Supreme Chef

Chapter 860 The Prince of Demon Gate

Chapter 860 The Prince of Demon Gate (1)

This is what Lin Mu wanted. The more masters of the magic sect he attracted, the easier it would be for him to pass through the blockade and enter the city of craftsmen.

Lin Mu raised his hand to spread out the vast expanse of Tianhui without money. In front of Lin Mu, a huge wall of fire had already formed.

Manipulating the firewall to move forward continuously, forcing the people of the Demon Gate to retreat step by step.

"Something seems to have happened behind the Demon Sect? Has someone come to support you?" Standing on the craftsman tower, the president frowned slightly as he watched the Demon Sect continue to dispatch soldiers and horses.

"Go and check immediately to see who is coming to support." The president ordered.


After a while, someone sent back the news from behind the magic gate.

"The identity of the president is unknown, but the other party uses the second-level frost and sky fire, which may be related to my craftsman's union." The person who came back reported truthfully.

"Level [-] Frost Skyfire!" The president frowned even more after hearing the disciple's report.

Skyfire is not common, and high-level skyfire is even rarer.

"Frost Skyfire! Could it be that he's back!" The president quickly thought of a person, and only he might have the Frost Skyfire.

"How is the other party's cultivation?" The president asked a little excitedly.

"The peak of the seventh floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, but its strength is very strong." The disciple reported.

"The seventh floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, it's impossible. In just a few years, he can break through and enter the Transcending Tribulation Realm. It shouldn't be him." Hearing the person's cultivation, the president hesitated again.

Because he knew Lin Mu's cultivation level at that time, in his opinion, even if Lin Mu was a genius, it was impossible for him to break through and enter the Tribulation Transcendence Realm in such a short time.

"The president has an unknown ninth-grade flying spirit treasure, which forcibly broke in from the right side of the siege of the demon gate. Please make a decision, the president."

While the president was thinking, another disciple rushed in to report.

The president hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "No matter who is coming, it must be helping my craftsman union, open the formation and let it come in."

"It's not clear whether the president is an enemy or a friend. It's too risky." The vice president reminded.

The president waved his hand and said, "Do as I say."


Lin Mu manipulated Chi Hong, and just before he came to the formation of the craftsman city, he was about to announce his name, but the formation of the craftsman city unexpectedly opened a hole.

Lin Mu looked at the opening and was stunned for a moment, but he quickly plunged in.

Immediately after Chi Hong entered the formation, two masters at the first level of the Ascension Realm sandwiched Chi Hong, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Who is coming, come out immediately." The two Ascension Realm powerhouses asked warily.

Lin Mu stepped out from the crimson and said, "I am Lin Mu, the alchemist of Craftsman City."

While talking, Lin Mu also found the alchemy token issued to him by the president of the year from the storage ring.

The two Ascension Realm experts received Lin Mu's token, and after checking it, their attitudes immediately became respectful: "It turns out that you are the Elder Keqing of Craftsman City—Master Lin Dan, you were really offended just now. "

Lin Mu said: "The president is there, can you take me to meet the president?"

"Master Lin Dan, please follow me."

After speaking, the two led the way, while Lin Mu followed behind.

The five of them came all the way to the craftsman's building. After Lin Mu saw the president, he also cupped his hands and said, "Lin Mu has seen senior."

Back then, the president helped him a lot, and even under the double pressure from the Hunyuan Sect and Taixuan Mountain, he still stood firmly on his side.It is this kindness that Lin Mu is not clear about.

The president took a closer look, and then happily said: "Lin Mu! You are really Lin Mu!"

The president was also very happy to see this alchemist who had created an era come back.

Not everyone on the craftsman's building knew what happened back then, but after others told them, they were all secretly shocked.

Although they don't know what happened back then, Lin Mu's domineering sentence, "Destroy Taixuan first, then destroy Hunyuan", is talked about by many people even now.

"Didn't Lin Mu go to Dongxuanzhou?" The president also asked.

Lin Mu left from Guo Peng at that time, so not many people knew that Lin Mu had left Xijizhou.

Lin Mudao: "I did go to Dongxuanzhou, but now I'm back."

"So you have successfully crossed the Heartless Sea twice!" The president gasped after hearing Lin Mu's words.

The Ruthless Sea is not fun, even those who have completed the Ascension Realm may not be able to cross successfully.

And even if it succeeds once, thank God.But Lin Mu not only succeeded, but also succeeded twice.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Yes."

Hearing Lin Mu's affirmative answer, everyone upstairs gasped.

They all say how the trees are, how they are.But when I saw them today, I realized that Lin Shu is not just a cow, it is simply too good.

After the shock, the president also sighed, and said: "Since you have already arrived in Dongxuanzhou, Lin Mu, why do you need to come back? The current Xijizhou is hundreds of times worse than the environment you were in at that time. Why should you Come back, how about this muddy water?"

Lin Mu said: "I came back here to take my wife away."

The president nodded, admiring Lin Mu for being so affectionate and righteous.

"How do you know that our craftsman city is in trouble?" asked the president.

Lin Mudao: "Liu Yiyi from Xuannv Palace is my wife. When I went to pick her up from Xuannv Palace, I happened to see the red emergency jade slip sent from Craftsman City, so I brought someone over first to see the situation, just take a look. Is there anything I can do to help?"

The president sighed, and said: "Lin Mu, you really shouldn't come to this muddy water. With your alchemy cultivation base that created an era, you shouldn't go deep into such a dangerous place. If you encounter something Dangerous, the alchemy method you created may be lost, and that would be an incomparably huge loss to the entire cultivation world."

"President, you are kind to me. If it weren't for you, the alchemy I mastered might have been lost long ago. Besides, I am still a member of the Xijizhou Craftsman Union. Yes." Lin Mu said calmly.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just as Lin Mu and the president were talking, there was a sudden drumbeat from the Demon Sect, and then the disciples of the Demon Sect who besieged the Craftsman City automatically opened a hole.

Then, a powerful monster with a height of one hundred feet, dragged a palace, and appeared directly outside the craftsman city.

(End of this chapter)

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