Supreme Chef

Chapter 868 I Believe

Chapter 868 I Believe

Although Lin Mu is not the savior of the world, Lin Mu also knows that the ambition of the Demon Realm is definitely not a small Xijizhou.

There are no eggs under the cover of the nest. If the Demon Realm really sweeps the entire cultivation world, with the bridge formed between myself and the Demon Realm, I must be the one who must kill the Demon Realm.

Lin Mudao: "Brother Guo, is there any way for Senior Guo to stop the demon world from crossing over?"

Guo Pengdao: "My grandfather does have a solution, but it's impossible to do it with my magic gate alone. Someone must hold back the attack of the demon world, so that my grandfather can block the gap."

Lin Mu shook his head even more after hearing Guo Peng's words, and said: "If this is the case, it will be even more impossible for the cultivation world to unite with you."

Guo Peng said: "I also know, that's why I came to discuss with you, Brother Lin."

Lin Mu pondered for a moment, and said: "I'm not sure about this matter, but I will try my best. But Brother Guo, you have to tell me the truth first, and find out how sure you are, senior, to seal the cross-border came the gap."

Guo Peng said solemnly: "My grandfather is not [-]% sure. The cross-border place is in the Warcraft Mountain, and the specific location cannot be determined. Moreover, the materials for the seal have not been prepared yet. But if you don't act now, It's really late."

Lin Mu looked at Guo Peng and said, "Then the first time we met you and went to Warcraft Mountain, was it also to determine the location of the gap?"

Guo Peng said: "That's true. In fact, my grandfather had already discovered these omens back then. I was asked to go there to confirm the location of the gap. It's just that before I found it, it was disturbed by the 36 magic gates."

In fact, Lin Mu had doubts back then, but Lin Mu was not sure.Now I hear Guo Peng admitting that many things that I didn't understand back then are also understood.

Lin Mudao: "Brother Guo, does the demon world have an exact attack time?"

Guo Peng said: "It won't be more than a year at the latest, and at the shortest, it may be within three months, and the vanguard will come across the border."

Lin Mu also had a serious face at this time. If this was the case, it would really not be good news for Xijizhou.

A year seems like a long time, but for a cultivator, one year is really not enough.

Take Xijizhou as an example, one year is not even enough time for Xijizhou to spread the news to everyone, let alone finally integrate effective offense and resistance.

A year is not enough time, and three months is obviously not enough.

Lin Mu pondered for a long time before saying: "I'll take you to see the president, you can talk to the president directly."

Guo Peng also nodded and said, "Okay!"

With Lin Mu leading them, Guo Peng and Song Na would naturally not be interrogated again.

Seeing Lin Mu bringing his two friends over, the president and the others didn't know what Lin Mu was going to do.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Seniors, these two are my friends. You may not know each other, but you must be familiar with their grandfather. His grandfather is Guo Zhentian, one of the top ten demon kings!"

"What is Guo Zhentian's grandson!"

"It's the grandson of the old devil king!"

"Take it!"

Looking at the enthusiastic comrades, the president waved his hand, motioning for everyone to be quiet first.He believed in Lin Mu, so he would definitely not be so aimless.

Lin Mudao: "I don't think the seniors here are as clear as I am about the battle between righteousness and evil back then. But I think there must be something in the classics of all sects. I don't think I need to say it, everyone must know it. .”

Song Na interjected at this moment: "It's just that you guys broke your promise, and now you want to arrest us."

"Nana, don't interrupt, let brother Lin talk!" Guo Peng scolded.

Song Na pursed her lips, but also obediently shut up.

Song Na is indeed a bit eccentric, but Song Na knows that in front of outsiders, as a daughter-in-law, she must give Guo Peng enough face.

"Lin Mu, what do you mean, you brought these two people from the Demon Sect to tell us about the history of the past. Or let us reflect on what our ancestors did in the past, let us know what we have undertaken today, It's all self-inflicted." Someone said with a sneer.

The president glanced at the person mocking Lin Mu, and said, "Let Lin Mu finish his sentence."

"Yes!" the president said, who dared not listen.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, President. I brought the two of them here, of course not to talk about this. But my friends, I have two important news to tell everyone. I hope that after listening to everyone, Don't be too surprised."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the president also looked at Guo Peng and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Guo Peng cupped his hands in thanks, and then repeated what he had just said to Lin Mu in the courtyard to everyone present.

After Guo Peng finished speaking, all the people in the main hall were completely silent.They don't know how to express their feelings at this moment.

If everything Guo Peng said is true, then the entire West Jizhou, including their own demise, can already start counting down.

"Why should we believe his words?" Someone questioned.

Lin Mu said: "Because I believe in him."

The man sneered and said, "Just because you repelled a prince from the devil world, we have to trust you."

Jiao Feiyang snorted coldly, and said: "I also believe in Lin Mu. And I have met that old devil Guo Zhentian, and I have fought against him. He is an upright person, and I believe in his character. And what happened back then? If you bastards don’t know, go back and ask your old guys. Guo Zhentian and the others are not fake, but they are completely different from 36 Sects.”

Jiao Feiyang's anger is easier to use than the president.Because Jiao Feiyang is a master, a master who can be counted in West Jizhou.If you really annoy him, he can slap you to death several times with one slap.

"Thank you senior for your righteous words." Guo Peng also bowed and thanked deeply.

"Then what proof does he have? He is the grandson of Demon King Guo Zhentian." Another person said.

Guo Peng had been prepared for a long time, and took out the token marked with his grandfather's spiritual consciousness, and said: "This is my grandfather's spiritual consciousness token, you can ask seniors to check it."

Jiao Feiyang took the token, checked it, nodded, and said, "It is indeed the mark of the great demon king's consciousness. I didn't expect that this old guy is still alive after so many years."

"Grandpa, you are alive, why can't my grandfather be alive." Song Na said unhappily.

Jiao Feiyang looked at Song Na and laughed, "Little girl, I sense another person's inheritance in you. You should be that person's granddaughter."

Seeing that she was seen through by Jiao Feiyang, Song Na quickly hid behind Guo Peng and said, "So what?"

Jiao Feiyang said: "It's not that good, your grandfather didn't beat me back then."

"You..." Song Na was tickled by Jiao Feiyang's angry teeth, and said, "Now that you go, you will definitely not be able to beat my grandpa."

Naturally, Jiao Feiyang wouldn't bicker with a little girl like you, so he laughed a few times before continuing to drink his wine.

Seeing that Guo Peng's identity was confirmed, and Jiao Feiyang and Lin Mu were guaranteeing him, the president felt relieved.

"Is your grandfather really sure about sealing it?" the president asked solemnly.

Guo Peng said: "To tell you the truth, my grandfather is not [-]% sure. Moreover, the materials needed for the seal have not been collected yet. And with my grandfather's formation skills, no one can really seal it completely. The most important thing is that my grandfather is worried that the demon world in Xijizhou will find out now, and then everything will be over."

(End of this chapter)

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