Supreme Chef

Chapter 889

Chapter 889

Although Lin Mu is going to Chengxiantai, Lin Mu also knows that the current self still has no ability to solve everything arranged by the great power that he doesn't know.

Lin Mu is just going to take a look now. After seeing it, Lin Mu will go to Dongxuanzhou.

That day he was forced to leave Dongxuanzhou, and now that Liu Yiyi has found it, Lin Mu should go back.After all, there are Xu Mei and the others over there.

Before going to Chengxiantai, Lin Mu was invited by Guo Zhentian to go to the Magic Mountain again.

"Lin Mu, you're here, sit down for a while, and I'll introduce you to a friend later." Guo Zhentian said with a smile on his face.

Although Guo Zhentian laughed again, Lin Mu felt a little creepy.

"Senior Guo, are you looking for something for me, why don't we just talk about it? Why do I feel a little cold when you look at me and smile like this?" Lin Mu said.

Guo Zhentian still said with a smile: "Song Qingshan and the others will arrive soon, wait for them to arrive, and then discuss the matter."

Seeing Guo Zhentian's smile, Lin Mu couldn't help shivering, but Song Qingshan will arrive soon, so Lin Mu can only wait.

A quarter of an hour later, Song Qingshan really came, but there was another person following Song Qingshan.

This is an unsmiling woman, but I have to admit that this woman is very beautiful.

She almost fits the male cultivator's fantasy of all beauties, sexy, glamorous, and noble. Such a woman made Lin Mu's eyes pause for a while.

Seeing Lin Mu's eyes, Guo Zhentian couldn't help laughing secretly.

His eighth younger sister is the most beautiful woman in the entire Magic Mountain, it would be strange if Lin Mu didn't stare.

"Eight younger sister is Lin Mu, and also a friend of our Demon Mountain." Song Qingshan said to his eighth younger sister.

Bamei looked up at Lin Mu, her face suddenly changed, but seeing Lin Mu's eyes, Bamei's expression immediately returned to normal.

Although this change was only for a moment, it was very obvious and was captured by Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan.

"Is there any problem with Eighth Sister?" Guo Zhentian asked.

Bamei shook her head and said, "It's not a problem, but I didn't expect that Lin...Brother Lin, you are so young."

Guo Zhentian smiled and said: "Lin Mu is not only young, but also highly talented, he is also an old man I have only seen in my life, you deserve..."

Guo Zhentian was so excited that he almost missed the point. Fortunately, Song Qingshan took over the conversation and said, "Let's all sit down and talk first, what's the matter if we all stand up."

After hearing Song Qingshan's words, Guo Zhentian also reacted quickly, saying: "Yes! Yes! The honored guests are coming, how can we let everyone stand, everyone sit down."

Lin Mudao: "Seniors, I have been to the Devil's Mountain several times, but I haven't been around the Devil's Mountain properly. I wonder if this senior can take me around the Devil's Mountain."

When Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan heard this, they thought it was a joke, and they couldn't help but look happy, and seeing that their eighth younger sister didn't object, they were even more happy.

This is really in line with what the two said before, maybe Lin Mu and Bamei will see each other right when they meet.

Guo Zhentian quickly said happily: "It should be so. But Lin Mu. Although we call her Bamei, she is much younger than us. In fact, we usually regard her as our granddaughter. You You don’t need seniors to be tall and seniors to be short. Why don’t you two be equal to each other, and you know that our Demon Sect doesn’t care about these things.”

This is also what Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan had discussed before. They were worried that Lin Mu would have such feudal thoughts, so the first step was to help Lin Mu and break free from the shackles of his thoughts. The provincial Lin Mu would be worried that Bamei was his predecessor. And did not dare to take any further action.

After hearing Guo Zhentian's words, Lin Mu also said, "Then I'll call her Eighth Sister."

Song Qingshan also smiled when he saw Lin Mu being so 'on the road': "Is that right? You are about the same age, you go and play, we two old guys, drink tea here."

Lin Mu said: "The junior will leave first."

"Go! Go!" Guo Zhentian wished the two of them could leave sooner.

Lin Mu and Bamei finally left.

The two old foxes, Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan, looked at each other and laughed.

"I really didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and Eighth Sister didn't object. This is simply too abnormal." Song Qingshan said with a happy face.

Guo Zhenshan also agreed: "Yes! This matter is really a bit abnormal. I can understand that Lin Mu has no objection. The key is that the eighth younger sister doesn't resist, which is really strange."

Song Qingshan chuckled, and said: "Young people's affairs, that's what us old men can understand. Maybe the two of them just see each other right. Let's stop worrying about it, let's have a good drink. tea bar."

Guo Zhentian thought for a moment and said, "That's right! Let's drink tea and let the young people go and have fun."

After Lin Mu and Bamei left Guo Zhentian's place, Bamei suddenly said to Lin Mu, "Senior Engong."

Lin Mu waved his hand and said to Bamei, "I told you back then that I am not your benefactor. You don't owe me anything."

Bamei said stubbornly: "Senior Engong, if it weren't for you back then, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago. It's even more impossible for me to be here today."

Lin Mu knew what kind of person this eighth younger sister was, so he didn't force anything.

"I know you have a lot of questions, can we find a safe place first?" Lin Mu said to Bamei.

The reason why the eighth younger sister called Lin Mu Senior Engong was because this eighth younger sister was a monk that Lin Mu rescued when he first arrived in the realm of comprehension.

Back then, Bamei was besieged by people with unruly intentions. Fortunately, Lin Mu appeared in time and killed all the bad guys, so Bamei saved her life.

Since that time, Bamei has been calling Lin Mu "Senior Engong".It's just that Lin Mu never admitted it.

In fact, Lin Mu was also very surprised to meet Bamei here.

After Lin Mu Dao cultivated the world back then, he immediately began to retreat and practice.It can be said that when Lin Mu was in the cultivation world, he could count the people he really met with two fingers.

This is also the reason why no one has heard of him when Lin Mu returned to the cultivation world again.

Among the tens of billions of people in the world of comprehension, it is not easy to meet someone I met back then.But Lin Mu happened to meet him.

"Senior Engong, this is my cave." Eighth Sister brought Lin Mu to a very warmly decorated cave and said.

(End of this chapter)

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