Supreme Chef

Chapter 895

Chapter 895
Seeing thunders as thick as buckets fall, Lin Mu could only resist with all his strength.

But even so, after the first wave of thunder fell, it still split the trees until they vomited blood.

This is Lin Shu's flawless body, which has already entered Dzogchen.If it was in the previous state, this first wave of catastrophe would probably kill Lin Shu halfway.

Although he survived the first wave of catastrophe, Lin Mu did not take it lightly, and still focused on staring at the catastrophe, guarding against the next catastrophe.

The second wave of Heavenly Tribulation was delayed for a while, but the power of this second wave of Heavenly Tribulation was obviously twice as powerful as that of the first wave of Heavenly Tribulation.


Seeing this, Lin Mu couldn't help swearing again, and then directly sacrificed the Thunder Robbery Gun, preparing to use Tianlei to deal with Tianlei.

Although the Thunder Robbery Spear has been blessed several times in Chengxiantai, it is still far behind this enhanced version of Heavenly Tribulation.

But fortunately, the thunder gun is not useless at all, and it does offset a lot of the power of the sky.

But even so, the trees were still spitting blood continuously after being split.

After finally overcoming the second wave of catastrophe, the third wave of catastrophe almost followed.

"It's really hard to live." Lin Mu was also depressed at this time.

If he had known this earlier, Lin Mu would rather not covet this bit of immortal energy.

There is no way, Lin Mu can only take out the Shadowless Knife, and prepares to use the Shadowless Knife to resist the catastrophe with him.

After the Shadowless Knife fused several genius treasures, its grade also rose to the peak of the eighth rank.

If you don't consider other things and only consider the material of the Lingbao, the Shadowless Knife is definitely not inferior to the Ninth Grade Spiritual Qi.Even ordinary immortal artifacts cannot compare with the Shadowless Knife.



The Heavenly Tribulation seemed to want no money, and it bombarded the Wuying Knife. However, although the power of the Heavenly Tribulation made Lin Shu's arms numb, the Wuying Knife was obviously not damaged, and it was still shining brightly.

"Dude, we will fight together next." Lin Mu said while stroking the blade.


As if responding to Lin Mu, the Shadowless Knife trembled slightly.

Lin Mu was also pleasantly surprised to see Wuyingdao so spiritual.But now is obviously not the time for surprises, Lin Mu's first task now is to deal with the catastrophe in front of him.As for the rest, we can talk about it later.

After the third wave of catastrophe, the fourth wave and the fifth wave of catastrophe fell almost at the same time, which made Lin Mu couldn't help cursing again.

Fortunately, Lin Mu had the Wuying Knife in his hand at this time, so he didn't have to be afraid of anything.

Lin Mu held the shadowless knife and slashed in the middle of the catastrophe, almost dispersing the catastrophe.



After finally overcoming two waves of catastrophe, Lin Mu was panting heavily.


Seeing the continuous flickering thunder light on the Shadowless Knife, as well as some kind of strange changes on the blade, Lin Mu was also surprised for a while.

After thinking for a while, Lin Mu was suddenly overjoyed, and said excitedly: "I understand! I understand! The reason why you failed to advance to the ninth-rank Lingbao is because you did not create your own fighting space. It is not because of material limitations, but because you also It needs the tempering of Heavenly Tribulation."

Before Lin Mu consumed so many top-level materials, he originally thought that he could make the Shadowless Knife directly advance to the ninth-rank Lingbao in one fell swoop.

But in the end, he was stuck at the peak of the eighth rank. Originally, Lin Mu was still preparing to continue looking for top-level materials to help Wuyingdao advance.But unexpectedly, today's unexpected catastrophe let Lin Mu know the secret of why the Shadowless Knife could not be promoted to the ninth-rank Lingbao.

"In this case, then you can enjoy this catastrophe alone." Lin Mu stroked the Wuying knife, and threw the Wuying knife directly into the air, letting Wuying knife enjoy the baptism of the catastrophe alone.

