Supreme Chef

Chapter 881

Chapter 881
The same news also reached the eleventh prince at the first time.

The eleventh prince was furious when he got the news.

"What are you talking about! You said that there has now become a huge space vortex, and my legion in the demon world can no longer cross the boundary!" The eleventh prince asked angrily.

"Yes, His Royal Highness." The elder of the Momen replied tremblingly.

"Trash! They're all a bunch of trash! There are 10 people, but three of them can't be stopped. What good do I need you!" Eleventh Prince roared furiously.


As soon as the voice fell, the sword fell from the hand, and a human head rolled to the ground.

"Who can tell me what to do now? If you can't tell, you're all going to die!" The Eleventh Prince's temper became even more irritable after Lin Shu forcibly broke his wings.

"Too...His Royal Highness, the top priority is that we must immediately find a safe place to hide and intend to make a comeback." An elder of the Demon Sect said tremblingly.

"Conceal! I am the majestic prince of the royal family of the demon world, and I still need to hide! Without the royal army, I can still lead Xijizhou! Recall all personnel! I want to bloodbath Xijizhou!" The eleventh prince said coldly.

"His Royal Highness, now the enemy is strong and we are weak, and we are alone and helpless. Now we face head-to-head, we will lose..."


Before the elder of the demon sect finished speaking, his head flew up as high as the previous one.

"Anyone who disturbs our army's morale will be killed without mercy!" The Eleventh Prince said in a cold tone.

"Yes! I respect His Royal Highness' decree!" The rest of the people bowed quickly.

The Eleventh Prince looked at the people below, and said: "Today, I will completely bring Xijizhou under my control, as the cornerstone of my reign in the Demon Realm. Send people to the Warcraft Mountains to check the specific situation. Once the Demon Realm Legion passes by, immediately report back."

"Yes! His Royal Highness!"


Momen is actively taking action here, preparing to occupy the entire West Jizhou.

On the side of the monks in Xijizhou, they are also actively preparing for the final decisive battle.

The Demon Sect is already isolated and helpless. At this time, it is not yet possible to wipe out the Demon Sect and regain the lost ground.The monks on the West Jizhou side really deserve to be enslaved.

"The Demon Sect has been isolated and helpless. Now is the best time for us to fight back. I drafted a crusade document and announced it to the world. Can you see if there is any problem? If there is no problem, I suggest that we jointly issue it .” The president handed over a crusade document to everyone for circulation.

After reading the document, Cang Ming frowned and said, "There is nothing wrong with this crusade document, but there is one thing we really want to emphasize, is it Mochang who made the great contribution? We also paid a lot. I Admit that Magic Mountain has paid a lot this time, but do we really need to do so? In this case, it is very likely that among the monks in Xijizhou, there will be an impression of our inaction. At that time, all our sects will be impressed. The status among the monks in Xijizhou.

If there are more people, they will join the door of the Magic Mountain.Then when the magic mountain is so powerful, will it become the next one, the 36 magic gates? "

The president said: "Mochang sacrificed his life for righteousness for the sake of Xijizhou and the whole cultivation world. If we don't explain it, wouldn't it be more chilling for the monks in the world!"

"Do you think it's better to let the people in the world feel cold? Or let the people in the world turn to the Devil Mountain?" Cang Min asked back.

"I agree with Sect Master Cang. If it only makes the hearts of the people in the world chill, we can still bear it. But if the hearts of the people in the world are turned towards the Demon Mountain. We cannot guarantee whether the Demon Mountain will become the next 36 gates of the Demon Gate. Xiji Zhou is riddled with holes and cannot bear another bloodbath." Li Jiuyu also said at this time.

After hearing Cang Ming and Li Jiuyu's words, many sect leaders nodded silently.

"In this situation, you people are still thinking of your own interests. What is the difference between you being so selfish and those of the Demon Sect!" Jiao Feiyang couldn't stand it any longer, and reprimanded loudly.

"Senior Jiao, you are not a member of the sect. You don't know the difficulties of our sect leaders. And we really can't guarantee that if Moshan gets the support of all the people in the world, will it become the next 36 sects of Momen?" Senior Jiao, do you want to see another battle in Xijizhou?" Cang Ming asked politely, clasping his hands.

Cang Ming's attitude made many sect masters choose to stand on Cang Ming's side.

Seeing this situation, the president could only sigh in his heart, and said: "Since everyone has differences, let's express our opinions and negotiate a solution."

The result is naturally self-evident. Under the overwhelming opposition, the chairman had to delete the paragraph about Mochang.

In the face of the crisis, people on the West Jizhou side hope that there will be heroes in Moshan who can stand up.But now that the crisis is about to pass, they don't want to see such a hero rise.They just hope that this hero is an unsung hero.

They don't want to see how powerful the Magic Mountain is.I don't even want to see the Magic Mountain affect their rule.

People are selfish. In the face of interests, they don't care what others sacrifice for their own safety.

Such a document will soon be announced to the world.

When Guo Zhenshan received such a crusade document, he was so angry that he tore it up on the spot.

Lin Mu looked at such a document with a cold expression.

Such ignorance makes people feel chilling, Lin Mu is the one who experienced it first-hand, and he knows what Mochang has paid.

Such an explosion, even if Mo Chang survived by chance, would enter the Demon Realm.

Lin Mu doesn't know where the Demon Realm is, but for such a destruction, they have great plans for human beings.Could the Demon Realm let Mo Chang go?The answer is obviously impossible.

For the sake of the entire cultivation world, Mochang gave up his own cultivation, even his own life.But no one will know him, and no one will remember him.


The stone slabs at the foot of the forest collapsed inch by inch because of anger.Lin Shu has never felt so angry before.

"This group of bull-nosed people is simply shameless. If I knew the result. I would rather not let Brother Mochang enter, and I would rather perish with those bull-nosed people!" Guo Zhenshan roared angrily.

"Guo Zhenshan! Get out!" Just as Guo Zhenshan was angry, an even more angry voice came from the gate of Guo Zhenshan.

Hearing this voice, Guo Zhenshan knew that Song Na's grandpa was coming.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?" Song Na came to her grandfather, looked at the furious grandfather and asked.

"It has nothing to do with you, tell that old bastard Guo Zhenshan to get out immediately!" Song Na's grandfather roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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