Supreme Chef

Chapter 896

Chapter 896
After listening to Taoist Guang's words, the blood spirit dragon also stared at the trees closely.

Lin Mu is now completely in a state of forgetting things and me, the exercises work on their own, and the palms are completely at their own discretion, changing the surrounding space and subtly affecting the surrounding Taoism.

In the middle of the sky, the Shadowless Knife was being baptized by the Heavenly Tribulation, constantly condensing its battle space.

Under the Heavenly Tribulation, the forest is constantly evolving its own domain.

This is a very long process, and the domain is not so easy to form.

Even in the fairy world, only the truly gifted can touch the edge of the domain.And even so, not everyone can form their own domain.

Lin Shu's arm traced a mysterious trajectory, the surrounding space and Tao changed little by little, and Lin Shu's aura was also constantly increasing.

I don't know how long it has passed, the thunder disaster above the sky has fallen to the ninth, and the whole thunder disaster has become extremely irritable.

However, the Shadowless Knife was not affected in the slightest, but seemed even more excited.

Obviously, the Shadowless Knife has reached the stage of forming a battle space, and at the most critical moment, it is just short of the finishing touch.

However, the forest under the catastrophe did not make any progress, and the domain that was about to be formed was always missing something, which made the forest feel a deep sense of powerlessness.



The Heavenly Tribulation slammed and smashed the Shadowless Knife down inch by inch.

However, the Shadowless Knife did not give up because of this, the blade was still trembling slightly, and the principles contained in the constant thunder calamity were engraved on his blade.


Finally, when the last lightning strike fell, a dazzling light erupted from the Shadowless Knife, and then a powerful battle space filled with lightning appeared in front of Daoist Guang and Xue Linglong.

"This... This is the Heavenly Tribulation battle space!" Daoist Guang looked at the battle space, also in a daze.

Heavenly Tribulation is a great threat to any monk. In such a battle space, monks themselves will be afraid, let alone exert great power.

After the Shadowless Knife formed its own battle domain, it returned to Lin Shu's ring with a swish.

Lin Mu raised his head and looked at the alien cataclysm falling like a sea of ​​blood from the sky, and cursed, "Damn! You're so disrespectful!"

The normal Heavenly Tribulation is over, and the most powerful alien Heavenly Tribulation is left to myself. This Shadowless Knife is really good at choosing.

But now is not the time for Lin Mu to choose, because the bloody catastrophe has already fallen.

But Lin Shu can't move now, because he is also at a critical moment in his comprehension domain.

Such an opportunity is very rare, and Lin Mu knows that if he misses this opportunity, he will not know when the next one will come.

Lin Mu is ready to resist the bloody catastrophe, and at the same time, perfect his domain in the thunder catastrophe.

The sea of ​​blood tribulation landed, and the vast sea of ​​blood wrapped the trees.Crazy waves constantly hit Lin Shu's body.

That is to say, Lin Shu has already perfected his flawless body, otherwise, if it were an ordinary person, he would have been blasted to the point where there was not even a scum left.

But let alone, under the continuous impact of the Heavenly Tribulation, Lin Mu discovered that the Dao Principle fragments in the Blood Sea Tribulation were continuously absorbed by the domain he wanted to form.

Lin Mu was also very surprised by this discovery. Lin Mu simply gave up resisting and let the thunder calamity attack his domain.

And when feeling this kind of impact, Lin Mu's understanding of Yu gradually increased.

At the same time, Lin Mu finally understood why he had been pursuing so hard just now but couldn't get it.

The Taoism in the realm of comprehension has undergone two major changes, and it is no longer complete.The formation of domains is inseparable from principles.In the world of comprehension, Tao has the most, and it is the heavenly tribulation that is born with Tao.

After figuring this out, Lin Mu let go of all of them directly, allowing Tian Jie to attack at will.


Finally at that moment, a qualitative change took place in Lin Shu's domain, and a ten-foot-diameter domain belonging to Lin Shu took shape.

And at the moment when the realm was formed, "Taishang Yin-Yang Jue" also automatically evolved the cultivation method of Ascension Realm.

Seeing that "Taishang Yin Yang Jue" automatically evolved the technique of Ascension Realm, Lin Mu was also secretly grateful.

If I hadn't given up, but had persisted, I'm afraid I would have to spend a lot of effort to possess this Ascension Realm technique.

"Don't change your domain. Your current strength is too low to be suitable for changing the rules in the domain. After you have enough strength, choose the most powerful rule and then inscribe it. And the further you go to the back of the domain, you can The more rules that are engraved." Daoist Guang spoke suddenly, stopping the trees that wanted to engrave the rules.

Lin Mu really didn't know this, but fortunately Taoist Guang reminded him, otherwise Lin Mu would have made a mistake.

"Hu rumbling!"

After the catastrophe, there were also auspicious clouds falling, and Lin Mu also enjoyed the benefits brought by the auspicious clouds to his heart's content.

Under the nourishment of the pure aura comparable to the marrow contained in the auspicious clouds, his cultivation level continued to climb upwards.


Lin Shu, who was enjoying the joy brought by his cultivation base, suddenly found that the spiritual energy in his body was being replaced and transformed by the immortal energy in this immortal platform.

Soon, almost [-]% of the spiritual energy in Lin Shu's body had been transformed into immortal energy.

You must know that Lin Mu was only on the third floor back then, even if it was Mochang, it was only [-]%.That was only when Mochang had completed his Ascension Realm, he had only transformed by [-]%.

But now I have only just completed the first level of the Ascension Realm, and I have already reached [-]%.

Doesn't that mean that if he follows this speed, he is very likely to convert all the spiritual energy in his body into immortal energy before he ascends.

If this is really the case, Lin Mu believes that as long as he ascends one day, he can instantly recover to his previous strength.

This is definitely a huge benefit for Lin Mu.


In the end, the auspicious clouds dissipated, and Lin Shu's cultivation remained at the peak of the second floor of Ascension Realm, and he failed to break through the third floor in a row as in the past.

But this was enough surprise for Lin Mu.

Because although Lin Mu's cultivation base is the second level of the Ascension Realm, he has [-]% of the spiritual energy in his body, which has been converted into immortal energy.

With the combination of immortal energy and my own various means, even if I meet a monk like Li Jiuyu who has reached the Ascension Realm, he is completely capable of fighting.Don't even think about running away.

Feeling the surging immortal energy in his body, Lin Mu knew that the current self was more than ten times stronger than the self when he crossed the Tribulation Realm.

Lin Mu stayed in the center of Feixiantai for another day, engraving the formation here completely on the jade slips.

There are top grade fairy stones here, and Lin Shu will definitely not give up.And this is the key to ascension, so Lin Shu can't let it go.

However, Lin Mu didn't plan to do it lightly until he thoroughly studied the formation here.

Lin Shu walked step by step in the thunderstorm. At this time, the thunderstorm did little damage to Lin Shu.

Finally walking out of the thunderstorm, before Lin Mu could go far, he suddenly felt that two people were fighting fiercely not far away from him, and one of them he knew was Qin Lian who followed him.

(End of this chapter)

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