Supreme Chef

Chapter 858

Chapter 858
The second elder glanced at the sect leader, but still took the pill and ate it.

She knew in her heart that if her head was to deal with her injury, Fan Fan could do something about it.He would not let himself eat the pill thrown by Lin Mu.

"Are you a body refiner?" After confirming that the second elder was fine, the sect head looked at Lin Mu again and asked.

Lin Mudao: "It can be regarded as a half-body cultivator."

Lin Mu's answer made the head of Xuannv Palace frowned again.Obviously, in her opinion, Lin Mu is just perfunctory herself.

Yes is yes, no is no, what is half.

But she didn't continue to ask, Lin Mu had already shown his strength.Lin Mu already has strength, so he is perfunctory here.

"Where are you going to take Yiyi?" the headmaster asked.

Lin Mudao: "I'm going to take Yiyi to leave Xijizhou and go to Dongxuanzhou."

The head of Xuannv Palace glanced at Liu Yiyi, finally sighed, and said, "That's fine. At least you can go to Dongxuanzhou to be safer. If you want to leave, take Yiyi with you."

Liu Yiyi didn't expect that her master didn't stop her at all, so she was a little surprised.

But soon Liu Yiyi's eyes turned red, and she understood why the master was like this.

"Master, I..."

The head of Xuannv Palace waved his hand and said: "Yiyi, you don't need to say it, you grew up under the watch of the master. The master knows what you think. The master doesn't want you to leave, but stay in Xijizhou, the master I can't be sure if I can protect you. Before, the master was worried that Lin Mu was not strong enough to protect you. But now it seems that the master's worries are unnecessary."

"Master..." Liu Yiyi also shed tears when she heard her master's words.

This was the first time Liu Yiyi cried since she was born, and it was also the most emotional time she cried.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mu was also moved in his heart.Lin Mu originally thought that he would have to work hard to take Liu Yiyi away.Even Lin Mu made the plan to steal people, but he didn't expect that the head of Xuannv Palace would let him take people away just like this.

"Actually, you can also leave West Jizhou with me. I know a relatively safe route to Dongxuanzhou." Lin Mu said with a sigh.

Lin Mu's heart is still too soft after all.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the head of the Xuannv Palace didn't feel moved at all, but said: "Lin Mu, I appreciate your kindness. But I can't go with you. I was born in Xijizhou and grew up in Xijizhou Continent. West Jizhou has my Xuannv Palace, the foundation of the joint efforts of the heads of all generations. It is impossible for me to leave here."

The head of Xuannv Palace paused, and said: "And I don't want to watch, Xijizhou is occupied by the demon world. There are still many cultivators in Xijizhou who are unable to leave. If we all leave, they can only live forever." Being enslaved by the Demon Realm, this is not the result I want to see."

The second elder looked at the trees and said with resentment: "We are different from you. We have our own responsibilities. We cannot just walk away. We grew up in this land and we have to be responsible for this land."

Apparently the Second Elder was still very concerned about Lin Mu's behavior just now, so when he spoke, he was very rude.

After listening to the words of the head of Xuannv Palace and the second elder, Lin Mu couldn't help being awed, and then bowed and said solemnly: "It was the boy who offended me a moment ago, and I am here to apologize to the head and the second elder."

Lin Mu is a selfish person, but he also respects those who fight for righteousness.

Lin Mu's sudden movement made the Second Elder slightly taken aback. She never thought that Lin Mu would apologize to herself, and he was still so solemn.

"Lin Mu, can we leave West Jizhou after a while? I don't want to leave Master and the others. Without Master, I wouldn't be where I am today. I can't just leave like this." The more Liu Yiyi said, the more confident she became.

She knew that Lin Mu had gone through a lot of hardships to come to Xijizhou from Dongxuanzhou.And he had to risk being killed by the demon world, just to pick himself up and leave.But now I want to make such an excessive request.

Lin Mu looked at Liu Yiyi whose voice was getting lower and lower, and said with a smile: "Yiyi will do as you say, anyway, I still have some things to deal with in Xijizhou."

Seeing that Lin Mu agreed, Liu Yiyi was also excited and said, "Thank you, Lin Mu!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "You don't need to thank me from now on."

Liu Yiyi looked at Lin Shu, blushed slightly, and nodded.

"If you don't mind Lin Mu, you can stay in Xuannv Palace with your friends, and I will ask someone to create a separate courtyard for you to live in." The head of Xuannv Palace also directly invited.

There is no doubt about Lin Mu's strength, and the two strong men who followed Lin Mu are also real.

Facing the attack of the demon world now, constantly recruiting experts is to continuously improve one's self-protection ability.

"Master, the people from the Demon Sect suddenly attacked, and they have already entered Xuannv City." A blood-soaked disciple of Xuannv Palace rushed in to report.

"What!" Hearing this female disciple's report, the Second Elder and the others suddenly changed their expressions.

"Master, I'll take someone to see it first." Wen Fei also took the initiative to stand up and said.

The head of the sect nodded and said: "You go with the second elder, and the teacher will arrive later."

"Yes! Master!"

"Yes! Sect Master!"

The sudden attack by the magic sect really caught Xuannvgong by surprise.

Although everyone knew that after the Demon Realm wiped out the Eight-Star Sect, it was going to attack the Nine-Star Sect.But the first choice of Xuannv Palace is still a bit puzzling.

First, the strength of the Xuannv Palace is almost comparable to that of the Hunyuan Sect.

Second, the geographical location of Xuannv Palace is the easiest to defend and difficult to attack among all the sects in Xijizhou.

No matter where you look at it, the Demon Realm shouldn't choose the Xuannv Palace as the first target.

"Master, Lin Mu and I, let's go to the front and help too." Liu Yiyi said immediately when she heard that the demon world was coming.

The headmaster shook his head and said, "Yiyi, go and see the situation of the Great Elder. If the Great Elder's retreat is over, you can bring the Great Elder with you."

After a pause, the headmaster said to Lin Mu: "Lin Mu, can you come with me, please?"

Lin Mu said: "No problem."

When Lin Mu and the head of Xuannv Palace appeared in Xuannv City together, he saw that under the leadership of the second elder and others, the hole in Xuannv City that was torn by the demon gate had been successfully blocked.

"This should be someone from the 36 doors of the Demon Sect, right?" Lin Mu said, looking at the attacking members of the Demon Sect below.

The head of Xuannv Palace nodded, and said: "Indeed it is. But it's not entirely true, because the demon world is powerful, and many sects in Xijizhou have fallen into the demon world. These people, It is estimated that they are those people sent by the Demon Sect as cannon fodder."

Lin Mu looked at these people and said with a sneer, "They don't want to be cannon fodder for their own homeland, but they want to go to be cannon fodder for the Demon Sect. The thinking of these people is really strange."

The head of Xuannv Palace also sighed, and said: "If Xijizhou can watch and help each other, it will definitely not be like the current situation."

Lin Mudao: "Looking at the scale, they are just here to test, Wen Fei and the others should be able to withstand it."

Just as the head of Xuannv Palace was about to agree, his face suddenly changed, and then a red jade slip appeared in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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