Supreme Chef

Chapter 880

Chapter 880
"Get out of here quickly, don't worry, my old bones are not so easy to die." Seeing that the two of them were not moving, Mo Chang urged again.

"Then be careful with everything yourself," Guo Zhenshan said.

Mo Chang said: "Don't worry, I don't want to die yet."

Lin Mudao: "Senior, if you are really trapped in the Demon Realm, you can directly try to trigger the Heavenly Tribulation. I think it is impossible to be trapped in the Thunder Field of the Demon Realm. You can ascend to the Immortal Realm, and we can meet up in the Immortal Realm in the future."

Mo Chang smiled and said, "That's right, Xiaoyou Lin is right. We can meet up in the Immortal Realm in the future. That's it, you two hurry up and leave."

After Mo Chang finished speaking, he took the map given by the formation and Lin Shu, and rushed into the boundary passage.

Lin Mu and Guo Zhenshan, seeing Mo Chang's figure, had disappeared into the boundary channel.He also turned his head and left here quickly.

When the formation explodes, it will turn this place into a terrifying space vortex.With the strength of the two of them staying here, I am afraid they can only wait for death.

The two quickly fled outside along the road Mochang opened for them.

While fleeing, Guo Zhenshan was already on the sidelines, and sent a message to all the people in the Magic Mountain, asking them to immediately organize people to prepare the car to enter the Mountain of Magical Beasts.

Although there is no protection from Mochang, the monsters along the way are basically solved by Mochang, so Lin Mu and Guo Zhenshan can be regarded as unimpeded along the way.

The two soon reunited with the people from the Demon Mountain, and the loss of the Demon Mountain in this battle was extremely heavy.

Except for those who fell, almost everyone was injured.Even a demon king like Guo Zhenshan also failed.

"Where's the old thing Mochang?" Song Na's grandfather, seeing that only Lin Mu and Guo Zhenshan came out, also stepped forward and asked.

Guo Zhenshan said, "Let's leave here first."

"What's wrong with Brother Mochang?" Mochang is the head of the top ten demon kings, so Guo Zhenshan and the others will call him Big Brother.

Guo Zhenshan looked at the other eight people looking at him, and said: "Brother Mochang went to the Demon Realm alone to destroy the realm passage. Let's leave here quickly. This place will soon become a space vortex. At that time, we want to It’s too late to go.”

"Old man, how could you let Brother Mochang do that!" Song Na's grandfather became excited after hearing Guo Zhenshan's words.

Mo Chang had saved his life back then, so his affection for Mo Chang was closer than others.

Guo Zhenshan looked at the furious Song Na's grandfather, and said, "Do I want to do this! The passage there is completely unsealable, and the only way is to blow it up. I also want to go in for Brother Mochang, but Mochang Big brother is right. We only have one chance, if we don’t have this chance, not only us, but the whole world of comprehension may fall.”

"The cultivation world has fallen. What does it have to do with our Magic Mountain? Why should we care about those old bastards." The more Song Na's grandfather said, the more excited he became.

Guo Zhenshan also said angrily: "Calm down, okay? Brother Mochang has already made a choice. We should not disappoint Brother Mochang's good intentions. If you want to stay with Brother Mochang here, I will accompany you. But first let us Can the people leave here first? This is the last foundation of our Magic Mountain, and they can't afford to lose."

After being yelled by Guo Zhenshan, Song Na's grandfather also calmed down. Looking at the blood-soaked disciples following behind him, Song Na's grandfather also gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

Song Na's grandfather agreed to leave, and Guo Zhenshan also waved his hand and said, "Everyone leave here and return to the Magic Mountain immediately."

"Hu rumbling!"

The people from the Demon Mountain had just left five thousand miles away, and the entire Warcraft Mountain Range began to vibrate violently, and the entire space became extremely unstable.

Sensing the fluctuations in the entire space, both Lin Mu and Guo Zhenshan knew that Mochang had succeeded.

He successfully detonated the explosive point of that space, turning the Warcraft Mountain Range into a space vortex.

It's just that this result didn't make anyone feel excited.

Because they knew that if Mochang succeeded, it meant that Mochang might never come back.

"Return to the Devil Mountain immediately, don't stay here, to prevent the Devil Realm from retaliating against us." Guo Zhenshan said with grief and indignation in his heart.

Lin Mu's heart is also very heavy at this time, Lin Mu did not expect that the ending would be like this.

Lin Mu didn't even think that Mo Chang, who was chatting with himself a few days ago and discussing with himself why he couldn't ascend in the realm of comprehension, might never come back today.

Guo Zhenshan looked at Song Na's grandfather who looked lonely, and wanted to say something to comfort him.But Guo Zhenshan opened his mouth, really didn't know what to say to comfort him.And he suddenly found that he couldn't even comfort himself.

The people from the Devil Mountain returned to the Devil Mountain silently all the way.

The people who returned to the Devil Mountain did not immediately disperse separately, but still under the unified command, they defended the entire area of ​​the top ten devil kings.

Lin Mu passed the news to the president as soon as possible.

When the president received such news, he was also a little surprised, but more of it was his admiration for Mochang.

The president gathered everyone together, and circulated the news from Lin Mu to Cang Ming and others.

When Cang Ming and Li Jiuyu saw that Mo Chang went deep into the Demon Realm alone, detonating the space.There is not much admiration in their hearts, but there is a lot of secret joy.

Because Mochang disappeared, that is to say, the biggest obstacle that weighed on their heads was gone.They can continue to deal with Lin Mu without worrying about Mo Chang.

Of course, Yang Hongxi's mood was not so comfortable.Because the Fire Cloud Spear was still in Mo Chang's hands, Mo Chang disappeared, which meant that his Fire Cloud Spear also disappeared along with it.

Losing the most precious treasure in the sect, there is no doubt that this is also a first-class felony.

"It seems that now only by capturing Lin Mu and forcing Lin Mu to tell his secret, maybe we can avoid death." Yang Hongxi secretly thought in his heart.

The same question has completely different meanings in the eyes of different people.

In the eyes of the president and others, everything Mochang has done is heroic and worthy of admiration.But in the eyes of Cang Ming and others, all Mo Chang did was to save them from the danger of being engulfed by the demon world.And such a result is obviously the result they all want in their dreams.

Without the suppression of a mountain like Mochang, they can let go and do a lot of things.

(End of this chapter)

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