Supreme Chef

Chapter 864: Broken Wings

Chapter 864: Broken Wings
Since the divine sense is useless, Lin Mu simply gave up the divine sense.Lin Shu closed his eyes, completely feeling the flow of speed rules.

"Here." Lin Mu suddenly opened his eyes, and the next moment, he punched out suddenly, hitting a place beside him.


The fist wind collided, and a huge explosion wave spread out quickly, while Lin Mu and the eleventh prince each took a step back.

"You can find me!" The Eleventh Prince looked at Lin Shu, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

Lin Mu said: "Is it really surprising?"

The Eleventh Prince stared at Lin Mu for a while, then narrowed his eyes and said, "You also master the speed rules!"

This is not a negation, but an affirmation.Because the Eleventh Prince knew that it was impossible for the divine sense to capture the regular trajectory.Only those who also master the rules can capture the trajectory of the rules.

Lin Mudao: "Speed ​​rules should not be unique to your demon world."

The Eleventh Prince stared at Lin Mu for a few seconds, then laughed and said, "Good! Good! Good! You really brought me more and more surprises. But the stronger you are, the more excited I am, Don't worry, I will definitely not kill you. I will drain | all the secrets from your body, and then slowly drink all the blood from your body."

The president and others in the craftsman city are already a little numb at this time.

Because what Lin Mu and the Eleventh Prince had displayed at this time was completely beyond their knowledge.

They are the existence at the top of the pyramid in the realm of comprehension, but what Lin Mu and the eleventh prince are using at this time is the legendary power of rules.That is something that is only possible and has the opportunity to comprehend in the fairy world.

And it doesn't mean that you can comprehend such things as rules once you arrive in the fairy world. This is only possible for those who are extremely talented and have great opportunities.

But the two young men in front of them completely broke their perception.

Neither of them are in the Immortal Realm, nor are they Immortals, nor are they even in the Ascension Realm.

"Now let me understand the speed rules below, and see what is the difference between my rules and yours?" The Eleventh Prince sneered and disappeared again.

And with the disappearance of the Eleventh Prince, Lin Shu also disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Now, for the people in Craftsman City, it has really become a battle they can't see.

Because the speed of Lin Mu and the Eleventh Prince exceeded the speed of divine consciousness.Even Jiao Feiyang couldn't see the two of them at all.

Now everyone can only judge where the two are fighting through the energy fluctuations that erupt from the continuous fighting between the two.

But even so, what they saw was still the remnants of Lin Mu and the Eleventh Prince's confrontation before ten breaths or even dozens of breaths.

"I didn't expect you to have mastered the speed rules so profoundly, but you still have to lose." The Eleventh Prince was also very surprised when he saw that Lin Mu had completely caught up with his speed.

Lin Mu said: "You have always said that we humans can only move our mouths. Now it seems that you talk the most nonsense."

Eleventh Prince, said: "Very good! You have successfully provoked my anger, and I decided to show you how terrifying the inheritance of the Demon God is. Let you see what is really in line with the rules. "

After the Eleventh Prince's words fell, his pair of wings emitted a black and dazzling light.After that, the figure of the Eleventh Prince gradually faded away in front of Lin Shu, and finally disappeared.

It is also possible to disappear the forest in an instant, but it is impossible for the forest to disappear slowly.

This can only be achieved if the speed reaches a certain limit.

"The guides left in its body are related to the speed rules. The runes on its wings can help you better understand the speed rules." Taoist Guang said to the forest.

Lin Mu really didn't expect that the principles contained in the blood of the eleven princes were actually related to the rules of speed.

This makes Lin Mu even more obliged to take down its wings. Speed ​​rules and space rules are the biggest trump cards for Lin Mu to escape. Of course, the more perfect the better.With such an opportunity in front of him now, how could Lin Mu give up.

"Demon Emperor Fist!"

The Eleventh Prince suddenly appeared behind Lin Mu, and then raised his hand and punched out. Suddenly, the magic wind howled, and countless phantoms appeared around the Eleventh Prince. In the end, all the phantoms turned into endless magic energy. Gathered towards its fist.


The fist pierced directly through Lin Mu's body, and the Eleventh Prince's packed punch hit the empty space like this.

"Space rules! Shrink the ground to an inch!" The eleventh prince really changed his color at this time, and he could understand even Lin Mu's mastery of the speed rules.

But Lin Mu actually mastered the rules of space at the same time, and he was able to cultivate it. This kind of so-called miraculous skill of shrinking the ground into an inch made the Eleventh Prince completely unable to understand.

There have been too many stories about shrinking the land into an inch, and the eleventh prince has also heard too much.However, the Eleventh Prince regards it as a legend, and he doesn't believe that someone can master it at the same time, the most powerful rule in these two legends.

However, Lin Mu has turned its legends into reality.It couldn't believe that such a thing would happen to a human monk.

In its view, such a legendary event should only happen to a descendant of a noble demon god like it.

"Do you stop at this? If so, then leave some souvenirs."

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

Lin Mu blasted out the Witch Emperor's Fist, causing a terrifying whirlwind of murderous intent.

"That's it, it won't hurt me."

Seeing this terrifying red-haired whirlwind, the Eleventh Prince said disdainfully.

The Eleventh Prince blocked his wings in front of him, and the runes on the wings flickered for a while. The Eleventh Prince did not choose to retreat, but chose to resist.

The red whirlwind covered the sky, as if it was about to tear the world apart.

However, the pair of fleshy wings shining with dazzling light completely resisted the red whirlwind emitted by the forest.

However, this wasn't Lin Mu's ultimate move. After Lin Mu sent out a punch, he also dodged to the Eleventh Prince's side, and then buckled on the Eleventh Prince's wings. After that, his whole body was exhausted, and his flawless body began to run at high speed.

"Ah!" Lin Mu roared, and then exerted force with one hand, trying to tear off the eleventh prince's wings.

"you dare!"

The eleventh prince couldn't help being furious when he found out Lin Mu's true thoughts.

These wings are the symbol of their royal family in the demon world, and it is also a symbol of their royal family's strength.The most important thing is that for them, the wings are a part of their strength, and it is a large part.Because it will engrave all the principles in its blood on its wings.


However, the Eleventh Prince's stop obviously wouldn't have any effect, Lin Mu exerted all his strength, and just like that forcibly tore off one of the Eleventh Prince's wings.

(End of this chapter)

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