Supreme Chef

Chapter 894 I can't kill you, but I can't kill you

Chapter 894 I can't kill you, but I can't kill you
After listening to the words of the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu tried his best to maintain his balance and floated forward.

The aura in the thunderstorm was almost completely defeated by the thunder, so it was very difficult to recover the aura here.

The trees floated forward for about a stick of incense, and they also felt a strong fairy spirit.

"How can there be immortal energy here?" Lin Mu wondered in his mind.

But although he was puzzled, Lin Mu didn't think too much, and started to absorb the fairy energy with all his strength.

With the entry of fairy energy, Lin Mu's body is also recovering rapidly.After all, fairy aura is a level higher than aura.

Lin Mu's body quickly regained his ability to move, and Lin Mu could also quickly move towards the center of the immortal energy.

The emergence of immortal energy in the cultivation world is already a very rare thing.Appearing in such a place is even more strange.

This is the center of the thunderstorm, even if there is really immortal energy, it should be scattered, how could it spread out.

Of course, if the fairy spirit is extremely strong, it may still overflow.

But is it possible that there is an extremely strong immortal energy in the realm of comprehension?

Maybe there is, but it should never appear in such a place.

With full of doubts, Lin Mu moved forward quickly, while the blood spirit dragon's expression became more and more excited.

"I seem to have asked, the taste of the best fairy stone." Blood Spirit Dragon exclaimed excitedly.

"Extreme Immortal Stone!" Lin Mu couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard Xue Linglong's words.

Lin Shu has already obtained two top-quality fairy stones, one of wood attribute and one of water attribute.

Lin Shu is very clear about the effect of the ultimate fairy stone on the chaotic world.

According to Taoist Guang, as long as there is enough top-grade immortal stone, the chaotic world can completely become a real world.

Therefore, Lin Shu is very eager for the best fairy stone.

Hearing the words of the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu also accelerated his speed.

It was time to fly forward for half a stick of incense again, and Lin Shu clearly felt the weakening of the thunderstorm and the filling of immortal energy.

"This is!"

Soon Lin Shu saw a scene that shocked him.

In front of the trees is the center of Chengxiantai, but at this time the center of Chengxiantai is not a platform.

It was a huge roulette, on which were densely inlaid countless high-grade immortal stones.

And in the center of the roulette, a fiery red top grade fairy stone is also emitting its brilliance.

Seeing the countless high-grade fairy stones, Lin Shu was also dizzy for a while.

Even though Lin Mu was in the Immortal Realm back then, he had never seen so many high-grade immortal stones, especially the fire-attributed top-grade immortal stone in the center, which made Lin Mu salivate.

"Mine! It's all mine!" Xueling Longyan shouted with golden light.

"I want to go out! I want to go out!" Blood Spirit Dragon shouted loudly.

"Be honest." Lin Mu scolded.

Lin Mu also couldn't wait to get the top grade fairy stone, but Lin Mu didn't know what the huge roulette in front of him was.

Lin Shu circled the huge roulette with a diameter of at least two miles, and his brain quickly thought about what this roulette was.

"This should be a formation, but it doesn't look like an independent formation. It should be a part of a large formation." Taoist Guang said.

Lin Mu nodded, which was the same as Lin Mu's deduction.

This should indeed be a formation, but Lin Mu doesn't know what kind of formation it is.

"It seems that I thought well before. This Chengxiantai is indeed a foundation of the big formation that blocks the Thunderfield. It's just that this formation is a bit too exaggerated." Lin Mu said.

Guang Dao said humanely: "It's impossible not to exaggerate the formation that can block the thunderfield of the entire cultivation world."

Lin Mu nodded, and asked, "Senior, can you see that there is only one formation, or are there many?"

Taoist Guang pondered for a moment, obviously deducing.

After a while, Taoist Guang shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but what is certain is that there is definitely more than one foundation, and I don't know how many. If it is distributed according to the cultivation world, then this There should be at least four formation bases. They are located in the four continents of the cultivation world, and the four formation bases jointly defend the large formation in the deserted island secret realm. But I can't say the exact number."

