Supreme Chef

Chapter 900 Taixuan Mountain Death

Chapter 900 Taixuan Mountain Death (1)

Lin Mu looked at the people in Taixuan Mountain below, and said, "That's right! I am Lin Mu, and I am here to fulfill the promise I made back then."

"Hurry up and inform the head, and activate all the mountain protection formations!" The elder who came over couldn't help but change his face, and hurriedly ordered.

It is no secret in Xijizhou that Lin Mu has a fairy artifact, and this elder who has successfully crossed the tribulation realm found that he could not see through Lin Mu's cultivation at this time, that is to say, Lin Mu's cultivation at this time , has reached Ascension Realm.

A strong Ascendant with a fairy weapon is simply not something he can handle.

The mountain protection formation of Taixuan Mountain was quickly activated, and the pressure in mid-air instantly increased hundreds of times, and at the same time, strangling forces continued to attack the trees.

Faced with all kinds of killing formations rushing towards his face, Lin Mu just snorted coldly, then stood on top of the crimson, stomped hard, and immediately waves visible to the naked eye spread rapidly.

With the cultivation base of the master of the forest formation, it is impossible to restrict the forest with such a killing formation.



Seeing the formation in mid-air, tearing pieces like glass, everyone in Taixuan Mountain below couldn't help gasping.

Taixuan Mountain's large guarding formation, after several generations of masters and tens of thousands of years of accumulation, has the scale it is today.

Although it can't be compared with the real top formation, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can easily break through.Even if a top powerhouse with a perfect Ascension Realm comes here, this formation can at least last for a while, and there is no possibility of it being broken so easily.

"He's a formation master!" Seeing that Lin Mu broke through the formation, the people in Taixuan Mountain below remembered that Lin Mu was still a formation master.

The trees in the mid-air put away their crimson, and then stepped forward step by step. Every time they took a step, pieces of formations would shatter.

These are the details of Taixuan Mountain, and they are the barrier of Taixuan Mountain, but in front of the trees, they are like paper.

Lin Mu took eight steps, almost destroying the air barrier of the entire Taixuan Mountain.

The people in Taixuan Mountain were bleeding. These are all the painstaking efforts of the sages of the past generations. Many materials for arranging formations have long been extinct, but they were destroyed by Lin Shubabu.

"Little Lin Mu, you are too deceitful, I will kill you today!" A roar came from the sky, and then Li Jiuyu, who was full of anger, came galloping from the sky.

Li Jiuyu's eyes almost burst into flames as he looked at the shattered space restriction.


After Li Jiuyu came up, he didn't talk nonsense with Lin Mu at all, and just patted him with his palm.

Lin Mu sneered when he saw Li Jiuyu's punch coming towards him, and then he grabbed the welcoming stone with Taixuan Mountain written on it, and smashed it.


The welcoming stone shook, and Li Jiuyu directly patted it into powder. In this way, this welcoming stone with endless legends has completely become history in Li Jiuyu's hands.

Li Jiuyu didn't expect that Lin Mu would make a fuss about this welcoming stone, and by the time he wanted to stop, it would be too late.

"Ling Mu, you're looking for death!" Li Jiuyu's eyes were about to burst, and he stepped out in one step. Relying on the mountain guarding formation behind him, he came to Lin Mu in one step, and then punched out with a powerful punch.

The fist wind is surging, like a dragon and a tiger, and the space is surging, as if it is about to boil.

Relying on the formation of protecting the mountain for millions of years, Li Jiuyu threw such a punch with all his strength.

Facing Li Jiuyu's full-strength punch, Lin Mu responded with the same punch.


The two of them didn't have any fists, and they clashed together in any fancy way. The violent explosion directly shattered all the short mountains at the mountain gate.


Lin Mu and Li Jiuyu each took a step back.

Li Jiuyu looked at Lin Mu with horror in his eyes. He had already done his best, and even relied on the mountain defense formation to perform at a super level, but with such a punch, he was as beautiful as Lin Mu's screen.

This was beyond Li Jiuyu's imagination. In his opinion, his punch should be able to kill Lin Mu.

