Supreme Chef

Chapter 854

Chapter 854

The leader saw that Lin Mu recognized his identity, and he was very proud, saying: "Boy, you still have some knowledge, since you know our identity, leave your storage ring and flying spirit treasure, and I will let you go .”

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to what he said, but said: "How is the current situation of Xuannv Palace?"

The leader of the Demon Sect was taken aback when he heard Lin Mu's question, but he still said arrogantly: "You still know the Xuannv Palace. Since you know the Xuannv Palace, you should know the strength of the Xuannv Palace. Don't be afraid to tell me You, the Xuannv Palace is now besieged by my demon gate and is in danger, if you are sensible..."

"What did you say!" Before he could finish speaking, he felt a fierce murderous aura that enveloped him firmly, making him unable to move at all.

He was only at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, not to mention facing Lin Mu, even facing Feng Xing and Feng Fang, he was completely powerless to fight back.

The reason why he dared to be so arrogant was just relying on the name of the Demon Sect.

"Say it again, how is Xuannv Palace?" Lin Mu asked in a cold voice.

Hearing this, he also understood that the person in front of him obviously has a lot of connections with Xuannv Palace.

"Xuannu Palace is fine, it's just..."

"Just say what!" Lin Mu asked with a colder voice.

"It's just that the Xuannv Palace is indeed under siege, but there is no worry for the time being." The leader dared to delay, and directly said everything he knew.

Lin Mu also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Xuannv Palace was free from worries for the time being.

"Tell me how the situation in West Jizhou is now, how many forces has the demon world occupied?" Lin Mu asked.

"Yes Yes!"

At that moment, the man from the Demon Sect who was at the peak of the God Transformation Realm told Lin Mu everything he knew.

After hearing the narration of this demon, Lin Mu realized that the situation in Xijizhou was much worse than he imagined.

Under the leadership of the Demon Realm, [-]% of West Jizhou has already fallen.

Up to now, apart from the four nine-star sects, only the two eight-star sects of Taixuan Mountain and Zhenyang Sect are still there.

As for those below eight stars, either they were wiped out by the Demon Sect, or they took refuge in the Demon Realm.

If it weren't for the existence of half-immortal artifacts in the four nine-star sects, perhaps these four schools would have been wiped out long ago.


When Lin Mu raised his hand, he abolished the dantian of those people from the Demon Sect, and said, "You can go."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu directly controlled Chi Hong, and quickly rushed towards the Xuannv Palace.

Because of Liu Yiyi's heart, Lin Shu's speed was also increased to the maximum.

Flying all the way, what the three of Lin Mu saw were all ruined ridges and ruins, and everything they saw was desolate.

Although the aura of Xijizhou is not as good as that of Dongxuanzhou, Xijizhou is not so dilapidated.

"En." While flying, Lin Shu's brows suddenly raised slightly, and the next moment Lin Shu disappeared above the crimson.

When Feng Xing and Feng Fang saw the trees disappear, they quickly drove Chi Hong to follow.

The two of them don't have the perverted speed of Lin Shu.

When Feng Xing and Feng Fang arrived, they happened to see Lin Mu standing in front of two monks, a man and a woman. Opposite Lin Mu, there were two hideous creatures, which could not be said to be spirit beasts or sea monsters.

"Brother, is this a creature from the Demon Realm?" Feng Fang asked looking at the two hideous-looking creatures covered in darkness.

Feng Xing is not sure if this is a creature from the demon world, but he can be sure that there must be no such creature in the realm of comprehension.

A man and a woman, who were blocked by the trees, looked at the strange man in front of them, and they were also puzzled.

But the two of them knew that this man had no malice towards them, and he came to save them.

"Senior, those two creatures from the demon world are very powerful, senior, be careful." The male cultivator cupped his hands behind Lin Mu to remind him.

Seeing the two monsters, Lin Mu didn't pay attention, and just slapped them with two big hands of true energy.

The two monster creatures on the opposite side are indeed not weak, and their cultivation bases are almost equivalent to the fifth level of the God Transformation Realm. If the physical strength is counted, their strength can probably be compared with a monk who has completed the God Transformation Realm.However, what they encountered was Lin Mu, and Lin Mu's two masters of true energy went down, and the two demon creatures were directly patted into meat sauce by Lin Mu.

Seeing how easy it is for the trees, he photographed the two demon creatures into meat sauce.The man and woman who were protected by the trees behind them also couldn't help but gasped.

"Thank you senior for saving your life, junior Zhenyangmen Wang Kangkang." Wang Kangkang cupped his hands and bowed deeply.

Lin Mu turned to look at Wang Kangkang, smiled and said, "Brother Wang, don't you know me? I haven't seen you for a few years. Brother Wang's memory won't be that bad, right?"

When Wang Kangkang took a closer look, he was suddenly startled, and said, "Brother Lin is you!"

Wang Kangkang would never have thought that the person who saved them would be Lin Mu.What made Wang Kangkang even more bitter was that when he met Lin Shu back then, Lin Shu was only at the third level of Golden Core.

It's a big level lower than myself, and even more.

But now, I can't see through Lin Shu's cultivation at all.

Zhu Yu, who was following Wang Kangkang, looked at Lin Shu with shock in his eyes.

When she met Lin Mu back then, she didn't give Lin Mu any good looks.If Wang Kangkang hadn't woken herself up by scolding her in time, perhaps she would have caused a catastrophe that day.

"Brother Wang, let's leave here first, how about we talk as we walk?" Lin Mu looked at Wang Kangkang who was still in shock and said.

Wang Kangkang nodded and said, "Okay!"

Wang Kangkang and Zhu Yu went up to Chihong, Wang Kangkang was so shocked that he had nothing to say.

Wang Kangkang never thought that he would be able to ride a ninth-rank flying spirit treasure once in his lifetime.

As for Zhu Yu, since seeing Lin Mu, he hasn't said a word.This time, it wasn't because she looked down on Lin Mu, but because she didn't dare to speak.

Lin Mu glanced at Zhu Yu, whose hair was already in a bun, and then at Wang Kangkang, who understood that the two were married.

And Lin Mu didn't care about the little things back then.

"Brother Wang, you are married, I don't even know, this is my congratulatory gift for the two of you." Lin Mu took out a space ring, handed it to Wang Kangkang and Zhu Yu and said.

Wang Kangkang took the interspatial ring, just glanced at it, his face changed drastically, and then he pushed it to Lin Mu and said: "Brother Lin, your gift is too heavy, I can't take it."

Among the space rings that Lin Mu gave to Wang Kangkang, in addition to the 100 million top-grade spirit stones, there was also the God Transformation Pill that Wang Kangkang and Zhu Yu needed most now to break through the Nirvana Realm.

Not to mention the 100 million top-grade spirit stones, but the God Transformation Pill is already beyond the reach of the two of them.

Lin Mu didn't accept the ring, but said: "Brother Wang, I don't have many friends in Xijizhou, but Brother Wang is definitely one. There is nothing important or not between friends. And when I was in the pharmacy, Brother Wang also helped me."

Wang Kangkang smiled wryly and said: "Brother Lin was in the hospital back then, even without me, I believe Brother Lin would be fine."

Lin Mu said: "No matter what, Brother Wang is my Lin Mu's friend. If Brother Wang refuses to buy these things, he will look down on me, Lin Mu."

Wang Kangkang glanced at Lin Mu, then he could only sigh, and accepted the great gift from Lin Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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