Supreme Chef

Chapter 890

Chapter 890
Lin Mu glanced around Bamei's cave, and said, "Not bad, very good."

Suddenly thought of something, Lin Mu said: "But you still don't call me senior, I'm not used to it."

Bamei insisted: "Senior has saved my life, and this junior dare not forget."

"Eight sister..."

When Bamei heard Lin Mu call her Bajie, she hurriedly said: "Senior, don't call junior like that, junior can't bear it."

Lin Mu spread his hands and said, "If you call me senior, I can only call you Eighth Sister."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the eighth younger sister hesitated for a while, and then showed a little girly attitude that Guo Zhentian and the others couldn't see, and said with a pretty face, "Brother Lin."

Lin Mu said: "That's about the same, what you call me senior, you call me old."

Bamei said: "Senior, haven't you already ascended to the fairy world? Why are you back?"

Lin Mu sighed, and said: "It's a bit long to talk about, but to put it simply, I was tricked by four old bastards, and I was beaten back to the realm of comprehension."

Bamei said: "Who is it?"

Lin Mu waved his hand and said, "It's better not to mention them, I will get angry if I mention them. But I will not let those four old bastards go."

After a pause, Lin Mu said, "By the way, why did you come to Xijizhou and join the Demon Sect?"

Bamei said: "Even though Big Brother Lin saved me that day, they still didn't give up pestering me. Originally, I wanted to find you, Big Brother Lin, but you were nowhere to be seen at that time. Only then did I realize that you have been retreating all this time."

Lin Mu felt a little embarrassed when he heard Bamei's words.Although he saved her that day, what he did did indeed leave a lot of trouble behind.

Bamei continued: "I was entangled by them and had no choice but to join a merchant ship and prepare to leave Dongxuanzhou. However, the merchant ship was attacked by sea monsters on the way, and most of the people on board died. I am very lucky. I survived, and even floated to an isolated island with abundant aura and resources. With the skills you left me, Brother Lin, I only took a thousand years to advance all the way to the Ascension Realm.

Originally, I planned to go back to Dongxuanzhou to take revenge, but halfway through, I heard that all of them were wiped out by Emperor Zong.So I gave up my plan to go back to Dongxuanzhou, and then I went to Xijizhou.

As for me joining the Magic Mountain, it was also a chance meeting.That day, I was discovered by the people of the Hunyuan faction because I got an eighth-grade Tianwu grass, and I was chased and killed by the people of the Hunyuan faction.On the way, I met Brother Mochang, who rescued me and took me to the Magic Mountain.Since then, I have stayed at the Magic Mountain. "

Lin Mu didn't expect that a little girl he saved back then would have such a bizarre experience and become one of the top ten demon kings.

Lin Mu said: "Actually, I was also to blame for my negligence back then. If I hadn't left some tails behind, you wouldn't have to run away."

Bamei hurriedly said: "Brother Lin, if it weren't for you back then, maybe I would have died under their ravages, and I can't repay the kindness you gave me in the past, Brother Lin, in this life."

What Lin Mu passed on to Bamei was the "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" that he had practiced before.Back then when Lin Mu first arrived in the world of comprehension, he didn't know the importance of "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue", and Lin Mu also passed "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" to Ba Mei because of his pity.

If it were Lin Mu today, Lin Mu might not have taught her the exercises.

But for Lin Mu who has already found the correct cultivation method, the past "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" is obviously not that important anymore.

"By the way, do you know why your two elder brothers asked me to come here?" Lin Mu still hasn't figured out what Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan asked him to do.

When Bamei heard Lin Mu's question, her pretty face couldn't help but blushed for a while.Of course she knew what her two elder brothers meant, and Song Qingshan told her about it on the way here, but she never thought that Lin Mu was her benefactor back then.

Originally, she was still very resistant, but now the one in front of her is her benefactor, how can she express it.

"Don't you know?" Lin Mu asked, looking at Bamei's expression.

"Actually... Actually, I know." Bamei hesitated for a while, but was still ready to tell Lin Mu the truth.

Because even if he didn't talk about it himself, Song Qingshan and Guo Zhentian would definitely tell Lin Mu about it. Instead of doing that, it's better to talk about it first, so that Lin Mu won't be misunderstood.

"You know. Then tell me, what is it?" Lin Mu said.

Bamei struggled for a long time before opening her mouth in embarrassment, "Actually...Actually, the two of them want to match us up. They want us to form a Taoist couple."

After speaking, Bamei's voice was already inaudible, and her face was red as if she was about to bleed.


After listening to Bamei's words, Lin Mu was also stunned, and immediately felt a little embarrassed.

Lin Mu never thought that Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan came to introduce Taoist couples to him.This was indeed somewhat unexpected for Lin Mu, and the most unexpected thing for Lin Mu was that the Taoist companion to be introduced was someone he had saved back then.

For a moment, both Lin Mu and Bamei fell into embarrassment, and neither of them spoke.

Bamei didn't speak because she didn't know what to say.It is impossible to say that she has no affection for Lin Mu.What's more, Lin Mu saved her life back then.

Lin Mu didn't speak, because Lin Mu really didn't know what to say.If it were someone else, Lin Mu would simply refuse.But this is the person I saved back then, so it would be inappropriate for me to speak bluntly.

"That's actually me..."

Bamei is no longer the little girl she was back then, and seeing Lin Mu's faltering, she already fully understood.

"Brother Lin, you don't need to say it, I know, I will explain to the two elder brothers, brother Lin, don't make it difficult." Bamei said.

When she said this, Bamei felt that something was missing in her heart.She had already forgotten herself. She hadn't felt this way for so many years.

Lin Mu opened his mouth, originally wanting to explain something, but Lin Mu felt that what he explained seemed to be covering up, so he simply said: "That's fine."

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and Lin Mu still knows the truth of cutting the mess with a quick knife.

"Brother Lin, are you planning to go back this time, or where are you going?" Bamei took the initiative to change the subject, saving Lin Mu from embarrassment.

Lin Mu said: "I'm going to Chengxiantai."

When Bamei heard that Lin Mu was going to become a fairyland, her expression changed, and she said: "Brother Lin, it is very dangerous to become a fairyland, and you are not passing through the peak of the seventh level of robbery, and there is still a long way to go before the Ascension Realm is complete. Brother Lin, you There's absolutely no need to take the risk."

Lin Mudao: "Actually, I went to Chengxiantai mainly because I wanted to see why the realm of comprehension could not ascend."

"What! Brother Lin, do you know the reason why the cultivation world cannot ascend?"

Lin Mu is already used to this kind of expression, no matter who is in the realm of comprehension, he will have such an expression when he hears such words.The fact that the comprehension world cannot ascend is already the biggest problem that bothers everyone.

"Brother Lin, let me go with you, so that I can take care of you." Bamei hesitated for a while, but also made a decision.

Lin Mu said: "Chengxiantai is very dangerous, you should not go there."

Bamei said stubbornly: "Brother Lin, I can't repay you for saving your life back then. If you don't let me do something for you, Brother Lin, I'm afraid I won't be able to untie this knot in my life. "

Lin Mu thought for a while, and felt that what Bamei said made sense, so he nodded and said, "Okay then, let's go together. But after you pass, you have to listen to me for everything."

"Okay! I promise you Brother Lin!" Bamei also said flatly.

(End of this chapter)

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