Supreme Chef

Chapter 892 Human Bomb

Chapter 892 Human Bomb
Lin Mu and Qin Lian walked within the range of Chengxiantai. Although the size became smaller, the surrounding thunder elements still kept impacting their bodies.

The bodies of the two were constantly being struck by electric light. Such a place is definitely an excellent place for body cultivators.

However, this kind of power is no longer effective against Lin Shu, who is already a flawless body, so a lightning strike with such power is almost like scratching an itch for Lin Mu.

Qin Lian is also on the seventh floor of the Ascension Realm, so such powerful lightning has no effect on Qin Lian.

Although it has no effect on the body, it has a great impact on the consciousness.

Basically, it can only cover a distance of [-] meters in front of you. After more than [-] meters, the power of spiritual consciousness will be overwhelmed by the thunder element.

Lin Mu and Qin Lian walked forward all the way, and after walking for a day, they finally saw the edge of Chengxiantai from a distance.

And after arriving here, the power of thunder and lightning has also increased several times.

In the air, one can already clearly see thunder that is as thick as a child's arm.

"Why don't you just wait for me here, and I'll go in by myself." Lin Mu said to Qin Lian, looking at the sky thunder that was getting denser and denser ahead.

Qin Lian said stubbornly: "No! I will go in with you. I can bear the power of the thunder."

"All right!"

Lin Mu knew that he couldn't persuade Qin Lian, so he agreed directly.

When he was about to enter the place where the sky thunders were denser, Lin Shu also stopped and glanced behind him.

Lin Mu naturally wanted to see if the original wife was still following her.

Although he couldn't see the figure, Lin Mu was sure that the original wife must still follow him.

It's just that Lin Mu didn't know what she was going to do.

Logically speaking, even if she wanted to find her moment of weakness, she didn't have to follow her all the way in like this.

Because the sky thunder that became Xiantai was not just an attack on the trees, it was an attack on everyone.

She has to bear the attack of the sky thunder, and she has to bear the same.

Lin Mu didn't think that in the world of self-cultivation, there was still that person who could withstand the attack of the sky thunder stronger than himself.

Even if her own strength drops by then, Lin Mu believes that she will only drop even lower, and it is not yet known who will win the battle.

"Is she still following us?" Qin Lian asked.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Although I can't see it, I'm sure she's still following us."

Qin Lian asked: "Is she going to wait for you to go deep into the minefield and when your strength is reduced, and take the opportunity to attack you?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said: "I don't know. But if she really plans to do this, then she can only say that she is looking for death. I was in the thunder field that day, and I could have survived. The power of thunder and lightning here, yes It’s nothing to me at all. But it’s enough to kill her.”

Qin Lian said: "Perhaps you don't know about her at all, what about the fact that you came out of the thunderfield alive?"

When Qin Lian said this, Lin Mu really remembered that this original wife really didn't know about her entering the minefield.

Because what is in the middle of the deserted island secret place, Lin Mu believes that in the entire cultivation world, except for himself, there should be no one else who knows.

It's not that no one has ever entered the central area of ​​the deserted island secret, but that after they entered, they never came out alive.

"If you say that, it's possible. But I always feel that her behavior is a bit weird, but I can't say exactly what is weird." Lin Mu said.

Qin Lian said: "Why don't I go and test her out, and if I can solve her, then let's solve her."

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "No need. Let's keep going. Even if she really has some conspiracy, as long as she dares to follow us deep, I promise to let her come and go."

Lin Mu's words are definitely not big words. If he was outside Chengxiantai, Lin Mu might not be so sure.

But here in Chengxiantai, Lin Mu has this confidence.

I am a flawless physique, with natural advantages, and my Thunder Spear can exert a power several times higher than usual here, such a power.With these two points, Lin Mu is completely sure to keep his original wife here.

Lin Mu and Qin Lian continued to go deeper, and after another half day, Lin Mu and Qin Lian finally saw the center of the thunderstorm.

Although the thunderstorm here is not as exaggerated as the thunderfield experienced by Lin Shu, its power is almost equivalent to the time when the thunderfield is at its weakest.

Qin Lian had already exhausted herself to come here. She had to use all her strength to resist the Heavenly Tribulation's attack, and even so, Qin Lian's consumption was already enormous.

"You wait here for me, I'll come out after I go in and have a look." Lin Mu said.


"I'll be out soon, just wait for me here." Lin Mu knew that Qin Lian had reached her limit, and it was impossible for Lin Mu to let Qin Lian go in and take risks.

Qin Lian obviously knew that she had reached her limit, so when Lin Mu said this, she could only nod her head in agreement.


But before Lin Mu entered the center of the thunderstorm, the original wife suddenly attacked Lin Mu, and she did it with all her strength, and all the true energy in her body burned instantly.

"Huh! You're looking for death!" Lin Mu had been waiting for a long time, so when he saw the original wife rushing over, Lin Mu also let out a cold snort, and then raised his hand, it was a lightning robbery gun nearly a hundred feet long, shining with purple awns.

The sky thunder here is inexhaustible, so Lin Mu doesn't need to prepare anything at all, he can sacrifice the extremely powerful thunder gun with his hand.

However, when the original wife saw the thunder gun, she didn't dodge or evade, and still rushed directly towards the forest, as if she wanted to die with the forest.

Seeing the unusual behavior of his original wife, Lin Mu frowned slightly.


Lin Mu's consciousness suddenly moved, and then his face changed drastically.

"She was refined into a puppet. If she wants to die with me, run away!" Lin Mu said to Qin Lian quickly.

Lin Mu thought about countless possibilities, but he never thought that this original wife would be refined into a puppet and die with him.

"No! Run quickly, I'll stop her!" Qin Lian stepped forward and stood in front of Lin Mu.

When Lin Mu saw Qin Lian standing in front of him, he didn't care to explain anything to Qin Lian, and in an instant another thunderbolt spear was thrown out.

At the same time, he directly patted Qin Lian on the back, and slapped Qin Lian towards him in the distance.

Although Qin Lian's cultivation base is much higher than that of Lin Mu, but here, most of her strength must resist the catastrophe.So the strength she displayed here was not as good as Lin Mu's, and Lin Mu made a sudden attack, and she didn't react at all.


Seeing that she was away from the forest in an instant, Qin Lian also shouted with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Lin Mu looked at Qin Lian, quickly transmitted the voice, and said, "Don't worry Lianmei, I won't die so easily."

After speaking, Lin Shu was right in front of him, setting up a dense thunder barrier.

And before Lin Mu finished the arrangement, the original wife had already blew herself up.

The huge shock wave mixed with the thunder here, instantly increasing the power of the thunder here several times.

This is the self-destruction of a master of the Ascension Realm. If it was outside, it would be more than enough to destroy a city.

Although in Chengxiantai, the thunderstorm offset most of the fluctuations, its power should not be underestimated, especially the energy of the explosion, which caused the thunder to explode directly.



Lin Mu didn't have time to react at all, he just spurted blood, and his body almost collapsed at the same time.

You must know that Lin Mu has a flawless body, and he didn't say his body collapsed in the thunder field. It can be seen how terrifying the power of this explosion is.

(End of this chapter)

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