing to compensate senior for all losses." Seeing that Lin Mu killed his companion with one move, he still doesn't know how powerful Lin Mu is, He also changed his mouth immediately.

Feng Xing and Feng Fang stood on the crimson, looking at the scene in front of them, they were also shocked.They never imagined that Lin Mu was so powerful, and with just one move, he solved a powerful monk who was one level higher than himself.

"Brother, Big Brother Lin is really as powerful as you said!" Feng Fang also sighed.

Feng Xing swallowed his saliva, with a solemn expression, and said: "No! He is dozens of times stronger than when my brother knew him."

"I don't want your compensation, tell me where is the spirit crystal mine that you are guarding?" Lin Mu asked directly.

"I...I can't say it!" The spirit crystal mine is the sect's biggest secret, so he naturally can't say it. If he did, even if Lin Mu didn't kill him, the sect would not let him go.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Since you don't tell me, I can only do it myself."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Mu directly sacrificed the Divine Consciousness Knife, broke through the cultivator's sea of ​​consciousness, and searched for useful information in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Mu is just looking for information, so it doesn't matter if it hurts his sea of ​​consciousness.

Being searched by Lin Mu like this, the monk also screamed in pain, and kept cursing Lin Mu in his mouth.

However, Lin Mu turned a deaf ear to these curses.

Looking at such domineering trees from behind, Feng Fang also turned pale.

"Sister, your talent is much stronger than that of your brother, but you are too kind. In the world of comprehension, kindness is only used by those who stand at the top of the pyramid, and it is used by those at the bottom of the pyramid. For us, kindness is is our worst enemy, because he would have easily killed us. If it hadn't been for your kindness last time, you would not have been hurt.

Brother Lin's methods are a bit cruel, but have you ever thought about it?If brother Lin can't suppress the two of them today, what will happen to the three of us.Or it will be even more miserable than the two of them. "Feng Xing also took this opportunity to teach his kind sister a lesson.

"Your brother is right. For us, kindness is our greatest enemy. It is a poison that can kill us at any time. You can be kind, but you have to divide it into whoever you are. For the enemy, your kindness will not affect him On the contrary, it will make your relatives suffer, do you think such kindness is what you need?" Lin Mu also appeared in front of Feng Xing brothers and sisters at some time.

Feng Fang listened to the words of elder brother and Lin Mu, and she was also thoughtful. Finally, Feng Fang nodded heavily and said: "Brother, brother Lin, I understand. I will control my kindness in the future, and I will not let you My kindness becomes a sharp knife that hurts my loved ones.”

Feng Xing was also very happy to hear his sister say this, and said, "Thank you, Brother Lin, otherwise I really don't know how to explain it to this little girl."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Brother Feng, should we take her directly to strengthen it?"

Feng Xingdao: "Brother Lin, what do you mean?"

Lin Mudao: "I found the location of their spirit crystal mine from that person's sea of ​​consciousness. Their guards, apart from the two of them who passed the eighth floor of the Tribulation Realm, there is only one master who is on the first floor of the Ascension Realm. That Let me deal with Ascension Realm, and you take your sister with you to deal with the rest."

Feng Xing didn't respond to Lin Mu's words, but Feng Fang said with a look of horror: "Ah! You want me to kill people, I..."

Seeing Feng Fang's face pale with fright, Lin Mu smiled and said, "Of course you don't have to dare this kind of rough work. You can just watch today. Remember, don't close your eyes."

"En! Me! I'll try my best." Feng Fang said after working hard for a long time.

Lin Mu has never been in contact with Feng Fang, but Lin Mu can tell that Feng Fang's kindness is definitely not a disguise.

Lin Mu replaced Feng Xing, personally controlled Chi Hong, and flew towards the Lingjing mine in Konghaimen.

Chi Hong's speed was extremely fast, and in just half an hour, Lin Mu arrived at the location pointed out by the sea of ​​consciousness of the cultivator in the Transcendence Tribulation Realm.

This is a very huge space vortex, tens of kilometers in diameter, stretching across the space, very terrifying.

"There are no spirit crystal deposits here?" Feng Fang looked at the huge space vortex and asked suspiciously.

Lin Mudao: "The spirit crystal mine is hidden in the space vortex, let's observe it for a while and go in later."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu manipulated Crimson, hid aside, and observed the space vortex.

The three of them waited for two hours near the space vortex, and a small flying spirit treasure flew out of the space vortex.

Lin Mu manipulated Chi Hong to quietly follow the small flying spirit treasure. When he was sure that there was no one behind him, Lin Mu made a sudden move and directly controlled the small flying spirit treasure.

The sudden appearance of Lin Shu also gave a big jump to the cultivator who was controlling the Flying Spirit Treasure.

However, he is only crossing the tribulation level, not to mention Lin Mu, even Feng Xing is no match for him.

Controlling the elders on the first floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, Lin Mu also went directly to the back warehouse to check the quality of the spirit stones delivered.

"Most of them are high-grade spirit stones. It seems that the quality of this spirit stone mine is very good." Lin Mu said the same to himself while holding the spirit stones in his hand.

After checking the quality of the ore, Lin Mu also came out from behind again, looked at the cultivator on the first floor of Transcending Tribulation Realm, and said, "Answer my question honestly, and I will spare you."


Before he could finish speaking, Lin Mu suddenly crushed one of his arms.

Lin Mu used both yin and yang qi, so if he lost his arm, he lost it.Unless there is someone who knows how to use yin and yang qi better than Lin Mu, it is possible to help him mend his arms.

"Don't say anything tough to me, if you want to be tough, I don't mind turning you into an idiot!" Lin Mu said lightly.

Lin Mu's ruthlessness also frightened the elder at the first level of Transcending Tribulation Realm. Of course, Feng Xing's younger sister, Feng Fang, was frightened at the same time.

Lin Mu looked back at Feng Fang and said with a smile, "This counts as my free class for you."

(End of this chapter)

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