"You broke through again, you are now on the second floor of Ascension Realm."

"No, even if it is the second floor of the Ascension Realm, it is impossible to receive my punch safely."

"Your flawless body is perfect!"

Li Jiuyu's expression changed wildly when he thought of his deduction.

Flawless and perfect body, this is a legend in the world of comprehension.Only among those distant ancient books, there are body-refining monks who, with great perseverance, have pushed the flawless body to the Great Perfection in the world of cultivation.

But after the end of the ancient times, there were no such legends anymore, but Lin Mu did it.

The physical strength of Flawless Body Dzogchen has exceeded the limit known in the cultivation world.Basically, apart from half-immortal artifacts and immortal artifacts, there is nothing in the cultivation world that can harm the trees.

Even if it is a ninth-grade spirit treasure, it may be difficult to leave scars on Lin Mu's body at this time.

Thinking of this, Li Jiuyu finally knew why Lin Mu dared to come.Because at this moment, Lin Shu no longer needs to be afraid of anyone in Taixuan Mountain.Moreover, there is an immortal weapon in Lin Mu's hand, which basically means that Lin Mu can firmly suppress Taixuan Mountain.

Li Jiuyu never dreamed that the growth rate of Lin Shu would be so terrifying.It was even so terrifying that he didn't even have the chance to look up.

"Lin Mu, don't bully others too much. Even if you have a fairy weapon in your hand, if I, Taixuan Mountain, fight you with all my strength, you may not be able to win." Li Jiuyu said sternly.

Lin Mu laughed and said, "I'm called a bully now. When you chased me down, why didn't you say you were a bully? And to deal with your little Taixuan Mountain, I don't even need a fairy weapon. Don't worry too much, and don't take your Taixuan Mountain too seriously."

"Ling Mu, you are looking for death!" Li Jiuyu couldn't retreat even though he knew that he might not be able to suppress Lin Mu at this time.


Li Jiuyu slashed out with one sword, and the power of Taixuan's six swords immediately appeared.

It has to be said that although the Taixuan Six Swords was born out of the first cut of the Heaven Splitting Nine Slashes, Taixuan Mountain has indeed performed it to the extreme.

The power of this sword is not much worse than that of Li Tian Yi Zhan.

Of course, this is not to say that the power of the Sky Splitting Nine Slash is not strong enough, on the contrary, it just shows that the power of the Sky Splitting Nine Slash is extremely strong.

It's just that Lin Mu's current cultivation is not enough, and he still can't unleash the true power of Sky Splitting Nine Slashes.

If Lin Mu's cultivation base is strong enough, Lin Mu can also fully use the nine knives in the first slash of the sky, all of which are brought to the extreme.

At that time, the power of Sky Splitting One Slash will no longer be a matter of one plus one equals two.

Lin Mu watched Li Jiuyu unleash the Taixuan Six Swords, and he found a way to increase the power of the Sky Splitting Nine Slashes.

Li Jiuyu's body was surging with sword energy, and the entire space was being stirred by the sword energy. The mountains below, because they couldn't bear the sword energy, had a tendency to collapse inch by inch.

Lin Mu looked at Li Jiuyu, and said, "Let me show you the real power of Sky Splitting Nine Slashes."

Li Jiuyu knew that Lin Mu had mastered the real Six Swords of Taixuan.To be precise, it is the true Sky Splitting Nine Slashes that transcend the Six Swords of Taixuan.

Even so, Li Jiuyu still has great confidence in the Taixuan Six Swords that he has invaded for thousands of years.

He believed that even if Lin Mu had mastered a weird sword formation, it was nothing more than a combination of the six Taixuan swords, and the power should not differ too much.

But Li Jiuyu was obviously too naive, because Lin Mu didn't play with him at all, splitting the sky first.

When the trees come up, it is the third cut of Sky Splitting.

The blade is illusory, the surrounding space is broken inch by inch, and fine spider webs appear above the space.

The sharp space blades directly shattered the mountains below, even the large formations on the ground, looked so weak in front of the cracks in space.

(End of this chapter)

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