Supreme Chef

Chapter 901 Taixuan Mountain Death

Chapter 901 Taixuan Mountain Death (2)

Li Jiuyu was completely stunned by Lin Mu's outrageously powerful strike, which was completely beyond his comprehension.

He has practiced for thousands of years, but he has never seen that powerful monk who can rely on his own ability to impact the space of the cultivation world.



The Shadowless Knife collided with the spirit treasure in Li Jiuyu's hand, and the spirit treasure in Li Jiuyu's hand was broken inch by inch without any barrier at all.

Li Jiuyu looked at the broken Lingbao in his hand, and his heart was bleeding.

Although this is not the supreme treasure of Taixuan Mountain, it is also a ninth-grade spiritual treasure, but it was destroyed just like that.

"After the Six Swords of Taixuan, there is still such a change!" Li Jiuyu looked at the Shadowless Knife that Lin Mu was talking about, and said to himself in a daze.

Lin Mu looked at Li Jiuyu like an idiot, and said, "Split the sky with nine cuts, of course there are nine cuts, you think it's over with one blow."

Faced with Lin Mu's irony, Li Jiuyu surprisingly did not become angry.

"Lin Mu, what are you going to do?" Li Jiuyu didn't choose to attack again, he knew that he was no longer on the same level as Lin Mu at this time.Even if he attacked again, he would just bring himself to humiliate himself.

Lin Mudao; "I'm not doing anything. As I said, I'm here to fulfill the ambition I made back then. First kill Taixuan, and then destroy Hunyuan. Of course I came here to kill you Taixuan first."

Li Jiuyu suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Ling Mu, don't go too far. My Taixuan Mountain is not to be humiliated. If you push my Taixuan Mountain to a desperate situation, it will be a big deal. I will burn all my Taixuan Mountains. You and those around you will all pay the price."

Li Jiuyu's words obviously went too far. Lin Mu's face turned cold when he heard Li Jiuyu's words, and his voice was extremely cold: "Are you forcing me to kill all the chickens and dogs you killed in Taixuan Mountain?"

After Li Jiuyu finished speaking, he also realized that he had said something wrong.Lin Mu is notorious for protecting his weaknesses, and he even threatens Lin Mu with the people around Lin Mu. Isn't this forcing Lin Mu to do something?

But the words have already been said, and it is impossible for Li Jiuyu to swallow them back.He is the leader of a faction, even if Lin Shu is strong, he can't bow his head. This is not only related to his own reputation, but also related to his status in Taixuan Mountain and West Jizhou.

"I, Taixuan Mountain, am not afraid of any threats. If you really push Xijizhou to a dead end, you will die." Although it is the same sentence, Li Jiuyu is still a lot softer. After all, Li Jiuyu used the word "if". two words.

But regardless of whether Li Jiuyu has softened or not, Lin Mu doesn't care about it. Li Jiuyu has already touched Lin Mu's bottom line, which is absolutely not allowed.

"Do you really think that I dare not do anything to you at Taixuan Mountain?" Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then suddenly slashed out, heading straight for the mountain guarding formation at Taixuan Mountain.

"you dare!"

When Li Jiuyu saw that Lin Mu was going to destroy his mountain defense formation on Taixuan Mountain, he also shouted loudly, wanting to resist it.

But Lin Mu's speed was comparable to Li Jiuyu's. As soon as Li Jiuyu moved, Lin Mu was already in front of him.


With a cold snort, Lin Mu punched out directly.

When Li Jiuyu saw Lin Mu throwing a punch, he quickly resisted it.


The two confront each other head-on again, but the result of such a head-to-head encounter has been doomed from the beginning.



Li Jiuyu took two steps back, his face flushed involuntarily, but Lin Shu's body only swayed slightly, and he didn't even breathe.

And as Li Jiuyu retreated, Lin Mu's saber strike just now also slammed into Taixuan Mountain's guarding formation.



With a crisp sound, most of Taixuan Mountain's defensive array collapsed.