Lin Mu's flawless body has already reached great perfection, and it is completely impossible to advance to the realm of cultivation.

This is not to say that there are no conditions for promotion, but that it is limited by the changed rules of the road.

This is also what Lin Mu realized after advancing to Wuxia Body Dzogchen.

If it was in ancient times, Lin Shu's flawless body might still be able to continue to advance, but now in the realm of comprehension under the new Dao rules, Lin Shu has no airborne descent at all.

Without the room to rise, this catastrophe would naturally be of little use to the trees.

The Shadowless Knife was made by Lin Mu to let it fight against the catastrophe alone, and it also trembled with excitement.

When the sixth wave of Heavenly Tribulation fell, Wuying Dao took the initiative to meet it, and attracted all the Heavenly Tribulations to baptize himself, so that he could advance to the ninth-rank Lingbao.

To be honest, Lin Mu has never watched Lingbao's promotion, especially from the eighth rank to the ninth rank.

You must know that no matter how powerful the eighth-rank Lingbao is, or even the ancient eighth-rank Lingbao, the gap between it and the ninth-rank Lingbao is immeasurable.

It is the battle space of a magic weapon, which is incomparable to the eighth-rank Lingbao.

The battle space is somewhat similar to a powerful battle cage. In this cage, everything is controlled by the Ninth Grade Lingbao. It can be said that the power of the Ninth Grade Lingbao here is almost invincible.

Of course, if you encounter a more powerful spirit treasure, or a stronger monk, then this battle space is useless.

But such cases are very, very few.Generally speaking, as long as one is covered by the battle space of the ninth-rank Lingbao, then this person is sure to die.

Standing below, Lin Mu looked at the Wuying Knife, which was constantly changing, and thunder calamities were constantly imprinted on the Wuying Knife, leaving mysterious patterns on the Wuying Knife. Lin Mu also knew that the Wuying Knife Shadow is about to give birth to its own battle space.

"The magic weapon can create a battle space, so why can't that person?" Lin Mu's mind also suddenly had such a thought.


At the same time as this idea appeared, such a word appeared in Lin Mu's mind.

"Domain!" can be regarded as a human battle space.

However, the domain is more powerful than the magic weapon's battle space, because once the magic weapon's battle space is formed, it will hardly change.But people's is different, it will improve with the improvement of people's cultivation base.

In a person's domain, this person is the absolute master, he can decide the life and death of everyone in the domain.Of course, the premise is also that his cultivation level is lower than yours or equal to yours.

However, domains are not available to everyone, only those immortals with the highest talents can truly have them.

When Lin Mu was in the Immortal Realm, he had also searched for a way to form a domain.However, the answers Lin Mu got were only eight words—one can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

Because everyone's domain is completely different, and the way each person forms a domain is also completely different, so this kind of thing can only be understood.Because even if the other party tells you, you may not be able to use it.

Later, when Lin Mu wanted to continue looking for a way, he was beaten down by the Four Great Emperors.With his cultivation base gone, naturally he doesn't have to think about any domain matters.

But today Lin Mu saw Wuying Dao forming his own battle space, which also revived the idea of ​​​​looking for the domain in Lin Mu's heart.

"The Wuying Knife can form its own battle space because it is a spiritual treasure. If I treat my body as a spiritual treasure, can I form my own domain?" Lin Mu stared at the Wuying Knife , also thought secretly in his heart.

However, the more Lin Mu thought about this idea, the more feasible it became.

Lin Mu let go of all his thoughts, calmed his heart, and then imagined himself as the existence of Lingbao like Wuying Dao.

Soon Lin Mu's thoughts entered the sky, and his arms began to move slowly in an unconscious state.

Mysterious trajectories appeared one after another, and the space around the trees was slowly producing some subtle changes.

"What is he doing?" Blood Spirit Dragon asked, looking at Lin Shu in the chaotic world.

Taoist Guang said in a serious tone: "He created his own domain again. Lin Mu is likely to create a history, a monk who has not become a fairy, but has his own domain!"

(End of this chapter)

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