Supreme Chef

Chapter 862 Fighting the Prince

Chapter 862 Fighting the Prince
After the president gave some more instructions, Lin Mu also flew straight out of Craftsman City.

Seeing that the one flying out from the craftsman city turned out to be just a tree on the seventh floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, the eleventh prince of the Demon Realm with a single horn on his head also sneered and said, "Why don't you have anyone? I'm still embarrassed to submit , send a cannon fodder like you out to make up for it?"

Lin Mu looked at the eleventh prince and said, "We don't bully children, so we sent me here."

"Looking for death! How dare you insult the prince!" Before the prince could speak, the master of the magic sect beside him began to scold Lin Mu loudly.

"Being a dog's leg in the devil world is already very sorry for your ancestors, and now you are not even a human being, just a dog. I really don't know how to face your ancestors after you die." Lin Mu squinted Said the magic master who spoke.

"Kill!" The demon master roared, about to kill Lin Shu.

But as soon as he moved, the Eleventh Prince stretched out his hand, stopped his movement, and said with a smile: "He is quite interesting, I decided to give him a chance to challenge."

"You should be clear that you will not be able to withstand my attack at all." Eleventh Prince said confidently while looking at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu said: "How do you know if you haven't tried it, I can't take one of your attacks."

The Eleventh Prince looked at Lin Mu and said, "Okay, then I'll let you die with dignity, and I won't kill you with a magic weapon."

Lin Mu shrugged indifferently, and said, "Actually, I think it's better for you to use a magic weapon, otherwise I'm afraid you will lose too badly."

The Eleventh Prince smiled lightly, and said: "It is said that you human beings are better with your mouth than your hands, and now it seems that this is indeed the case."

"Within ten strokes, if you are undefeated within ten strokes, I will count you as the winner."

Lin Mu said: "Do you think I will believe what you say?"

"Presumptuous. The prince of the Demon Realm, of course, speaks his mind. You think you are just like you despicable monks." The master of the Demon Sect scolded again.

"What kind of prince, can you take good care of your dog, or I will think he is the prince." Lin Mu said.

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the Prince of the Devil Realm also gave a cold glance, forcing the master of the Demon Sect's Ascension Realm to retreat.

"What I said naturally counts. As long as you survive ten moves, I will count you as the winner." The prince said.

Lin Mu said: "Then let's start, don't waste time, I'm going to collect your corpse after ten moves."

As soon as Lin Mu's voice fell, he felt a black shadow suddenly flashing in front of his eyes, and the next moment, the prince of the demon world appeared in front of Lin Mu's eyes, and at the same time he slapped out a black palm.

The turbulent devilish energy is contained but not released, hidden in the center of the prince's palm, but no one will doubt the power of this devilish energy.

"What a fast speed!" Lin Mu was also secretly surprised when he saw the prince of the devil world suddenly appearing in front of him.


The Prince of the Devil Realm slapped out his palm, and the devilish energy roared out, rushing towards Lin Shu's dantian.

In a hurry, Lin Mu also rushed back to defend, resisting the opponent's attack with his palms.

However, Lin Mu obviously underestimated the enemy, because the prince of the devil world is not only fast, but also extremely powerful.

With one palm, Lin Mu felt his arms were hit by a million-jin sledgehammer, and Lin Mu's flawless body in the late stage was instantly numb.


The forest tree flew upside down, and its body hit heavily on the formation of Craftsman City, causing the entire formation to fluctuate for a while.

"one move!"

With a palm shot, the prince of the demon world also said proudly.

Lin Mu, whose arms were numb, heard the words of the prince of the devil world, returned to his position, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said: "I didn't expect that you, a devil boy, are really powerful."

Seeing that Lin Mu had received his palm abruptly, but only bled a little, this made the Prince of the Demon Realm, who was still complacent, change color a little.

"You are very good. After receiving my palm, you didn't die. I hope you can survive my second palm..."

The Eleventh Prince hadn't finished speaking when his eyes suddenly blurred, and the next moment he saw Lin Shu's bright smiling face and his fist the size of a sandbag.


Lin Mu punched out, and it also hit the arm of the Prince of the Demon Realm.

But thinking about it, the feeling of breaking the middle bone did not happen. When Lin Mu punched out, it felt like hitting an iron plate.

"What a strong body." Lin Mu was also secretly surprised.

The prince of the demon world was also blown away by Lin Mu's punch, but he only pushed out a few steps. The nine monsters pulling the palace roared, and a powerful light film caught the body of the eleventh prince.

"The kid's speed is good, he's almost catching up with me." Jiao Feiyang looked at Lin Shu and said with squinted eyes.

In fact, seeing Lin Shu's speed, the president and the others were also secretly surprised.The demon world is known for its speed and body. In terms of absolute speed and strength, human monks are no match for the demon world.But Lin Shu's speed was no slower than that of the eleventh prince.Obviously, if Lin Mu didn't underestimate the enemy in the first blow, Lin Mu couldn't have been hit so easily.

Of course, if the eleventh prince hadn't underestimated the enemy for the second blow, he wouldn't have been hit so easily.

The Eleventh Prince stood up slowly, wiped the dark green blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "You are a very interesting human monk. It seems that I can exercise my muscles and bones today. Our previous bet is cancelled." .”

Lin Mudao: "I knew you wouldn't count your words, but this is better. I'm not sure I'll kill you within ten moves, so canceling it now is just right."

"Okay! I'll see how you killed me today!"

The Eleventh Prince's eyes turned cold, and the next moment he disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

However, under Lin Mu's powerful spiritual consciousness, the Eleventh Prince had nowhere to hide.No matter how fast he was, it was impossible for him to be faster than Lin Shu's divine sense.


Lin Mu turned around and punched each other, and the two punched each other directly in mid-air.

The two fists collided, and there was a sound like thunder, and the majestic spiritual energy and surging demonic energy overflowed at the place where the two collided.The violent energy fluctuations shocked everyone.

The waterfall-like magic energy and spiritual energy rolled down, destroying everything visible under the two people's feet.

Seeing such a powerful punch, the Ascension-level powerhouses standing on the craftsman's building all secretly clicked their tongues.

"Is this still a competition between two experts in the Tribulation Transcending Realm? Even ordinary Ascension Realm experts probably don't have such power."

"Not bad! Strength and reaction are good! But you still have to lose! Break it for me!" The eleventh prince roared, and suddenly his whole body swelled up like a balloon, and his strength suddenly doubled many.

However, Lin Mu stood with both feet in the void, as if he was rooted in the void. Although the strength of the Eleventh Prince had increased, he still could not shake Lin Mu.

"Do you only have such a little strength? If you only have such a little strength, then break it for me!" Lin Mu also growled, and the flawless body was running wildly, as if Lin Mu had absorbed endless power from the void.

Wave after wave of power surged into the body of the Prince of the Demon Realm crazily, one wave after another, one wave higher than the other, and the Prince of the Demon World was knocked away before he could hold on for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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