Supreme Chef

Chapter 859

Chapter 859
The red jade slips of messengers are very rare in the world of comprehension. Generally, such red jade slips are only used in critical situations.

"Did something happen, senior?" Lin Mu also asked aloud.

The head of Xuannv Palace said: "Craftsman City has been invaded by the army of the Demon Sect, and it is now in danger."

Lin Mu was slightly surprised when he heard the words of the head of Xuannv Palace.When I participated in the alchemy competition in Xijizhou, the president helped me a lot.

Lin Mu looked at the demon sect people who continued to attack the Xuannv Palace below, and said: "It seems that these people are just restraining you, and the purpose is to prevent you from sending people to rescue."

The head of Xuannv Palace said: "That's true, the key is that none of us know if we send people over, will this still be a trap."

The worry of the head of Xuannv Palace is not unreasonable. If they really send a master to go there, if the magic door comes back with a carbine, it will be too late for them to return to defense.

"The Craftsman City has to be rescued. If the Craftsman City is breached, there may be no hope for Xijizhou to defeat the Demon Realm. Lin Mu asks you and Yiyi to stay in the Xuannv Palace and take people to the Craftsman City." Xuannv Palace Palm The door pondered for a moment, but also made a decision.

Lin Mudao: "Senior, I will go. The president is kind to me, so I have to go. And my speed is much faster than the president. The key is that my departure will not cause any reaction from the Demon Gate."

The head of Xuannv Palace thought about it, and said: "Then I will ask the second elder to bring someone to accompany you."

Lin Mu shook his head, and said: "It doesn't take so many people, I just take Feng Xing and Feng Fang there, the goal is too big if there are too many people. And I guess the Demon Sect is also surrounding the Craftsman City now, and they don't want to fight. The purpose is to wait for you to rescue."

After a pause, Lin Mu asked: "Senior, the red jade slip should not have been issued by the president, right?"

The head of Xuannv Palace nodded and said, "It's true that the president didn't send it."

Lin Mu also nodded and said, "If it wasn't for the long hair, then I'm more sure that the situation in Carpenter City is not that critical. At least it's not as critical as it is written on the jade slip, and I think Carpenter There should be the most masters in the division city."

The head of Xuannv Palace said: "There are indeed many masters gathered in the craftsman city. After the invasion of the demon world, many casual masters took the initiative to join the craftsman city. The strength of the craftsman city is no better than that of any nine-star sect. Difference."

Lin Mu said: "That's it. I'll check the situation first. After I've confirmed the situation, I'll send a letter back. At that time, it won't be too late for Senior to bring someone there."

After hearing Lin Mu's analysis, the head of Xuannv Palace also felt that Lin Mu's analysis was reasonable, so he nodded and said, "Okay! Then I will trouble you."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I'm also a member of Xijizhou, although I'm not that generous. But the president is kind to me, and I will go there regardless of the reason."

The head of Xuannv Palace said: "In this troubled world, there are very few people who can think of you without forgetting their kindness."

Lin Mu thanked her, took Feng Xing and Feng Fang with her, and drove Chi Hong to leave Xuannv Palace.

Seeing that the flying spirit treasures that Lin Mu took out were all ninth grade, the head of Xuannv Palace sighed again.At the same time, she also somewhat understood why Lin Mu could come across the Ruthless Sea from Dongxuan Continent.

I have been to the woods in the craftsman city, so the roads are still very clear.

At this time, in the Craftsman City, the president, a group of elders from the Craftsman City, and all the elders from the Ascension Realm who defected to the city stood on the tallest Craftsman Tower in the Craftsman City, watching the entire battle situation.

The Demon Sect sent quite a few masters this time, two Ascendant Realm masters, six Ascendant Realm masters, and hundreds of Tribulation Realm masters.As for the monks under the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, there are countless of them.

"Haha! It's been so many years, I haven't played so well. Little devil, come again!" The wine fairy Jiao Feiyang gulped down the fine wine from the gourd, and roared boldly.

However, the master of the Ascension Realm of the Demon Sect opposite Jiao Feiyang, the Immortal of Wine, had a dignified expression at this time.

He never thought that Jiao Feiyang's strength would be so much higher than his own.From the beginning until now, he has been suppressed by Jiao Feiyang.

"Both the president Hunyuan Sect and the Shenzhou Chamber of Commerce sent jade slips to inquire about the situation in our Craftsman City, asking if rescue is needed?" Someone came behind the president to report.

When the president heard the report from the people behind him, he was also slightly taken aback, and said, "I didn't ask for help."

The person behind said: "The Hunyuan Sect and the Shenzhou Chamber of Commerce both said that they received an urgent red jade slip."

"Damn who sent out the red jade slip." After hearing this, the president also cursed.

The Great Elder standing beside the president said, "This is most likely caused by the Demon Sect, and it may have nothing to do with our people."

The president also calmed down after hearing the elder's analysis, and said: "Immediately notify the other four nine-star sects, and say that Craftsman City is fine and does not need support."


Lin Shu manipulated the scarlet, and soon arrived at the city leading to the craftsman.

From a high altitude, Lin Mu heaved a sigh of relief seeing that the Craftsman City was not as bad as he had imagined.

Taking out a jade slip, Lin Mu quickly wrote down the situation, and then sent it back to Xuannv Palace.

"Who is here!" Just after Lin Mu sent the message, there were people from the Demon Sect over there, who stopped Lin Mu's scarlet red.

The three of Lin Mu came out from the red, looked at the people blocking the way, and said: "The people who came to kill you."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, before the group from the Demon Sect had a reaction, he shot directly and wiped out the group of people from the Demon Sect opposite.

"Brother Feng, take Feng Fang over there, and I'm in the middle. You don't have to fight hard with the people from the Demon Sect, as long as you make some noise. And the bigger the noise, the better. When the people from the Demon Sect gather around, we will start from the right Break into the craftsman city." Lin Mu quickly arranged.

Feng Xing and Feng Fang did not hesitate, and nodded in agreement.

Although the Demon Sect is coming fiercely, there are only so many real masters, and they are all restrained by the masters of Craftsman City.

So Lin Mu's plan started very smoothly.

Lin Mu didn't have anything kind to say when facing the Demon Sect's people, each of them had countless people's blood on their hands.


As soon as Lin Mu reached the back of the Demon Gate, he was immediately surrounded by masters from the Demon Gate.

But for these people, Lin Mu had nothing to say at all, and directly sacrificed the sky fire.

"Heavenly Fire!"

"Enemy attack!"

Seeing Lin Mu sacrifice the sky fire, the people of the Demon Sect also tightened their eyes, and immediately sounded the alarm.

However, the alarm on his side had just been issued, and he himself was instantly turned into a pile of ashes.

When the alarm was issued, a large number of people from the Demon Sect immediately gathered around.

Seeing that the people were almost coming, Lin Mu also punched out directly, and the billowing waves of flames rushed out overwhelmingly.

Liushuang Tianhuo is already the second-level peak skyhuo, and it is simply not something that the people in front of the demon sect can resist.

Almost instantly, the first wave of flames swallowed the lives of hundreds of people.

And when the second wave of flames rolled out, there was no one within a hundred feet in front of the forest.

And when the five layers of flame waves spread out, the demon sect team of thousands of people who surrounded them was swallowed up like this.

"Senior alert, report to the top immediately, there are experts!" After a moment of stunned, the senior general of the Demon Sect also shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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