Supreme Chef

Chapter 893 The Great Perfection

Chapter 893 The Great Perfection

Qin Lian looked at Lin Mu's almost collapsed body and was pushed horizontally into the thunderstorm, tears in her eyes fell like broken threads.


Qin Lian shouted at the top of her lungs, she wanted to hold back Lin Mu, but she found that facing such a raging thunder calamity, she was powerless at all.

She didn't even have the ability to die with Lin Mu, because the outbreak of the thunderstorm had blocked her far away, making it impossible for her to move forward.

"No! Brother Lin will not die! Brother Lin will definitely not die!" Qin Lian did not believe that Lin Mu would die so easily.

In fact, Lin Shu did not die, although his body almost collapsed.But the flawless physique does not mean that it can be destroyed by destroying it.

At least in the cultivation world, it is not so easy to be destroyed.

It's just that Lin Mu was injured too badly this time. The Ascension Realm's powerhouse almost blew himself up face to face.Although the Thunder Tribulation resisted a large part of the energy, it was enough for Lin Shu to suffer.

The most important thing is that Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness is silent at this time, which makes Lin Mu completely unable to control his body.

Although the power of the thunderstorm here is not as exaggerated as in the thunderfield.

But Lin Shu can survive the thunderstorm because he has consciousness, and now Lin Shu has no consciousness at all. In such a violent thunder disaster, it is really difficult for Lin Mu to survive.

Lin Shu's almost collapsed body was suspended in the thunderstorm, and the berserk thunder continuously struck Lin Shu's body.

This made Lin Mu's already almost collapsed body even more injured.

"What about the old skeleton? You should think of a way?" Seeing the trees like this, Xue Linglong was also anxious.

Taoist Guang was also secretly anxious at this time, but he didn't have a good solution.

Lin Mu is completely unconscious now, and the point is, the chaotic world, because Lin Mu's unconsciousness has also been closed, he and the blood spirit dragon can't get out.

It would be better if he could get out, at least after he got out, the blood spirit dragon could still drag the trees into the chaotic world.

"Lin Mu won't die so easily. Flawless Physique is not only a nice name, but also Lin Mu is fine in the thunder field. This kind of thunderstorm is not enough to kill him. Moreover, Lin Mu's "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" It's not an ordinary body training method either. Although I don't know its origin, but being able to cultivate a flawless body proves that it is definitely not ordinary, let's wait and see." Taoist Guang analyzed.

Blood Linglong knew that it was useless to ask again, Taoist Guang couldn't get out, and he couldn't get out, so he could only wait and see what happened.

Lin Mu's body had been floating in the thunderstorm for an unknown amount of time, and the muscles on his body were almost completely obliterated by the thunderstorm, but the body training exercises that Xue Linglong and Taoist Guang were waiting for did not appear.

"What's going on here? Why hasn't the body training technique started to work automatically? Could it be that Lin Mu's body is so seriously injured that even the body training technique can't work on its own!" Xue Linglong said with a worried expression on his face. .

Daoist Guang didn't know what was going on at all. According to past experience, Lin Mu's "Witch God Body Refining Technique" should be working on its own at this time, repairing Lin Mu's remnant body. Why hasn't there been any changes until now.

All the flesh and blood on Lin Shu's body disappeared, leaving only a golden skeleton.

"Lin Mu won't just die like this. If he dies, what should I do? I will die with him too." Xue Linglong was also panicked at this time.

Guang Dao said humanely: "Lin Mu should be fine, if Lin Mu is really dead, you are already dead."

Blood Spirit Dragon said: "That's right! What's going on with the trees now?"

Taoist Guang shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I don't know about this situation either. But I think this should be a good thing for Lin Mu.

There is no flesh and blood in Lin Shu's body, but his internal organs are still there, and they are still functioning normally.

I don't know how long it has passed, "Witch God Body Refining Technique" finally started to run slowly.

"Finally moved, Lin Shu can't die anymore." Blood Spirit Dragon shouted excitedly.

The blood spirit dragon is most afraid of Lin Shu's death. It has a contract with Lin Shu. If Lin Shu dies, it will not be able to live.

Forest trees no longer have skin and flesh, only bones and internal organs, so this "Witch God Body Refining Technique" only operates between the bones and internal organs, so that the bones and internal organs are strengthened at the same time.

"I know, Lin Mu has entered the Dzogchen of the flawless body. It is ready to enter the next stage, the fairy body."

The immortal body mainly refines the internal organs and tendons, and Lin Shu's current state is somewhat similar to the immortal body.

But if Lin Shu hadn't been injured, he might not be able to consummate directly if he came in like this.

Because of the barrier of skin and flesh, it is difficult for the power of the catastrophe to directly act on the inner organs of the trees.

But now that Lin Mu was injured and his body was almost collapsed, it happened that Lin Mu was given such an opportunity.

""Witch God Body Refining Art" is really not an ordinary body training method, it can automatically help the master to choose the best time to advance!" Daoist Guang also sighed.

The "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" slowly circulated, and the powerful energy instilled in Lin Mu's body, so that Lin Mu's body could get the best nourishment.

The golden color on the bones gradually faded, and all of them converged into the bone marrow.

After anything has reached its extreme, the ultimate change is to return to the original.

The change of Lin Shu's bones now shows that Lin Shu's flawless body has been completely completed.

The golden light on the bones disappeared, but a faint golden light slowly radiated from the inner organs of the trees.

This is the sign of the fairy body, but Lin Shu is far away from the fairy body now, it just has such a sign.

But even this is enough to make Lin Shu proud.After all, from ancient times to the present, there are not many people in the world of self-cultivation who can cultivate the flawless body to Dzogchen.

Especially after experiencing the ancient and ancient times, in the current cultivation world, it is even more impossible for someone to cultivate the flawless body to the great perfection.

It can be said that Lin Mu is the first, and possibly the only one, to cultivate the flawless body to Dzogchen after ancient times.

As time passed, the golden light on Lin Shu's body became more and more intense.And the skin and flesh are regrown bit by bit.

After another period of time, Lin Mu's body finally recovered, and with the recovery of his body, Lin Mu's consciousness also returned to his original body.

"Lin Mu, you're awake!" Seeing that Lin Mu finally woke up, the Blood Spirit Dragon shouted excitedly.

Because Lin Mu woke up, it meant that he didn't have to die.

Although he was awake, Lin Shu was still very weak.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Lin Mu asked.

Xue Linglong said: "It's been almost three months."

"It's been so long." Lin Mu didn't expect that he was in a coma for three months.

"Hmm! Flawless body is complete!" Lin Mu also discovered the changes in his body immediately.

Lin Mu really didn't expect that under such circumstances, he would be promoted to Perfection Body Consummation.This did surprise Lin Mu, but it was a blessing in disguise.

"Lin Mu, let's get out of here." Xue Linglong said.

Lin Mu wanted to move his body, but found that he couldn't move at all.

Lin Mu said: "Although my body has recovered, I don't have any spiritual energy in my body. I'm afraid I won't be able to move in a short time."

"Hmm! I smell aura! No! It's the smell of a fairy weapon!" After releasing the restriction of the chaotic world, the Blood Spirit Dragon was able to detect the situation outside.

"Immortal energy?" Lin Mu was also slightly taken aback when he heard what the blood spirit dragon said.

"Yes! It's immortal energy! And it's very strong, and it's very close to us!" Blood Spirit Dragon said affirmatively.

"In that direction?" Lin Mu asked.

"It's right in front of us, you just need to float in this direction." Xue Linglong pointed to the front and said.

(End of this chapter)

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