Supreme Chef

Chapter 899 I Come to Keep My Promise

Chapter 899 I Come to Keep My Promise

Lin Mu looked at Qin Lian who was unresponsive, and called softly again: "Sister Lian."

"Ah!" Qin Lian finally realized when Lin Mu called her again.

"How is your recovery? If you recover well, let's leave here first." Lin Mu said.

Qin Lian nodded and said, "My injury is fine, Brother Lin, let's go."

Lin Mu nodded, and the two of them walked out all the way until they left Chengxiantai, only then did Lin Mu sacrifice Chi Hong.

"Brother Lin, do you really own the domain?" Qin Lian hesitated for a long time before finally asking.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "That's true, but my domain is not complete and cannot be regarded as a real domain."

The reason why the domain of trees is incomplete is because they did not engrave the rules after listening to Taoist Guang.

Qin Lian was somewhat relieved when Lin Mu said that her domain was not complete.If Lin Mu's domain was a complete domain, Qin Lian would feel that she didn't have the courage to continue cultivating.

Lin Mu has only ascended to the second floor, even if Lin Mu was once a fairy, but it is impossible to be so heaven-defying, he has his own domain on the second floor of the ascension.

However, Qin Lian couldn't get to the bottom of this matter, because Qin Lian also knew that things like domains can only be understood.Even if Lin Mu explained to herself, it was impossible for Qin Lian to form her own domain in a short time.

For the next part of the journey, Qin Lian asked a lot about things she didn't understand in terms of cultivation.

As for what Qin Lian didn't understand, Lin Mu answered them in detail.

However, the time they spent together was short after all, and soon Chi Hong arrived at the Magic Mountain.

"Brother Lin, let's go, I will explain to the two brothers." Qin Lian said with some reluctance.

Lin Mudao: "Why don't you go to Dongxuanzhou with me?"

Qin Lian was also very moved when she heard Lin Mu's words, but in the end she shook her head and refused.

"Brother Lin, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't leave Moshan. Brother Mochang is kind to me, and the other brothers take good care of me. I can't leave here. If I leave, the strength of Moshan will be destroyed." It will be greatly weakened, and it will be difficult if the monks from Xijizhou attack." Qin Lian said.

Lin Mudao: "I can help you weaken the strength of the monks in Xijizhou first. I am going to Taixuan Mountain and Hunyuan Sect to settle some old scores."

Qin Lian was moved again, but she still shook her head and said, "Brother Lin, after the Devil Mountain is completely stable, I will definitely go to Dongxuanzhou to find you."

Seeing that Qin Lian insisted, Lin Mu stopped persuading him, took out a jade slip, handed it to Qin Lian and said, "When you encounter something, you can contact me through this jade slip, no matter where I am, I will Find a way to help you."

Qin Lian put away the jade slips with great care, nodded heavily, and said, "Thank you, Brother Lin."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "You call me big brother, I will naturally take care of you, and thank you in the future. I have something to do, so I will leave first."

"Okay!" Qin Lian nodded, and stood at the entrance of the magic mountain, watching the trees disappear.

When Qin Lian returned to the Magic Mountain, Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan were also a little surprised, because they saw that only Qin Lian came back, and Lin Mu didn't come back with him.

The two have been out together for more than two months. From Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan's point of view, the matter of Taoist couple is basically a certainty, but now Qin Lian came back alone.

"Where's Eighth Sister Lin Mu?" Guo Zhentian asked.

Qin Lian said a little disappointed: "Let's go."

Song Qingshan said: "Lin Mu rejected you."

Qin Lian shook her head and said, "Brother Lin didn't reject me, it was I who rejected Brother Lin."

Guo Zhentian was puzzled and said, "You rejected Lin Mu?"

Qin Lian nodded, and said: "Brother Lin wants me to go to Dongxuanzhou with him, but I can't go. The Magic Mountain still needs it. I haven't repaid the kindness I owe to all brothers. I can't because of my Leave, and let the monks in Xijizhou have any chance."


Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan didn't expect that Qin Lian rejected Lin Mu because of this, and also didn't know what to say at all.

In the end, Guo Zhentian sighed and said, "Bamei really wronged you. It's because your brothers are incompetent and can't let you walk with the one you love."

Qin Lian said: "Brother is serious. On the day when the Demon Sect is truly revived, Qin Lian will go to Dongxuan Continent to look for Brother Lin."

Both Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan nodded heavily, and said, "Don't worry, eighth sister, my brother will help you fulfill this wish even if you risk your life."

Qin Lian suddenly remembered something, took out a jade slip that Lin Mu had given her earlier, and said, "Brothers, this is what Brother Lin asked me to give to you two. Brother Lin said that there is an explanation for why he can't ascend, but it's just Brother Lin has no way to solve this trouble now, and I hope the two of you can wait a little longer."

When Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan heard this, they couldn't wait to take the jade slips.

In the jade slips were Lin Mu's explanations to Chengxiantai. At the same time, he also explained the situation of the formation to the two in detail, including the reasons why he didn't do it directly.

After Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan finished reading the contents of the jade slips, they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

They really did not expect at all that there would be an incomparably huge foundation in the depths of Chengxiantai.

And there is not only one such base, but all over the practitioners.

It is a great power who used the entire cultivation world to lock the mine field.

Guo Zhentian and Song Qingshan really couldn't imagine what kind of means could turn the entire cultivation world into a cage.

Such a powerful formation is indeed not easy to crack. If there are any consequences, it may be a blow that destroys the entire cultivation world.


After Lin Mu left the Magic Mountain, he didn't go back to the Craftsman City directly. Instead, after reporting Liu Yiyi's safety, he went directly to Taixuan Mountain.

Lin Mu has not forgotten what happened back then.

Taixuan Mountain and the Hunyuan faction issued arrest warrants, forcing him to go to heaven and have nowhere to go. For almost a few years in the realm of comprehension, he ran for his life every day.

Such a thing, Lin Mu will never forget, nor can he.And Lin Mu today is here to ask for some interest from that year.

"Who enters my Taixuan Mountain and walks without landing!" As soon as Lin Mu arrived at the foot of Taixuan Mountain, he was a disciple of Taixuan Mountain, pointing at Lin Shu on the red platform and shouting loudly.

Lin Mu looked at the disciples below, and said, "I'm here to find fault today, do you think I'll fall from the clouds, so I can't go up?"

"Finding faults! Inform the elders and immediately activate the mountain protection formation!" The disciple said decisively after hearing Lin Mu's words.

It has to be said that after experiencing the impact of the demon world, the overall quality of Taixuan Mountain disciples has improved a lot.

It is completely different from when Lin Mu was engraving words back then.

Almost as soon as the disciples here finished speaking, the mountain protection formation over there was instantly opened.

At the same time, the disciples who were supposed to notify the elders also notified the elders of the sect immediately.

As for the elders in the sect, they rushed to the foot of the mountain in the first place.

Lin Mu looked at the Taixuan Mountain running at high speed like a precision machine below, and nodded, and said, "That's right! Your reactions are much faster than when I came to engrave characters back then. I finished all my characters back then, and your people Not many have come yet."

"You are Lin Mu!" Hearing Lin Mu's mention of the past, the elder below shouted in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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