Supreme Chef

Chapter 869

Chapter 869
The president was silent after hearing Guo Peng's words. He believed what Guo Peng said was true.But there was nothing he could do about it.

It is impossible to fight against the demon world only by relying on his craftsman city.Take this time as an example, if it wasn't for Lin Mu's arrival, Craftsman City might be in danger this time.

As for the convening ability of the Craftsman City is very powerful, it is obviously impossible for the Craftsman City to gather the entire West Jizhou.The most important thing is that it is impossible for the craftsman city to gather everyone because of the words of the people in the magic gate, and it is impossible to get everyone's approval.

Guo Peng looked at the president and thought that the president didn't believe it, so he hurriedly said: "Everything that seniors and juniors said is true. And before leaving, grandpa told juniors that if you don't believe seniors. Grandpa can provide a map and even take you to that place. It's up to you to seal the cross-border loopholes, and my grandfather and the others will contain the attacks of the Demon Gate and the Demon Realm."

The president waved his hand and said, "It's not that I don't believe your words, I believe what you said. I also believe that what your grandfather said is true, but just flattening my Carpenter City family will not change anything at all. This In this case, unless the entire West Jizhou can be unified with the outside world. Otherwise, we have no chance of winning at all."

Lin Mu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Senior, what do you mean, you agree to cooperate with Momen?"

The president nodded and said: "The enemy is at present, of course I agree to cooperate. Because if the 36 Demon Sects really win this victory, it is not only us who are unlucky, the Demon Sect will also be destroyed together. Even the entire From now on, the cultivation world will probably be shrouded in flames of war."

Lin Mudao: "If you agree, senior, then I can fight for the Xuannv Palace. But for the other two, I'm afraid I can't do anything."

The president hesitated for a moment, and said, "Let me lobby for the other three."

Jiao Feiyang said: "Old ghost, I can go to the Shenzhou Chamber of Commerce. Their old man still has a little friendship with me, and he was with Guo Zhenshan and the others for a long time. I believe he also knows the character of Guo Zhenshan and the others. Thinking about it, he will agree. of."

The president said, "Then the Shenzhou Chamber of Commerce will be handed over to Brother Jiao, and I will lobby the other two."

Lin Mu didn't expect that things would go much smoother than he imagined.

"The two seniors have limited time, we'd better act quickly, otherwise, when the Demon Realm really finishes dispatching troops, it may be too late for us to take any action," Lin Mu said.

Jiao Feiyang said: "I'm going to talk to that old ghost now."

The president also took out the teleportation jade talisman, and said: "I will also send the communication jade talisman to the other two now, and let them come over and talk about it."

After a pause, the president looked at Guo Peng, and said, "You'd better let your grandfather come over in person, don't worry, I will guarantee the safety of your grandfather and his party with my personality."

Guo Peng said: "Senior who the younger generation trusts, the younger generation will send a letter to grandpa and ask grandpa to come over."

Lin Mudao: "Then I will also send a message to Xuannv Palace, so that people from Xuannv Palace will also come over."

In front of the enemy, everything is very efficient.

Three days after Lin Mu sent the letter, people from Hunyuan Sect, Tianluo Sect, Shenzhou Chamber of Commerce, and Xuannv Palace all came.In addition to these four nine-star sects, the only remaining Taixuan Mountain has also come.

Both the Hunyuan Sect and Taixuan Mountain had great enemies with Lin Mu. Whether it was Li Jiuyu or Cang Yan, when they saw Lin Mu, they wanted to go up and tear him up immediately.

Lin Mu didn't even know that what he wrote back then was "destroy Taixuan first, then kill Hunyuan later." 'It can be regarded as completely losing the face of the two factions.

For so many years, whenever someone mentioned this matter, they would treat it as a joke.The two factions have completely become the laughing stock of Xijizhou.

Today is the enemy meeting again.

The two had also heard about Lin Mu's repulsion of the eleventh prince before, but they didn't quite believe those rumors.

But when the two of them saw Lin Shu today, they finally believed the rumor.

Because the cultivation of the seventh floor of Lin Mu's robbery is not fake.

You have to know how many years Lin Mu has just left, and he has such a cultivation level.This is simply a genius among geniuses, and a monster among monsters.

With such a terrifying growth rate, it may not be long before Lin Shu can completely surpass them.

At that time, what Lin Mu said back then, "destroy Taixuan first, then kill Hunyuan." 'Perhaps it is no longer a joke.

And even now, it is completely impossible for the two of them to do anything with the trees.

Not to mention that Lin Mu is the hero of Craftsman City at this time, or the fairy sword that Lin Mu owns, neither of them thinks that they can definitely suppress Lin Mu steadily.

If Lin Mu ran away again, then when Lin Mu came back again, they might really be in bad luck.

And they didn't doubt at all that Lin Mu had the ability to escape from them.

Back then, when the trees were in the state of extinction, they could escape from their siege and interception.Even Yang Hongxi, who chased and killed Lin Mu himself, was run away by Lin Mu.

What's more, the current forest has already crossed the seventh floor of the catastrophe, still has a fairy weapon in his hand, and has mastered many incredible methods.If Lin Mu wanted to run away, no one in the entire cultivation world would be able to stop him.

"The two masters have not seen each other for a long time, and I miss you very much. I wonder if the two masters have had a good time these years. Do you miss me?" Lin Mulai said with a smile in front of Li Jiuyu and Cang Min.



The two greeted Lin Mu with the same cold snort, but they didn't mean to talk to Lin Mu at all.

"Master Cang, I want to ask, is that Yang Hongxi, Senior Yang still in Xijizhou? Why didn't you see him, could it be that Senior Yang Hongxi has already died?" Lin Mu's mouth was broken enough, and he cursed people to death when he came up.

But Cang Ming is the head of the Nine Star Sect, so it is impossible for him to be as dishonest as Lin Mu.

"Senior Yang has other things to do, and he will come over later."

Paused for a moment, Cang Mo said in a gloomy voice: "Senior Yang misses you very much, if it weren't for the Demon Realm being here, Senior Yang would have wanted to go back to East Xuanzhou to find you."

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "Really? I didn't expect that Senior Yang missed me so much, and I was really flattered. But if Senior Yang heard the news about his family members in East Xuanzhou, wouldn't he be more excited?"

"What did you say! What did you do to Senior Yang's family?" Cang Min immediately became excited when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mudao: "Sect Master Cang, you are too disrespectful like this. He lost his composure. I just said it casually. Senior Yang is the elder of the Eastern Emperor Sect. His family is naturally in the Emperor Sect and is safe and sound."

Cang Ming looked at the strange gazes from around him, and knew that he had been tricked by Lin Shu just now, so he secretly gritted his teeth.

"By the way, Master Li, the juniors were ignorant back then. In front of the gate of Master Li, they scribbled casually. I don't know if Master Li removed it. If not, the younger generation is really sorry. That is the ancestor of Taixuan Mountain. If the strange stones obtained in the Land of Perishing Immortals were spent like that by the juniors, it would be a waste of money. Why don't the juniors go there one day and give the seniors a signature, so that they won't be so miserable when they are alive? It's out of harmony." Seeing that the 'molesting' of Cang Ming was almost done, Lin Mu began to taunt Li Jiuyu instead.

Li Jiuyu's face turned ashen when he heard Lin Mu's words.

However, he also insisted on his identity, so naturally he would not quarrel with Lin Mu. With Cang Ming's lessons learned, Li Jiuyu would never dare to do such a stupid thing again.Being irritated by Lin Mu, not only can't do anything to Lin Mu, but the only one who can lose face can only be himself.

(End of this chapter)

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