Supreme Chef

Chapter 871 The Armed Yang Hongxi

Chapter 871 The Armed Yang Hongxi
Hearing Li Jiuyu's words, everyone also looked at He Zhizhou, and everyone wanted to see what He Zhizhou had to say.

He Zhizhou didn't have any hesitation because of the eyes of everyone.

"I take his word for it."

He Zhizhou's words stunned everyone.He Zhizhou obviously disagrees with Guo Zhenshan, he should be against Guo Zhenshan the most, but He Zhizhou chooses to believe it.

Only Jiao Feiyang knew some inside information. Looking at He Zhizhou, Jiao Feiyang also smiled and said nothing.

"Senior He, do you believe what he said?" Li Jiuyu thought he didn't hear clearly, so he repeated it again.

He Zhizhou still didn't hesitate, and said quietly: "I believe what he said, the conflict between me and him is the conflict between me and him, but I believe in his character."

Guo Zhenshan also laughed out loud when he heard He Zhizhou's words, and said, "Old Niubi, that's what I love most about you."

He Zhizhou snorted coldly, and had no intention of responding to Guo Zhenshan at all.

"I also believe his words." Jiao Feiyang also stood up and said at this time.

The president also stood up and said at this time: "I also believe what he said. The current performance of the demon world is obviously preparing for the next legion. We must not be careless."

The head of Xuannv Palace had already discussed with Lin Mu, so she said very firmly, "I also believe his words."

Four nine-star sects, two Angxin Guo Zhenshan, and a craftsman city that exists beyond the nine-star, also believe Guo Zhenshan's words, even if they vote, the Hunyuan faction will lose.

Especially when Cang Min saw the head of the Tianluo Sect, he was ready to open his mouth, and obviously he was also ready to trust Guo Zhenshan.

Before the leader of the Tianluo Sect spoke, Cang Min first said, "Since everyone believes in it, I, Cang, will choose to believe in everyone."

Cang Ming did not say that he believed in Guo Zhenshan, but that he believed in Jiao Feiyang and the others. This not only saved his face, but also followed the good example.

"Hypocrisy!" Guo Zhenshan also responded faintly.

Cang Ming directly chose to ignore Guo Zhenshan's provocation, he couldn't beat Guo Zhenshan, and he was not Guo Zhenshan's opponent, so it's better to say less at this time, just pretend that you can't hear him.

"Since everyone believes what he said, let's discuss countermeasures," the president said.

"Since this big devil knows the specific situation, let him talk about what he thinks first." He Zhizhou said.

"The fate of West Jizhou, how can someone from the Demon Sect comment on it? It's simply absurd." Just as Guo Zhenshan was about to speak, a cold snort spread throughout the entire Craftsman City, and then Yang Hongxi appeared in the hall.

Looking at Li Jiuyu and Cang Min standing behind Yang Hongxi faintly, Lin Mu also sneered and said, "Master Li, you are really generous. Someone turned into a stick that day, and today you are willing to stand behind others willingly. Such a heart is in the bottom of my heart." I really admire it."

Lin Mu had a trick that day and asked Yang Hongxi to dispose of Li Jiuyu's hands and feet. Originally, Lin Mu thought that the two would have to die, but now it seems that the two parties have reconciled.And it seems that they will join forces with the outside world.

Li Jiuyu's mouth twitched when Lin Mu picked it up.

"Boy, don't sow discord here. Of course, I was bewitched by you, but you don't want to bewitch me again today. You are mixed with the magic gate. I haven't asked you yet. You still dare to sow discord now. I think you are looking for death." After Yang Hongxi finished speaking, he also directly started to capture Lin Shu.

Only Yang Hongxi from the emperor's sect dared to kill Lin Mu regardless.

However, Lin Mu is no longer what he was back then, and now behind Lin Mu, there are the president and others, Lin Mu is not afraid of Yang Hongxi at all.

Facing the big hand sent by Yang Hongxi, Lin Mu also directly punched him.


The two shook it hard, and the tree "dengdeng" took two steps back, and the huge boulder under their feet was broken inch by inch, turning into grains of sand.At the same time, a bloodstain flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Although Lin Mu is already a flawless physique, and his body can be called the strongest in the cultivation world, but the gap in cultivation is too huge. It is already very difficult for Lin Mu to be able to do this.

And from Yang Hongxi's shocked eyes, it can be seen that Lin Mu has done a very good job.

"Flawless physique master! You are flawless physique master!" Yang Hongxi stared at Lin Mu for a few breaths, and said in shock.

Lin Mu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Could it be that you can't make progress if you are allowed to stop moving forward?"

Yang Hongxi said: "Boy, no matter what, you are going to die today. No one can save you."

"Senior Yang, this is my Craftsman City, and Lin Mu is the one who saved my Craftsman City, so please ask Senior Yang to give my Craftsman City a face, how about letting go of your fight for now?" The president did not expect that Yang Hongxi would come Come out like this, and it seems that it is obvious that he wants to stay with Lin Shu forever.He could only hurry out to make peace with the old man.

Yang Hongxi didn't buy the president's face at all, and said coldly: "The old man said just now, no matter who it is, I can't even try to protect him today."

Lin Mu looked at Yang Hongxi and frowned.Lin Mu didn't know where Yang Hongxi's confidence came from, but Yang Hongxi obviously had a trump card for daring to do so.

"Then what if I want to take care of me?" Guo Zhenshan had long been unhappy with Yang Hongxi.

Yang Hongxi sneered, and said: "Guo Zhenshan, you rescued Lin Mu that day, but I haven't settled the score with you. If you still come to seek death today, I will help you."

Guo Zhenshan also sneered, and said, "Yang Hongxi doesn't know either, who of us ran away first with our tails between our legs, and you still dare to shout here today."

Yang Hongxi argued: "The old man had something important to do back then, so I don't want to get entangled with you. Since I want to die today, then come here."

This is what Guo Zhenshan couldn't bear the most, and he said directly: "Come on. I'm afraid of you."

But as soon as Guo Zhenshan finished speaking, he was directly forced back a step by a fierce momentum.

I saw a group of overbearing spears appearing in Yang Hongxi's hands, and the immortal energy lingered on the spears.

"A semi-immortal artifact that is infinitely closer to an immortal artifact!" When everyone saw the spear in Yang Hongxi's hand, their eyes tightened.

At the same time, Lin Mu also knew why Yang Hongxi didn't come here with Cang Mo and the others just now.Apparently Yang Hongxi went to get this semi-immortal spear. As for where the spear came from, Lin Mu knew without guessing.Obviously, the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect was sent here for the purpose of dealing with himself.

And that's not all, Yang Hongxi's other hand turned over, and a half-immortal artifact, a treasured shield, also appeared in Yang Hongxi's hand.

One attack, one defense.Both things are treasures and semi-immortal artifacts, such Yang Hongxi is simply invincible.

Even if Lin Mu has a fairy weapon, so what, although Lin Shu has a fairy weapon, but due to the limitation of cultivation, it is impossible to exert the full power of the fairy weapon.

But Yang Hongxi was different, he could fully display the full power of the semi-immortal weapon in his hand, so that he could make a judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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