Supreme Chef

Chapter 855 The Weakness of Human Nature

Chapter 855 The Weakness of Human Nature
After accepting the gift from Lin Mu, Wang Kangkang also had too many questions in his heart and wanted to ask Lin Mu.

"Brother Lin said that you went to East Xuanzhou, why are you still in West Jizhou?" This was the first question in Wang Kangkang's mind.

Because Lin Mu offended at the same time back then, Taixuan Mountain and the Hunyuan faction were hunted down by both factions at the same time, and then Lin Mu disappeared without a trace.

Some said that Lin Mu was beheaded by Taixuan Mountain and the Hunyuan faction jointly, and some said that Lin Mu fled to Dongxuanzhou.

But Wang Kangkang is more willing to believe that Lin Mu went to Dongxuanzhou, because Wang Kangkang does not believe that people like Lin Mu will be killed.

Lin Mudao: "I did go to Dongxuanzhou, but now I'm back."

When Wang Kangkang heard Lin Mu's words, his expression changed, and he said, "Brother Lin's teleportation array leading to Xijizhou has been destroyed by the demon gate. How did you get to Dongxuanzhou?"

Lin Mu said: "It's a bit complicated to talk about, but now I'm back."

Wang Kangkang nodded, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Brother Lin, I would like to ask, what is your cultivation level now, Brother Lin?"

"Crossing the seventh floor of the tribulation." Lin Mu said.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Wang Kangkang couldn't help but smiled wryly again, and said, "Brother Lin was only at the third level of Golden Core back then. In just a few years, Brother Lin, you have pulled me so far away."

Lin Mudao: "Brother Wang, you are not bad. These years, from the ninth floor of the Nascent Soul to the completion of the Nirvana Realm, this speed is very fast even in Dongxuanzhou."

Wang Kangkang said: "In the past, I really thought my speed was fast, but now seeing you, Brother Lin, I think I'm really too slow."

"Have you and Brother Lin not seen each other for a few years?" Feng Fang also asked curiously.

Hearing Feng Fang's question, Wang Kangkang also quickly replied: "Returning to the senior, it has been almost 15 years since Brother Lin and I parted ways."

"What! Ten years!" Feng Fang's face suddenly changed after hearing Wang Kangkang's words.

"Are you sure that when you met Brother Lin back then, Brother Lin was only at the third level of Golden Core?" Feng Fang asked seriously.

Wang Kangkang said: "This junior dare not lie. When I met Brother Lin, he really only had the third level of Golden Core."

"It only took 15 years from the third level of Jindan to the seventh level of Transcending Tribulation. Brother Lin, are you still human?" Feng Fang looked at Lin Mu, completely unbelievable, what Wang Kangkang said was true.

It took Wang Kangkang 15 years to go from the perfection of the Nascent Soul Realm to the perfection of the Nirvana Realm, and Feng Fang could still understand it, but she couldn't understand Lin Mu from the third level of the Golden Core to the seventh level of the Tribulation Realm.

Is this speed still human? In 15 years, many people may not even be able to break through a small level, but Lin Mu abruptly broke through from the third level of Jindan to the seventh level of Transcending Tribulation Realm.

In fact, Feng Xing was also very surprised at this time, if his sister hadn't asked.Feng Xing thought that Lin Mu and Wang Kangkang had been separated for hundreds of years, but he never thought that the separation between the two was only 15 years.

Fifteen years may be a very long time for ordinary people, but for cultivators, especially those who have crossed the Tribulation Realm like them.

Fifteen years may not be enough time for them to retreat once.

Lin Mu was a little embarrassed by Feng Fang's look, and said: "You see, I am not human, point it out and I will change it."

Feng Fang was not amused by Lin Mu's joke, but walked around the tree, circle after circle, as if wanting to see what Lin Mu was made of.

Although Wang Kangkang was also surprised, in his opinion, there was nothing Lin Mu couldn't do.

"Brother Lin, how did you cultivate?" Feng Fang was still very puzzled after turning around a few times.

Lin Mu said: "You definitely won't want to practice like me."

Feng Fang said: "Brother Lin, tell me how you cultivated."

Lin Mudao: "If you are willing to be hunted down every day, I think your cultivation should improve as fast as mine."

Feng Fang didn't expect that Lin Mu's so-called cultivation means being hunted down every day.Thinking of being chased and killed every day, Feng Fang stuck out her tongue, expressing that she was completely unwilling to practice like this.

But what Lin Mu said was the truth, it seemed that since he arrived in the realm of comprehension, he had never stopped being hunted down.

Especially in those years in Xijizhou, it seemed that Lin Shu was running away and running away every day.

After the fall of Dongxuanzhou, although he didn't have to run away every day, running away took up most of his time.

But what I have to say is that every time he escapes, Lin Mu will gain something.Of course, this doesn't just mean that Lin Mu's luck is good, all of Lin Mu's luck comes from his own little life.

Lin Mu said to Feng Xing and Feng Fang: "Although you don't have to be like me, continuous fighting is indeed a shortcut to quickly improve your cultivation. You two should be able to fully see this from Brother Wang."

Wang Kangkang also took up the conversation, saying: "Indeed. In the past few years of constant fighting, I really feel that my cultivation has improved rapidly. Almost every time I fight to the death, my cultivation will improve a lot."

"By the way, Brother Wang, you are not at Zhenyang Gate, why did you come here?" Lin Mu didn't have time to ask questions, and now it was finally Lin Mu's turn to ask.

Hearing Lin Mu mentioning Zhenyangmen, Wang Kangkang and Zhu Yu couldn't help but darken their expressions.

Wang Kangkang said: "Brother Lin no longer has the Zhenyang Gate."

"There is no True Yang Gate?" Lin Mu also asked rhetorically.

Wang Kangkang nodded, and then said sadly: "Brother Lin's Zhenyang Sect has been destroyed by the Demon Realm. The entire sect, only Zhu Yu and I escaped, and the rest died."

"What, your True Yang Gate has also been destroyed!"

Lin Mu just got the news from the disciples of the Demon Sect that the True Yang Sect was still there, and now he got the news that the True Yang Sect was destroyed.This speed is too fast. If this speed is followed, it will only be a matter of time before the Xuannv Palace is destroyed.

Lin Mu frowned and said, "Brother Wang, is West Jizhou really in danger?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Wang Kangkang was full of resentment, and said: "Although the strength of Xijizhou is the worst among the four continents, it is not at all like this. When you were here, brother Lin, although the demon world was also aggressive , but the strength of the people who came from the devil world is not very strong.

If the people from West Jizhou were at that time, they would have joined forces early.Maybe it's easy to block the entrance from the demon world to Xijizhou.But at that time, no one paid attention to these things at all, and when the demon world really invaded, we had a chance to hold our ground.

But everyone was fighting on their own, and none of them wanted to be cannon fodder, so in the end, they were defeated one by one.As a result, most of the places now fall into the hands of the Demon Realm. "

After a pause, Wang Kang almost gritted his teeth and said: "Actually, even if most of the land falls into the hands of the demon world, Xijizhou is not in danger. Because Xijizhou still has a lot of vitality hidden in the dark. But these Humans are all about nothing to do with themselves, and they think that there will be no problem if they hide. They don't understand at all what is the truth that there will be no eggs under the collapse of the nest."

(End of this chapter)

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