With Lin Mu's attainments in the formation at this time, it is easy to see the weakness of Taixuan Mountain and the formation of guarding the mountain.


Li Jiuyu looked at Lin Shu, his eyes almost spit fire.

Before Lin Mu broke the air ban on Taixuan Mountain, Li Jiuyu was so distressed that he was about to die.

Now that Lin Mu had almost trampled half of the mountain guard formation, Li Jiuyu was really going to die.

These are the accumulation of countless sages in his Taixuan Mountain, and now they are easily broken by the trees. If you want to repair it, not to mention the huge amount of materials needed.Even in his Taixuan Mountain, at this time, there is no one who has attained formation skills and can reach the level of a master, and no one can repair it at all.

"I never joke, and I don't accept threats from anyone, so don't force me to do it. Because once I do it, I will never stop." Lin Mu said calmly.

Li Jiuyu looked at Lin Mu, but he didn't dare to express his anger, and said, "What exactly do you want?"

Li Jiuyu could also see that Lin Mu didn't come to kill people today, if he came to kill people, Lin Mu wouldn't talk so much nonsense to him at all.

Lin Mudao: "When you chased me down, you must have some compensation. It's very simple. I know that you have at least two spiritual veins under Taixuan Mountain. I don't want many, as long as one of them is a high-grade spiritual vein. As for the material And medicinal materials, I only want the fourth floor of your warehouse in Taixuan Mountain."

"Impossible! When was my Taixuan Mountain threatened by someone? You little monk, you dare to show off your power in front of my Taixuan Mountain. I think you are looking for death!" After a roar, an old man with white beard and hair suddenly appeared in front of Lin Shu.

The sudden appearance of this person showed almost no fluctuations in his body, but Lin Mu knew that he was very strong, at least no worse than Yang Hongxi.

"I've met the Supreme Elder." Li Jiuyu bowed quickly when he saw the old man coming out.

The rest of the people also hurriedly bowed, this is Taixuan Mountain's biggest hole card, and it is also Taixuan Mountain's biggest reliance.

Lin Mu looked at the Supreme Elder in front of him and felt his strength.Back then, Lin Mu also met this old man. He and the Supreme Elder of the Hunyuan Sect restrained Jiao Feiyang and others in the Wanshou Mountain Range, and Lin Mu also met him.

However, the old man was not so strong back then, and it seems that the battle in the Demon Realm also allowed him to make great progress.

But Lin Mu wasn't afraid of him either, Yang Hongxi could kill him himself, not to mention the Supreme Elder in front of him.

"Old man, you are much stronger than before, but are you sure you want to be my enemy?" Lin Mu said nonchalantly.

The elder Taishang snorted coldly, and said: "The current Xiaoxiao people are really arrogant, thinking that they have amazing talents and have adventures, so they can be defiant. Today, old man, I will kill your spirit. Let you know, know, what There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

Lin Mu nodded and said: "This is what I want to tell you. Some old guys nowadays think that they are old, that they have lived thousands of years longer than others, and they think that they are great. Don't treat others In your eyes, I also want you to know what it means to live a dog's age."

"The boy is looking for death!" The elder Taishang's face changed when he heard Lin Mu's words, and he was about to make a move.

Lin Mu squinted at the Supreme Elder, and said: "Old man, you should think about it. If you lose, then what I want to get is not a high-grade spiritual vein but all of it, and it's not the fourth-floor storage, but all of it." At that time, your Taixuan Mountain may become a six-star sect overnight. As for the nine-star sect, don’t think about it in this life.”

"Boy, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson, so die!" The elder Taishang roared angrily, then stepped forward, and slapped Lin Mu's chest with his palm.

The elder Taishang was indeed very strong. Although he was not close yet, Lin Mu was also suppressed by the fluctuations in the opponent's body, making it difficult to breathe.

The fact that I was able to easily kill Yang Hongxi was due to many factors.If it wasn't for Chengxiantai at that time, Lin Mu would not have been completely sure to kill Yang Hongxi.

But now it is not Chengxiantai, so Lin Mu also has to be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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