Supreme Chef

Chapter 888

Chapter 888

The fact that the cultivation world cannot ascend is what bothers the entire cultivation world, and all monks in the ascension realm.

In fact, why there are so few ascension-level cultivators in the cultivation world, and why there may be less than ten ascension-level monks in a nine-star sect, is the most direct reason why they cannot ascend to the cultivation world.

It is true that the small catastrophe of Ascension Realm is not so easy to pass.But more importantly, what can they do even if they survive the minor catastrophe.

After the minor catastrophe, if they can't find the elixir to prolong their lifespan, their lifespan will only be 2000 years.

For ordinary people, the year 2000 is unimaginably long.But for monks, the year 2000 is just a snap of the fingers.

He has worked hard for thousands of years to cultivate to the level of Ascension, but in the end, the result is only to be able to live for another 2000 years.No one would accept such a result.

So instead of doing that, it's better to stay at the peak of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm and wait to find the reason for not being able to ascend.

"Do you know the reason why the cultivation world cannot ascend?" Jiao Feiyang asked urgently.

Jiao Feiyang's situation is very similar to that of Mochang, and Jiao Feiyang will arrive soon, when the life-extending panacea will not work for him, so Jiao Feiyang will say that he will go to Lin Mu to retire and wait for death.

In fact, not only Jiao Feiyang and the president, but Liu Yiyi was also very shocked.

There is no cultivator who does not want to ascend to the fairy world. Of course, Liu Yiyi also cares about her master.Because my master has stayed in the cultivation world for more than 2000 years.If he couldn't ascend again, his master might also die.

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "Before I was not sure whether my deduction was accurate, but Senior Mochang told me that after his experience in Chengxiantai, I basically determined the reason why the cultivation world could not ascend."

"You said Mochang entered Chengxiantai?" Jiao Feiyang asked with a frown.

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "Yes. The reason why [-]% of the true energy in Senior Mochang's body has been transformed into immortal energy is because of the experience in Chengxiantai."

"I didn't expect that he would enter Chengxiantai, come out safely, and convert [-]% of his true essence into immortal essence." Jiao Feiyang also felt a little incredible.

"Ling Mu, hurry up and tell me, why can't the cultivation world stop ascending?" the president urged.

Lin Mu said: "It's very simple. The mine field is locked."

Jiao Feiyang and the others also didn't understand what it meant to be locked in a minefield.So Lin Mu could only explain to Jiao Feiyang and the president what happened to Lei Yu from the beginning.What's the matter with Leiyu being locked.Including his own deduction about Lei Yu, Lin Mu told Jiao Feiyang and the president in detail.

After the president, Jiao Feiyang, and Liu Yiyi listened to it, it took a long time to digest all that Lin Mu had said.

"Lin Mu, you said that the minefield was artificially blocked, so what is the purpose of the person who blocked the minefield? With his power, I am afraid that there is nothing he can appreciate in the cultivation world. Right?" Liu Yiyi also asked the question in her heart.

Lin Mu shook his head, and said: "I don't know about this either. Maybe there is really something in the realm of comprehension, which might be of interest to him, so he sealed Lei Yu. We are not allowed to go up and take away the news, nor are we Let the people above come down and take what he wants?"

After getting in touch with the two people from the Land of Perishing Immortals and the Land of Exile, Lin Mu's view of the cultivation world has changed a lot.

Lin Mu wasn't sure if there were any treasures they hadn't discovered in the cultivation world, but Lin Mu could be sure that the cultivation world was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Since you know the reason why the cultivation world is blocked, Lin Mu, do you have a way to solve this problem?" This is what the president and Jiao Feiyang are most concerned about.

Don't be afraid of problems, as long as you find the problem.What's really scary is that even if you find the root of the problem, you can't solve it. This is what's really scary.

Lin Mudao: "Such a huge formation has completely exceeded my understanding of formations. Up to now, I have no idea where to start. However, the information given by Senior Mochang made me feel that I should still First, go to Chengxiantai to have a look.”

"It is indeed where we should go to see. What a glorious and desirable place Chengxiantai used to be. In just tens of thousands of years, Chengxiantai has become a Jedi." Jiao Feiyang said with emotion.

Lin Mudao: "As soon as the matter here is over, I will go to Chengxiantai immediately, but at this time I still hope that the two seniors can keep it secret for me."

Jiao Feiyang and the president nodded and said: "Naturally, what you said to us today will not get out. Just rest assured that you will go to Chengxiantai, we will not tell anyone."

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Then thank you two seniors."

Jiao Feiyang smiled wryly, and said: "If you really want to thank you, we old guys should thank you. It doesn't matter whether this is true or not, and it doesn't matter whether you can crack the formation. In short, you have at least given us hope. , Let us old guys who are waiting to die have the motivation to live again."

The president also agreed: "That's right, for us old guys. If we can't find a chance to ascend, we're probably going to die."

Lin Mudao: "This junior is about to enter the Ascension Realm. This junior is doing this for himself. However, the layout of the formation is so large that this junior may not be able to decipher it in a short period of time, and may not even be able to find a clue."

Jiao Feiyang said: "I have waited for so many years, are there still a few more years left? I will not die in a few hundred years, I can still afford to wait for this little time."

The president also said: "I can afford to wait."

Because Lin Mu already had his own sect, the matter of abdicating to the virtuous could only end here.

And they also know that Lin Mu already has his own sect, so naturally it is impossible to join the Magic Mountain.

Under Xijizhou's full counterattack, the battle against the Demon Realm and the 36 Demon Gates can be said to be extremely smooth.

It didn't take long for the main force of the 36 gates of the magic gate to be almost wiped out.As for the Eleventh Prince and the elders of the Momen, they did not resist, but fled directly, and fled there.If Xijizhou is so big, no one will know.

"Seniors and juniors are about to go to Chengxiantai now. Regarding the matter of the intercontinental teleportation array, please hurry up with the two seniors." Lin Mu found Jiao Feiyang and the president and said.

(End of this chapter)

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