Supreme Chef

Chapter 872

Chapter 872
Yang Hongxi suddenly took out two half-immortal artifacts, which shocked everyone present.

Especially when Lin Mu looked at Yang Hongxi, he was on guard. In fact, Lin Mu thought that Yang Hongxi would attack him, but he didn't expect Yang Hongxi to be so thoroughly prepared.

At this moment, Li Jiuyu and Cang Min looked at Lin Mu with complacency in their eyes.

"Ling Mu, I advise you to obediently catch him with your hands up, so as not to suffer physical pain." Yang Hongxi looked at Lin Mu and threatened.

Lin Mu looked at Yang Hongxi and sneered, "Since you are so confident in taking me down, you can try it yourself."

As Lin Mu spoke, he also took out his fairy sword. Even if Yang Hongxi had two semi-celestial artifacts in his hands, Lin Mu couldn't catch them without a fight.

"It would be a pity not to use such a good treasure to deal with the Demon Realm. It is better to lend it to the old man, and the old man will kill those devil cubs in the Demon Realm." Just when the battle between the two sides was about to break out, a domineering voice suddenly came. Come, and then suddenly an old man appeared in the room.

Seeing this old man who suddenly appeared, all hearts skipped a beat.

Because the old man appeared so suddenly, as if he had been there all along.Everyone didn't feel even a slight fluctuation just now.

"Old monster, are you still alive?" Guo Zhenshan looked at the person who came out suddenly, and also scolded with a smile.

The old man said without turning his head: "You should know that even if you die, I will not die."

Guo Zhenshan was so choked by the old man's words that he didn't know how to refute for a while.

"Who are you? How dare you come here to make trouble." Yang Hongxi stared at the person opposite and asked coldly.

"Old man Mochang!"

After Mochang announced his name, everyone in Xijizhou couldn't help being surprised.Because they have all heard the name.

Ranked first among the top ten demon kings, the Great Demon Chang.

There are very few people in Xijizhou who don't know his name, and there are too many legends about Mochang.

And speaking of it, Mochang was a generation older than the grand elders of certain sects.

However, Mo Changdu has not appeared for nearly a thousand years, and everyone thought that he had either ascended or died.But no one thought that he was still in the cultivation world.

You must know that Mochang is a real hater. 3000 years ago, a huge conflict broke out between Xijizhou and Guo Zhenshan's Momen.

Although Guo Zhenshan and the others resisted tenaciously, they were still retreating steadily. Seeing that the territory occupied by the top ten demon kings was about to be lost.

At this time, Mochang suddenly appeared, and Mochang killed 23 Ascension Realm powerhouses in West Jizhou.

A man held a magic stick and drove the monks in Xijizhou for a hundred thousand miles, and no one dared to attack them again.

But back then, Mo Changdu had reached the Ascension Realm, and now it has been another 3000 years, and no one can say what his cultivation level is.

And even if Mochang can find the elixir to prolong life every year, it is indeed a bit too scary to persist for 3000 years.

Yang Hongxi had heard about Mochang to some extent, but now he had two semi-celestial artifacts in his hand, so how could he be afraid of Mochang.

Yang Hongxi said: "You came just in time, I just wanted to arrest the people from your Devil Mountain, torture them, and see what evil intentions your Devil Mountain has hidden, so you sent it yourself."

Mochang looked at Yang Hongxi indifferently, and said: "Two semi-celestial artifacts make self-confidence burst. It seems that Emperor Zong is really losing more and more."

Yang Hongxi snorted coldly, and said, "It's not for people like you to comment on the emperor's sect, so die!"

After Yang Hongxi finished speaking, he stabbed at Mochang directly.

The half-immortal weapon spear in Yang Hongxi's hand is worthy of being infinitely close to an immortal weapon.

As soon as the stab came out, the tyrannical fluctuations almost collapsed the main hall of the craftsman city full of formations.

The billowing immortal energy raged, causing everyone's breath to stagnate involuntarily.The spear is like a dragon, vast and unmatched.

Even Mo Chang, who was standing opposite Yang Hongxi, frowned when he saw such a powerful semi-celestial artifact.

But he just frowned.

Seeing that Yang Hongxi's spear was about to stab him.Mo Chang also shot suddenly, and slapped it directly on the spear.


Everyone watched Mo Chang's slap, and their brows twitched violently a few times.

What Mochang slapped out was not the true essence of the cultivation world, but the immortal essence that only immortals possess.This is really surprising.

Although it is said that after entering the Ascension Realm, the true essence in the body will be transformed into immortal essence bit by bit.

But that's only a small amount, or even a tiny amount.Therefore, even a strong man with a perfect Ascension Realm would use real energy, not immortal energy.

But Mochang's palm turned out to be Xianyuan, and it was very pure Xianyuan.

Seeing this, everyone also understood why Mochang has not died after 3000 years.Because Mochang will limit the real yuan of longevity, most of it has been transformed into immortal yuan.

"As expected of the number one demon in the ages, he can do this. Judging by his appearance, it is estimated that [-]% of the true energy in his body has been transformed into immortal energy. I really don't know how he did it." The strong man, so judged.

For these powerhouses in the Ascension Realm, how to convert true essence into immortal essence is not only about their strength.Now it is even more about their lives, because they cannot ascend now.

If you want to stay in the realm of comprehension for a longer period of time, it is obviously not enough to rely on some elixir to prolong your life.Transforming true essence into immortal essence is the most direct and effective way to prolong life.

Looking at Mochang, Lin Mu's eyes couldn't help but brighten up. Lin Mu hasn't reached the realm of comprehension yet, and he doesn't involve the issue of longevity.

But Mochang gave Lin Mu a revelation, that is how to get one step closer to the Ascension Realm.

Because whether the Ascension Realm is strong or not, it can be said that it is directly related to the start of the Ascension Immortal Realm in the future.

If Lin Mu could convert all the true energy in his body into immortal energy in the cultivation world, then when he arrived in the immortal world, his starting point would be much higher than that of ordinary immortals.

The reason why Lin Mu was able to grow rapidly in the fairy world back then was part of his skills. The key point was that when Lin Mu soared back then, three layers of the true energy in his body had already been transformed into immortal energy.

This was already a very terrifying ratio back then, but this Mochang obviously went further than himself.

This obviously has a lot to do with the current special situation, but it has to be admitted that Mo Chang is indeed a genius.

With Mo Chang's palm, the immortal energy surged and directly suppressed the half-immortal artifact, and even suppressed the half-immortal artifact so hard that Yang Hongxi couldn't move at all.

Yang Hongxi exerted all his energy, and his true essence desperately circulated, trying to stimulate the half-celestial weapon in his hand.But Mochang's hands are like iron tongs, firmly controlling the half-celestial weapon in his hand, making him unable to move at all.

The power of the semi-immortal weapon lies in the fact that it can stimulate immortal energy and use it to attack.And Mochang also uses the immortal yuan, so the power of the semi-immortal weapon has been offset by Mochang.

(End of this chapter)

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