Supreme Chef

Chapter 857 If I want to leave, no one can stop me

Chapter 857 If I want to leave, no one can stop me
Hearing the words from the same door behind them, Wangqing Lin Mu and Liu Yiyi also reacted.

Liu Yiyi looked at her peers around her with envious and surprised gazes, and her pretty face was slightly red, but as long as there were trees around, Liu Yiyi felt that nothing was important.

Liu Yiyi and Lin Mu joined hands, followed the disciples of Xuannv Palace, and entered the main hall of Xuannv Palace together.

It was the first time Lin Mu had such close contact with the head of Xuannv Palace.

"You are Lin Mu?" The head of Xuannv Palace, looking at Lin Mu who was holding hands with his most proud apprentice, also frowned slightly.

Lin Mu knew her, but she didn't know Lin Mu.At that time, Lin Mu was in Xijizhou. Although he was in the limelight, it was because Lin Mu offended others.

Xuannv Palace has never been involved in these matters, so the head of Xuannv Palace only has a rough impression of Lin Mu.

"I am Lin Mu!" Facing the head of Xuannv Palace, Lin Mu said calmly, holding Liu Yiyi's hand without any fear.

In the past, Lin Shu's cultivation was not good enough, so he had to bow his head.But now Lin Mu is already at the peak of the seventh level of Transcending Tribulation, coupled with the completion of the flawless body, and various means.

Even if Lin Mu couldn't beat the palace lord, if Lin Mu wanted to run, no one could stop him, so Lin Mu didn't have to have any fear at all.

Lin Mu's attitude obviously made the head a little unhappy, and his brows were also slightly frowned.

"Are you here to take Yiyi away?" the headmaster asked again.

When Liu Yiyi heard what her master said, she was afraid that her master would disagree, so she held Lin Mu's hand subconsciously tighter.

Before Lin Mu could speak, an elder spoke, and said sarcastically, "Just because you want to take away the saint from my Xuannv Palace, it's simply fantastic."

"Second Elder, Lin Mu and I really love each other, please let the head and all the elders help each other." Liu Yiyi also stood up quickly and said nervously.

Lin Mu looked at the nervous Liu Yiyi, smiled slightly, and said, "Yiyi, don't worry, I want to take you away, no one can stop you."

"Presumptuous! Do you think Xuannv Palace is a place where you can come if you say it, and you can leave if you say it!" An elder on the second floor of the Ascension Realm who was standing under the head of the sect, heard Lin Mu's words, and immediately spoke angrily.

What Lin Mu hates the most is this kind of arrogant and self-righteous person. He also snorted coldly and said, "If I want to leave, you can't stop me."

"Looking for death!" Seeing Lin Mu's arrogance, the elder Ascension Realm who spoke also raised his hand to grab Lin Mu.

"Second Elder calm down, Lin Mu didn't mean that, Lin Mu didn't intend to offend Second Elder." Liu Yiyi also stepped in front of Lin Mu, pleading for Lin Mu.

Seeing the most proud disciple in his sect standing in front of Lin Mu, the second elder also sighed.

Lin Mu protected Liu Yiyi behind him, and said: "Yiyi, I said, I will protect you. And I really don't think she can do anything to me."

"Boy, you are courting death. For Yiyi's sake, I have already let you go once. You still don't know how to advance or retreat. Today I must teach you a lesson." After the second elder finished speaking, he slapped his palm again, and Capture the trees.

Liu Yiyi was blocked by Lin Mu, and she was too anxious to help.

Lin Mu looked at the falling palm, and greeted it with a fist.


Lin Mu already had a flawless body, and in terms of physical tyranny, none of the people present was a match for Lin Mu.


Lin Mu let out a low cry, and exerted force with one arm. The huge force directly broke the opponent's big hand with real essence.

Seeing his big hand with real essence, Bie Linmu broke open with brute force, and the expression of the second elder also changed suddenly.

The head of Xuannv Palace looked at Lin Shu and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If you have this ability, it may not be easy to stop me." Lin Mu said sarcastically.

"court death!"

Being ridiculed by the trees made the Second Elder very upset, and with a low shout, she also flew out in one step and came straight to the trees.

Seeing that she had such a big desire to directly capture himself to save face, Lin Mu also smiled slightly.

Lin Mu stepped out and went directly to meet him.

Facing the Ascension Realm, Lin Mu's most powerful and biggest trump card is his incomparable Flawless Body.


Facing the second elder's palm, Lin Mu also punched directly.

Seeing that Lin Mu wanted to fight himself recklessly, the corner of the Second Elder's mouth showed a sneer of contempt.

The head of Xuannv Palace, who was sitting in the head position, frowned slightly when he saw that Lin Mu was going to fight head-on with his second elder.

Because in her opinion, Lin Mu doesn't look like an idiot, how could she do such an idiot thing.

"No! Second Elder, be careful! Retreat quickly!" But in just an instant, the head of Xuannv Palace figured everything out, and hurriedly shouted to make the Second Elder retreat.

But she shouted a bit late, because Lin Mu's punch had already hit her palm directly.

The Second Elder didn't understand what was going on at all, and felt an irresistible force pouring directly into her body, and her internal organs were severely injured almost instantly.

The tendons on half of the body were broken inch by inch.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out, and the second elder was also punched back by Lin Mu.

Seeing the second elder flying backwards, all the Xuannv Palace disciples present were dumbfounded.

Lin Mu was only on the seventh floor of Transcending Tribulation, but he punched the second elder who was on the second floor of Ascension Realm flying.

Even Liu Yiyi couldn't believe it at this time, just now Lin Mu really punched back the second elder.

Only Feng Xing and Feng Fang were quite calm, because they had seen with their own eyes that Lin Shu's arrow blasted a strong man who had ascended to the first level.So now they don't find it strange to punch an elder on the second floor of Ascension Realm flying.

Lin Mu simply couldn't think with the thinking of a normal person. In the eyes of others, a master of Ascension Realm was already at the top of the cultivation world.It is impossible for anyone to defeat, but in Lin Mu, these so-called barriers and rules do not exist at all.

Seeing his elder spurting blood and flying backwards, the head of Xuannv Palace finally couldn't sit still.Stepping forward, he caught the second elder who flew back, and at the same time immediately took out a elixir, and stuffed it into the second elder's mouth.

After finishing all this, the head of Xuannv Palace was relieved.

"Are you a body refiner?" The headmaster looked at Lin Mu, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lin Mu didn't answer her question, because Lin Mu didn't think it was necessary.

"I am the sect leader... Puff!" The second elder opened his eyes, and just about to speak, another mouthful of blood spewed out.

Seeing the second elder vomit blood again, the sect leader also checked immediately, but after checking, the sect leader's heart also moved slightly.

Because the injury that had just stabilized had worsened again.You must know that the elixir she took out is a top-notch healing medicine. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this at all.

"Second Elder Lin Mu is very kind to me on weekdays, can you save the Second Elder?" Liu Yiyi has been with her master all year round, so she naturally knows what her master's every expression means.

Lin Mu took out a bottle of elixir, threw it over and said, "Eat this."

"I won't take your elixir even if I die." The second elder said stiffly.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "Whether you like to eat or not, your cultivation base will be destroyed in the end, and it has nothing to do with me. You can be tough if you want to, and I won't admire you anyway."

"You..." The second elder was so angry at Lin Mu's words that he spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Eat it." The master poured out a pill and said to the second elder.

(End of this chapter)

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