"At least four, that means there are at least four top-grade fairy stones, and we'll send them this time!" Xue Linglong shouted with his eyes shining.

According to Taoist Guang's deduction, it should be true that there are at least four top-grade immortal stones.

Although it is hard to find the top-grade fairy stone, such a huge formation cannot be justified without the top-grade fairy stone.

"Let's break this bullshit formation right now, and let's go as soon as we get the top-grade immortal stone." Xue Linglong said.

Lin Mu said: "No way. We don't know the trajectory of this formation at all. If we act rashly, if it causes unnecessary trouble, I'm afraid it will harm the entire cultivation world."

Guang Dao said: "This formation should be independent. Even if it is broken, it should have no effect on the operation of the entire formation. However, I also suggest not to move it for the time being. Although it looks independent, I can't Determine whether there is any internal connection among them. It is better to wait for me to figure it out thoroughly, and then come to decipher it."

Lin Mu nodded, apparently Lin Mu also thought so.

Both Lin Mu and Taoist Guang were not going to break the formation, and the Blood Spirit Dragon had no choice but to stare blankly at the top-grade immortal stone in the center.

"Although we can't break the formation for the time being, we can still use the immortal energy here. Absorbing more immortal energy will greatly help you enter the Ascension Realm." Daoist Guang said movingly.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I think so too."

Speaking of Lin Mu, he didn't waste any more time, and began to use the fairy spirit energy here to practice, and at the same time instilled a large amount of fairy spirit energy into the chaotic world.

But what makes Lin Mu depressed is that no matter how much fairy energy he imports, it will be swallowed up by Tianlong Mountain, and there will be nothing left in the chaotic world.

In order to prevent the loss of a large amount of fairy aura here and cause unnecessary consequences, Lin Mu also simply gave up the idea of ​​using the chaotic world to store fairy aura, and he just needs to absorb and practice here.

The immortal energy here is very pure, no worse than some paradises in the immortal world.

The tree running "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" continuously absorbs the surrounding immortal energy and transforms it into pure yin and yang energy.

And under the washing of the fairy aura, the veins of the trees were further consolidated and widened.

The cultivation base that had not been loosened for a long time, was also loosened under the impact of the fairy spirit energy.


With a crisp sound, Lin Shu's cultivation base successfully broke through, and the seventh floor of crossing the catastrophe entered the eighth level of crossing the catastrophe.

And once it breaks through, there is a feeling of being unable to stop immediately.Cultivation base climbed all the way, and almost reached the peak of the eighth floor of Transcendence Tribulation Realm very soon.

At the peak of the eighth floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, his cultivation was not hindered, and the road was in full swing, and soon he reached the consummation of the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

Finding that his cultivation had already reached the perfection of Transcending Tribulation Realm, Lin Mu also wanted to stop practicing.

Because the Heavenly Tribulation of Ascension Realm is the most important and most difficult Heavenly Tribulation for monks before they become immortals.

Lin Mu didn't want to be greeted unprepared, especially in this thunderstorm.

Lin Mu's catastrophe was already extremely perverted, if he was still here to spend his own minor catastrophe, the power would only increase exponentially.Even though he was already flawless and perfect, Lin Mu didn't want to take the risk.

But things often backfired. The more Lin Mu wanted to avoid this place, the more he couldn't avoid it.

Because almost at the moment when Lin Shu touched the barrier of the Ascension Realm, Lin Shu's Ascension Little Heavenly Tribulation had already fallen, and there was no chance to react to Lin Shu at all.

Seeing that it was a sky thunder as thick as a bucket, Lin Shu also swears: "Grass! Play with me!"

It wasn't the first time that Lin Mu was played by Tianjie, but this time, it seemed to be a bit big.

Because this time, after the catastrophe, the power of the first wave exceeded the sum of the power of all the catastrophes he had experienced in the past few times.

This is completely the rhythm of playing dead trees, even if you don't play dead, you must play disabled.

(End of this chapter)

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