Supreme Chef

Chapter 882 Asking for justice

Chapter 882 Asking for justice (1)

Guo Zhenshan had no choice but to follow Lin Mu and go out to meet Song Qingshan.

"Guo Zhenshan, you finally dare to get out, please explain to me, what's going on?" Song Qingshan roared furiously while holding the crusade document.

Guo Zhenshan held back his anger and said, "I don't know what's going on?"

Song Qingshan said: "You don't know what's going on? This is Brother Mochang, who gave his life in exchange for it! What did you do to eat at that time, why didn't you stop Brother Mochang? For such a gang of shameless, see the profit You ungrateful villain, is brother Mochang's death worth it?"

Being scolded by Song Qingshan all the time, Guo Zhenshan finally couldn't help but burst out, saying: "I fucking know it will be like this, if I know this, I would rather die with these bastards in the cultivation world than let the devil Brother Chang is going on an adventure!"

"You don't know, I think you know best! It was you who went to negotiate with those people in the cultivation world, don't you know who they are! I think you have a different heart!" Song Qingshan roared.

Guo Zhenshan was also directly angry, and said: "Song Qingshan, what the hell do you say, I will have a different heart. If I know this is the result, I would rather die myself."

Song Na saw that the two had a tendency to start fighting when they disagreed, so she quickly grabbed her grandfather and said, "Grandpa, you really can't blame Grandpa Guo for this matter. Grandpa Guo doesn't know that people in the cultivation world will be so shameless." Such a situation. Grandpa, please calm down first, and I heard from Lin Mu that Grandpa Mochang may not necessarily die. Maybe Grandpa Mochang has already ascended? As long as you ascend, Grandpa, I believe, you will definitely be with Mochang again. Grandpa Chang met."

Song Qingshan said to his precious granddaughter: "You don't have to speak for this old bastard, he is a complete bastard, if he hadn't gone to negotiate with the cultivation world, brother Mochang would have died. I would rather be with Xijizhou I don’t want to die with those bastards in the Demon Realm.”

"Grandpa, Grandpa Song is not feeling well, just let Grandpa Song say a few words. The matter in the devil world has not been completely resolved, so you can't fight with Grandpa Song!" Guo Peng also spoke at this time to comfort his grandfather.

After hearing what his grandson said, Guo Zhenshan calmed down a little.

Lin Mu took two steps, bowed to Song Qingshan, and said: "Senior Song, this junior really didn't know that things would turn out like this. If this junior knew that Senior Mo Chang's sacrifice was for these things, this junior would definitely not have thought about it at the time." Will agree, Senior Mochang will go."

Song Qingshan was quite polite to Lin Mu, saying: "This matter has nothing to do with you, you are just doing your own thing."

Lin Mu shook his head, and said: "Senior and junior are also people in the cultivation world of Xijizhou. This junior is absolutely responsible for such a thing. This junior will definitely give senior an explanation. I can see that this Although it was drafted by the president, it was definitely not the original intention of the senior president. The junior will definitely understand this situation and give senior Mochang justice."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he had to leave directly and go to the Craftsman City to ask for clarification.

"Lin Mu, you can't go now. If this matter is really not done by the president. Then this matter must be aimed at, not only our Magic Mountain, but also you. If you go like this, they may be very angry. You are not good." Guo Zhenshan was still very calm.

Guo Peng also said: "Brother Lin, just listen to my grandfather, you stay here now, and it's not too late to go when the situation becomes clear."

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but if this matter is not clear, my conscience will be condemned for the rest of my life. If I really want to leave, Cang Mo's gang will definitely not be able to stop me. You don't have to worry about my safety."

Song Qingshan said: "Little friend Lin, I just spoke in a moment of anger, you better not take this risk, just stay in my magic mountain."

Lin Mudao: "I proposed the plan to blow up there. I can't chill the hearts of the dead. I want to do what I should do."

Seeing Lin Mu's resolute attitude, everyone knew that it would be useless to persuade Lin Mu.

Song Qingshan thought about it, and said: "If they dare to make things difficult for you, Lin Mu, you can say that if they can't give you justice at this time. Our Demon Mountain and Demon Gate will jointly attack the realm of comprehension."

Guo Zhenshan's eyes lit up, and he said: "Yes! If they dare to do things to you, they won't give you a fair answer. We would rather bear the eternal infamy, and join forces with the Demon Realm, and we will die together in the end."

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you two seniors for your kindness."

Lin Mu finally manipulated Chi Hong to leave the Magic Mountain and head directly to Craftsman City.

Along the way, Lin Mu saw too many troops dispatched by the Demon Realm, but the entire Demon Realm and the Demon Sect were actively preparing for battle at this time, but no one intercepted Lin Mu.

After three days of running around, Lin Mu returned to Craftsman City.

Without Gu De and Liu Yiyi reunited, Lin Mu directly broke into the main hall of the Craftsman City.

Lin Mu came back suddenly, causing all the leaders who were discussing in the main hall to be slightly taken aback.

"Lin Mu, you're back." Seeing Lin Mu's return, the president was also a little surprised.

Lin Mu nodded, but with a serious face, he said, "Senior President, I want to know whether this crusade document was written by you."

Seeing Lin Mu's expression, the president already understood everything.The president nodded and said, "Yes."

Lin Mudao: "The seniors and juniors want to ask, senior Mochang gave his life for the entire West Jizhou, why there is no mention here. Moshan gave so many lives for the entire West Jizhou, why? Not a single word was written."

The president was also very ashamed when asked about this by Lin Mu.Writing such a crusade document, the president feels ashamed.But this is the result of everyone's discussion, and the president can only obey.

"Lin Mu is the result of all of us discussing it. You are a small casual cultivator, what qualifications do you have to ask! Do you want to fight against all the righteous ways in Xijizhou? I think you have been assimilated by the people of the Magic Mountain. If you lean towards the magic mountain, you are about to become a demon." Li Jiuyu said with a sneer.

Lin Mu turned his head and looked at Li Jiuyu coldly, and said, "Even if I am possessed, I am better than a villain like you. What I said back then still counts. If you want me to do it now, I don't mind taking it first." You are Taixuanshan surgery!"

Lin Mu's domineering response was beyond everyone's expectation.

Li Jiuyu stared at Lin Mu, his face turned ashen, pointed at Lin Mu and said, "Little Huangkou, you dare to threaten Taixuan Mountain. I think you are tired of living. Die for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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