Supreme Chef

Chapter 863 Competition Speed ​​Rules

Chapter 863 Competition Speed ​​Rules
The Prince of the Devil Realm was knocked into the air by the trees, and even more blood was spurted from his mouth.

The people in the craftsman city were extremely excited when they saw Lin Mu knocking the Prince of the Demon Realm into the air with one blow.

However, Lin Mu was not so happy, but his expression became more serious.

If it were someone else, even if the Transcendence Tribulation Realm was completed, Lin Mu believed that the punch just now would not just vomit blood and fly away.

But the prince of the Demon Realm just vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, obviously no injury to his muscles or bones.

"The physical strength of the creatures from the demon world is definitely not comparable to that in the cultivation world. It is comparable to my flawless body." Seeing the prince of the demon world who has quickly regrouped, Lin Mu secretly thought.

The Prince of the Demon Realm wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said excitedly: "Are you a body refiner?"

At first, Lin Mu didn't know what the devil prince was excited about, but soon, the Eleventh Prince came to Lin Mu to answer the questions in his heart.

"It's been a long time since I drank the blood of a body refiner, especially a body refiner like you. I decided not to kill you. I will raise you up and let you provide me with fresh blood every day. blood." Eleventh Prince said in a perverted manner.

Lin Mu looked at the eleventh prince's expression, and felt a chill in his heart.This is completely a pervert's expression when he sees a beautiful woman.

"Let's wait until you can arrest me." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also took the initiative to attack.

The eleventh prince let out a sneer, and also flew up.

The speed and strength of Lin Shu and the Eleventh Prince are top-notch.Especially the speed of the two of them, even compared to the powerhouses of Ascension Realm, they are not bad at all.

So soon everyone couldn't see the figures of the two of them clearly, they could only hear and see, there were continuous explosions in the space, and wherever the two of them passed, they were erupted by the two of them The energy fluctuations were smoothed out.

Seeing the fierce battle between the two, the monks in the craftsman city all secretly clicked their tongues.

Especially the strong man on the fifth floor of the Ascension Realm who satirized Lin Shu before, his old face at this time was also embarrassing for a while.

He believed that even if he went up, he might not be able to have the power of Lin Mu at this time.

"My boy, I have grown to this point in just over ten years. It seems that there is still hope for me in West Jizhou." Jiao Feiyang looked at the trees and praised with joy.

The president was also full of joy at this time, obviously what Lin Mu brought to him was not only the shock, but also the hope that Lin Mu brought to him.

Lin Mu and the Eleventh Prince had been bombarding each other for more than an hour, and the area they had passed through had already exceeded tens of thousands of square kilometers.

At this time, the tens of thousands of square kilometers presented to everyone is no longer surrounded by high mountains, but has become an endless Gobi desert.



The two of them forgot how many times they had confronted each other, and separated from each other, both panting heavily.

Lin Mu felt that Wei Gu had reached the limit of his strength, but compared to the one in front of him, Wei Gu was obviously nothing.

"You are very strong, but the stronger you are, the happier I will be. The blood of a senior body-refining monk will stimulate my cultivation to greatly improve. I didn't expect that I would gain such a reward when I came to the world of self-cultivation "The Eleventh Prince licked his lips and said ferociously.

Lin Mudao: "I didn't expect that I would take away the corpse of a prince of the devil world when I came here."

The eleventh prince moved his body, and there was a crackling sound in his body, saying: "The warm-up is over, now we can officially start."

Hearing the Eleventh Prince's words, the people in Craftsman City couldn't help but change their colors.

They've already hit this point, it's just a warm-up.How terrifying it would be if he exerted his full strength.

After hearing what the eleventh prince said, Lin Mu also had a serious expression on his face, staring closely at the eleventh prince, wanting to see what else he could do.


From the back of the Eleventh Prince, a pair of fleshy wings filled with devilish energy suddenly protruded.On the fleshy wings, there are many mysterious patterns densely covered, which are a symbol of status and a symbol of blood.

"I didn't expect it to be the prince of the royal family of the demon world." Taoist Guang also said aloud.

There is a stricter level in the Demon Realm than in the Cultivation Realm.

The highest level of existence in the Demon Realm is the royal family in the Demon Realm, they are the most powerful race in the Demon Realm.

Of course, the number of the royal family is also very rare, and the total number of people will never exceed one million.

A million people may be a lot compared to a city, but compared to the tens of billions of people in the entire Demon World, this is already very small.

The royal family of the demon world with millions of people is the existence at the top of the pyramid of the demon world.They have noble blood and are descendants of demon gods.In charge of all life and death powers in the Demon Realm, the attack on the cultivation world this time was also launched by the Demon Realm Royal Family.

The purpose is very simple, it is to occupy the entire cultivation world, this rich and large domain of the cultivation world.As for the things after occupying the comprehension world, it is natural to attack the fairy world.

The Demon Realm is different from the Cultivation Realm. In order to cultivate to a higher level, monks in the Cultivation Realm must ascend to the Immortal Realm.

But the demon world is different. The great demons in the demon world can cultivate to the same level as immortals in the demon world.

However, if the same big monsters want to come across domains, it is completely impossible.And not to mention that they come in person, it is just a projection, and it is impossible to enter the realm of comprehension.

This is the way of balance in the Dao, otherwise, as long as a few big demons come over from the demon world, the comprehension world will not need to be fought at all, and it will have completely fallen.

"Find a way to tear off its wings." Taoist Guang said.

Lin Mu said, "What do you want its wings for?"

Dao Guang said humanely: "The royal family of the Demon Realm is said to be the descendants of the Demon God, and the Demon God is a legendary ancient race. No matter whether this is true or not, it is true that there is Dao in the blood of the Royal Family of the Demon Realm.

And these ways are reflected in their wings.These Dao principles are different from those in the cultivation world and the fairy world, but they are a supplement to the Dao.After the two catastrophes, the Dao is no longer complete, and being able to comprehend more Dao principles will be of great benefit to your cultivation. "

Taoist Guang lived in ancient times, so he naturally knew much more than trees.Lin Shu had no doubts about Taoist Guang's words.

"Okay! Then let's take one of his wings first!" Lin Mu also made up his mind to take off the wing of the prince of the demon royal family on the opposite side no matter what.


The Eleventh Prince looked at Lin Shu with a ferocious smile on his face, then his wings shook suddenly, and then he disappeared into the space inexplicably.

"Speed ​​rule!" Sensing this familiar wave, Lin Shu and Taoist Guang yelled out almost at the same time.

However, it is obviously not the time to ask the Prince of the Demon Realm why he mastered the speed rules.

The Eleventh Prince's speed is already extremely fast, and now he still masters the speed rules, such extreme speed.Even trees have to be careful.

And the people in the craftsman city also gasped when they saw the eleventh prince who could no longer catch his figure at all.They now finally understand what it means to warm up.

It turns out that he didn't give full play just now, or he was just playing with you just now, and now is his real speed.

The speed rule has completely surpassed the perception of Lin Mu's consciousness, so even if the trees are densely covered with his consciousness at this time, it is impossible to catch the figure of the Eleventh Prince.

But Lin Mu is not afraid, because Lin Mu also has the speed rule, and beside Lin Mu, there is such an ancestor of the speed rule as Daoist Guang, so he is not afraid at all.

(End of this chapter)

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