Supreme Chef

Chapter 883 Asking for justice

Chapter 883 Asking for justice (2)

Facing Li Jiuyu's threat, Lin Mu was not afraid, and directly took out his fairy weapon, stared at Li Jiuyu and said, "I just want to settle the old score with you. If you are not afraid of death, you can come up and try."

Seeing that Lin Mu directly sacrificed the fairy weapon, Li Jiuyu was a little bit lost.

Although his cultivation was a level higher than Lin Mu's, Li Jiuyu had no idea about the immortal weapon.

"Why don't you dare to come up, if you don't dare to come up, just stay honest." Lin Mu looked at Li Jiuyu and said with a sneer.

"Lin Mu, you are too arrogant. You don't even say you are helping the Demon Sect, but you still ignore the people in the world like this. Even if you have a fairy weapon, it doesn't matter. If the people in the world unite to strangle you, I'm afraid you won't be able to last long with the fairy weapon." Cang Ming He directly pulled everyone together to fight against Lin Shu.

Lin Mu looked at Cang Ming with a sneer, and said, "Cang Ming put away your face of standing on the moral high ground. I know that this crusade document is definitely not the president's intention, and you must be making troubles in it again. You know that because of your greed and Selfishness, is it possible that the entire West Jizhou will be ruined?"

"What's going on?" The president asked quickly when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mudao: "Before I leave, Song Qingshan and Guo Zhentian asked me to give you a message. If this matter cannot be handled properly, they would rather die than die with everyone here. Together with the 36 gates of the Demon Gate and the Demon Realm, we will Attack everyone here."

"What!" The president and others couldn't help being shocked when they heard Lin Mu's words.

They didn't expect that Guo Zhentian and the others would want to die with themselves and others because of such a thing.

If Guo Zhentian and the others really joined forces with the 36 Demon Sects, their strength would not be much smaller than that of the Royal Legion from the Demon Realm.

"Don't be alarmist here, these are just your one-sided words." Seeing that someone was shaken, Cang Ming immediately stood up to refute Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at Cang Min with a sneer, and said, "Master Cang, you can say whatever you want to me now, because if the Moshan is really united with the 36 sects of the Momen, the Hunyuan faction will be the first one to deal with. At that time, I thought that Sect Master Cang would have a hard time keeping your Hunyuan Sect's ten thousand-year foundation in the face of the encirclement and suppression of the two major forces, right?"

When Cang Ming heard Lin Mu's words, he couldn't help but 'click'.If this is the case, Cang Ming is really incapable of resisting the attacks of the two behemoths, and his Wannian Foundation of the Mixed Faction may really be ruined in his hands.

"Hmph! My generation of monks, how can we be afraid of the threat of mere demons. As long as our monks in Xijizhou unite, we will not be afraid of the threat of these demons." Naturally, it is impossible for Cang Ming to show timidity on such an occasion.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Master Cang, do you think that when that time really comes, how many people will stand up to help the Hunyuan faction. You are already old, and you are still so naive when you think about the problem. The Hunyuan faction can In your hands, it is really a miracle that it has survived for so long."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Cang Min's face turned livid, but he didn't dare to refute.Because what Lin Mu said was right, if the situation really reached that point, Cang Ming really didn't dare to say how many people would stand on his side.

"That's what the Forest Demon Mountain really said?" the president asked.

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "Before I came back, Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan asked me to convey it personally."

Lin Mu's words silenced all the sect leaders present.They have always considered their own interests before, and they never thought that the rabbit would bite someone in a hurry.What's more, this is not a rabbit, but a giant magic mountain.If the Demon Mountain really unites with the Demon Realm and the 36 Demon Sects, it may really be their doomsday.

"Everyone, let's see how we deal with it now?" The president also simply threw the matter to Cang Mo and the others.

The previous decision was made by you, and the current decision should be made by you together.

However, the previous decision they made was so happy, but this decision made them very uncomfortable.

Because if they vetoed their previous decision, it would be slapping themselves in the face.But if they persisted, then if they really forced the Demon Mountain to the side of the 36 gates of the Demon Sect, then it would not be a matter of slapping themselves in the face, but a matter of losing their lives and heads.

"We must not be threatened by those demons. If they can threaten us today, what might they threaten us tomorrow? We cannot be led by the nose." Li Jiuyu was the first to stand up and object.

Lin Mu looked at Li Jiuyu coldly, and said: "You have to realize that what we are going to state is a fact. Instead of being threatened by them, everything that Senior Mochang has done for us is obvious to all. We should let everyone all know."

After a pause, Lin Mu said sarcastically: "I really want to know, under the circumstances at that time, would you have the courage to go deep into the boundary channel alone like Senior Mochang?"

"Of course! For me, a monk in Xijizhou, I will die without regret." Li Jiuyu said proudly.

Lin Mu listened to Li Jiuyu's words and said with a smile: "That's right, I have a way now to completely seal the passage from the demon world to the cultivation world, so that there will be no future troubles. But now it has become a space vortex where there is no entry but no exit. I now It is necessary for someone like Sect Leader Li who understands righteousness and has no regrets to die for Xijizhou to go in and seal it for me."

Li Jiuyu looked at Lin Mu's mocking eyes, and immediately retorted: "Lin Mu, stop talking nonsense here, you have no way to completely seal it."

Lin Mu sneered and said, "I'm talking nonsense. I dare to promise in front of the channel of the world that if I, Lin Mu, are talking nonsense, I will die under the catastrophe. Do you Li Jiuyu dare to go in?"

"I..." Li Jiuyu didn't expect that Lin Mu really had a way, but he was also stupid, and he dared not say anything even if he opened his mouth.

Li Jiuyu was afraid of death, and he didn't want to die either.He said that just to frustrate Lin Mu's spirit, but he never thought that Lin Mu would do something like this.

"If you can't do it, don't talk too much. If you can be like the senior Mochang, I can guarantee that the Momen will not only stop pursuing this time, but also inform the world of your heroic deeds. Let the world be like you, Li Jiuyu Be a role model." Lin Mu said loudly.

Li Jiuyu's face was blackened by Lin Mu's words, but no matter how much Lin Mu mocked him, he dared not agree.That was a head-scratching thing. If he really agreed to Lin Mu, it would mean that his life could count down.

"Hmph! You don't even have the courage to agree. What qualifications do you have to judge others? Everyone here can think about it. If it was everyone at that time, would you have the courage to go in?" Lin Mu glanced at the people in the room, The sound is resounding.

(End of this chapter)

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