Supreme Chef

Chapter 870 Receive some interest

Chapter 870 Receive some interest
Li Jiuyu was not provoked by himself, and Lin Mu also found it boring.But no matter what, the interest of the grievances I suffered back then can be regarded as a little back.

Li Jiuyu and Cang Min looked at the trees, wishing they could tear them into pieces.But here, the two of them have nothing to do.

Because they are not 100% sure to kill Lin Shu, they are afraid that Lin Shu will run away.If Lin Mu ran away, then when Lin Mu came back again, it might be the time of their death.

"Sect Master Cang's growth rate is really terrifying. If we let him grow up, we may not have a good life." Watching Lin Mu leave, Li Jiuyu also sent a voice transmission to Cang Min.

Cang Ming looked at Lin Shu, his eyes were also full of hatred.

"I won't let him grow up like this. I have already informed Senior Yang, and Senior Yang will find a way." Cang Min said fiercely.

Li Jiuyu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

The growth rate of the trees really made him feel terrible.In just ten years, Lin Mu has already grown to the seventh level of Transcending Tribulation Realm. If Lin Mu is given another ten years, wouldn't it be that the Ascension Realm will be completed.

Li Jiuyu didn't dare to continue thinking about it, because it would be too scary.

"Today, I took the liberty to call you all here to talk about the Demon Realm. Compared with the current situation, everyone knows that the Demon Realm is powerful. If we still can't take action, I'm afraid we will be completely swallowed by the Demon Realm." Seeing that everyone was here, the president took the initiative to speak.

"The president is right. It is true that the demon world is powerful now. If we can't unite, I'm afraid we will really be eaten by the demon world." He wanted to do it a long time ago, but he was worried that he would not have enough influence to get everyone to come.

The president didn't let Cang Ming finish speaking, but said directly: "Master Cang, how about we discuss it after I finish talking?"

Now is not the time to discuss who will take the lead, but to let everyone know how critical the current situation is.

It would be a waste of time to let Cang Ming fight for power at this time.

Cang Wei didn't expect the president to interrupt him, so he was stunned for a moment, but he still smiled and said: "I'm the one who is impatient, president, you continue."

The president nodded, and said: "I want everyone to meet someone. I think everyone knows this person. I think that in some cases, it's best for someone who knows to tell everyone."

After the chairman's voice fell, Guo Zhenshan, who had arrived early, also came out from behind.

"Guo Zhenshan!" The person who saw it, an old man who was about the same age as Jiao Feiyang, suddenly widened his eyes.

Guo Zhenshan looked at the old man who suddenly opened his eyes, and said, "The old ghost never thought we could meet."

"Hmph! Guo Zhenshan, you big devil, what are you doing here?" the old man said with a cold snort.

Guo Zhenshan said, "Of course I came here to save you."

"Old ghost, we don't welcome you here, and we don't need you to participate in our West Jizhou affairs." The old man said with a cold snort.

Naturally, the president couldn't watch the two quarrel, so he hurriedly intervened and said, "Senior He, listen to it first, and it won't be too late to make a decision after listening."

"Yes, Lao He, listen to what this big devil has to say first, and then you two are willing to kill yourself." Jiao Feiyang also came out to reconcile.

"Okay! Big devil, I'll just hear what you can come up with today." He Zhizhou said with a cold snort.

"President, did you invite a demon head from the Demon Sect to persuade us to surrender, or to show off your might." Cang Ming said.

To seniors like He Zhizhou, the president would be a little more polite, but to Cang Ming he was completely unnecessary.

"Sect Master Cang, I invite Guo Zhenshan to come over, of course I have my intentions." After the president finished speaking, he stopped talking to Cang Min, but said to Guo Zhenshan, "Please tell everyone what you know Bar."

Guo Zhenshan chuckled twice, and said, "You stupid people are dying, and you still have the mind to intrigue here."

"What are you talking about!" Li Jiuyu said angrily.

Guo Zhenshan cast a sideways glance at Li Jiuyu, and said, "You are not qualified to call me, even though this place is all yours, but I want to kill you, and no one can stop me."

Although Guo Zhenshan may look like a middle-aged man, Guo Zhenshan is actually as old as Jiao Feiyang and the others.

Let alone Li Jiuyu, even Yang Hongxi may not be Guo Zhenshan's opponent.

Li Jiuyu glanced around and saw that no one was ready to stand up for him, and pointed the finger at the president sternly, saying: "President, we respect you so we came here at your call. If we came here, it was only to let a big devil If you taunt me, then I think I'd better leave."

This time it was useless for the president to speak, Lin Mu directly said: "You can go wherever you want, when the time comes, the family will be destroyed, and when you can't explain to your ancestors, just don't come back and cry."

"Say it again, Lin Mu!" Li Jiuyu said fiercely.

Lin Mu said: "You can listen to me ten times if you want to."

Li Jiuyu gritted his teeth 'creak' and 'creak', but in the end there was nothing he could do.

Cang Ming was standing next to him, and he didn't show the slightest sign. Without Cang Ming's support, it was even more impossible for him to fight against Lin Mu alone.What's more, in the current situation, the Craftsman City and the Xuannv Palace seem to be faintly standing on Lin Shu's side.

The president said: "Everyone, this is not the time to quarrel. If everyone has the strength to quarrel, after listening to Guo Zhenshan's words, it will not be too late for everyone to quarrel."

"Okay! I'll just listen to this big devil, what can he say?" Li Jiuyu also hurriedly said as he got off the donkey.

Guo Zhenshan laughed dryly as he watched this scene, and then told Li Jiuyu and the others everything he knew.

After everyone listened to Guo Zhenshan's words, they were completely silent.

If everything Guo Zhenshan said is true, then West Jizhou is really in danger.

"Why should we believe the words of a devil? He may have made an agreement with the devil long ago. The purpose is to attract us to take the initiative to attack, so that we can be wiped out by then." Li Jiuyu stood up again and retorted.

Guo Zhenshan said: "If you are worried about this, you can send people to the Warcraft Mountain to seal it, and I will lead people to stop the attack of the Demon Realm and those fake demon gates."

Li Jiuyu sneered and said, "How do I know that the monster is not a trap?"

Guo Zhenshan said: "Then you choose yourself. Do you think you are going to seal it or be responsible for blocking it? We will do the rest after you choose."

"This..." Li Jiuyu didn't expect Guo Zhenshan to let him choose, and he didn't know how to answer the question.

First, he didn't know that Guo Zhenshan would do this.Second, in this room, he is not qualified to choose at all.

Except for him, an eight-star sect, the others in this room are the heads of the nine-star sect. What qualifications does he have to choose.

"Senior He, what do you think of this matter?" Li Jiuyu had no choice but to throw the burden on others.And his first choice is naturally He Zhizhou, who has been at odds with Guo Zhenshan from the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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