Supreme Chef

Chapter 902

Chapter 902
The elder Taishang slapped out his palm, and Lin Mu fought back with all his strength.

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

Lin Mu let out a low growl, and the Wuhuang Fist also surged out.

The Witch Emperor Fist is a combat technique derived from "Witch God Body Refining Technique". The power is completely based on Lin Shu's body training.

In other words, the stronger Lin Mu's body training was, the greater the power of the Wuhuang Fist would be.

Lin Shu is now flawless and perfect, and the power of the Wuhuang Fist has naturally been evolved to the extreme by Lin Shu.

The turbulent fist wind and the red whirlwind blowing in the space made the Supreme Elder's expression tense instantly.

Such a powerful punch was completely unexpected by the elder Taishang. The skyrocketing cultivation made his self-confidence a little inflated.

In his opinion, Lin Shu is nothing more than a piece of cake to him.Even if Lin Mu is a genius, he can handle it completely.

But at this time he realized that he was wrong, and he was wrong very outrageously. At this time, Lin Mu was already an existence that could compete with him, and he could not underestimate Lin Mu at all.


Fist to palm, instantly detonated all the energy.

The energy whirlwind surrounded the two of them, forming a vortex that covered the sky and the sun, and the ground under their feet collapsed directly.

Because the formation of guarding the mountain was broken, many pavilions, towers and pavilions in Taixuan Mountain were also shattered.

As for the elder standing on the ground, he was directly shaken and crooked.


This is the most direct evaluation of Lin Shu in everyone's mind at this time.

Li Jiuyu looked at Lin Mu, and finally his face changed drastically.

Li Jiuyu has always believed that even if Lin Mu grows rapidly, he will not leave himself too far behind.

But only then did Li Jiuyu realize that he was wrong.At this time, the trees had grown to the point where they could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Supreme Elder.



Lin Mu took three steps back, while the Supreme Elder only took two and a half steps back. After all, Lin Mu's cultivation level was still a bit short.

But even so, it was enough to make the Supreme Elder's heart go crazy.

Although he didn't give his best just now, who knows if Lin Mu gave his best?
At this time, the Supreme Elder began to really pay attention to Lin Mu. At this time, he had to treat Lin Mu on an equal footing with himself.

Although Lin Mu was repulsed by the Supreme Elder, he was very excited in his heart.

In Chengxiantai, between Lin Mu and Yang Hongxi, there was no evenly matched fight.This made it impossible for Lin Mu to know his true strength, but this Supreme Elder was obviously a very good whetstone.

"Come again!"

Lin Mu took a step forward, his fighting spirit soared into the sky, directly dissipating the vortex created by the explosion just now.


Seeing Lin Mu's surging fighting spirit, the Supreme Elder gasped again.

But now it is a matter of life and death, and the Supreme Elder has no way out.


The elder Taishang also took one step forward, and the aura of the top powerhouse was fully displayed.

There is no doubt that the Supreme Elder of Taixuan Mountain is powerful, and his growth is also extremely exaggerated.

He didn't even think that he could grow to such a level in his lifetime.

The resources in West Jizhou are scarce, and there are not many masters, and top masters are even rarer.

But this time the invasion of the demon world not only brought a crisis to the entire West Jizhou, but also brought great opportunities.

Let the Supreme Elder, who has been absent from the battlefield for a long time, be able to live and die head-on.

In the brink of life and death again and again, the elder Taishang continued to break through himself, and this is how he achieved today's achievements.

Even the Supreme Elder wanted to rely on his own existence to raise Taixuan Mountain to a higher level and become the fifth Nine-Star Sect of West Jizhou.

"I've killed countless powerful men from the Demon Realm, and I'm not missing you today, let me die!" After the Taishang Elder finished speaking, he folded his hands together, and a huge sword suddenly appeared in midair.

"First sword!"

The Taishang Elder's biggest trump card is also the Taixuan Six Swords, but its sword moves are obviously more than one level higher than Li Jiuyu's.

The Taishang Elder's sword was fierce, and the speed was extremely fast, leaving no time for Lin Mu to receive the move.

There was no way, Lin Shu couldn't take the move in a hurry, so he could only use the speed rule to get out of the way.

As soon as the trees dodged away, the vast sword energy cut down directly.


With a single blow of the sword, a mountain range hundreds of miles behind the forest collapsed directly, and the dust filled the sky, making noise and covering the sky, like the end of the world.

Seeing the power of such a sword, Lin Mu gasped.

Although he is already flawless and perfect, it doesn't mean that there is nothing in the cultivation world that can hurt him.

If he didn't dodge the sword just now, he would definitely be injured.

It is true that people grow old and mature.

The elder Taishang spent thousands of years immersed in the six swords of Taixuan, and he was really sublimated in the extreme. It's powerful.

It can be said that although the sword move used by the Supreme Elder at this time is also the Six Swords of Taixuan, it is completely different, because the Supreme Elder has already transcended sublimation, allowing the sword move to evolve into His own sword move.

"Those who have been able to cultivate to such an extent, there really is not one who is not amazingly talented." Lin Mu also sighed secretly in his heart.

Lin Mu had indeed underestimated Taixuan Mountain before, but now it seems that there are not superhuman talents in Taixuan Mountain.

At least the talent of the Supreme Elder in front of him is far beyond what ordinary people can match.

"Second sword!"

The elder Taishang continued to print his handprints, and blasted out the second sword again.

This sword is also astonishingly powerful, and at the same time, its speed is even more astonishing.

But this time, Lin Mu was already prepared. At the same time that the Supreme Elder slashed out this sword, Lin Mu also took out the Shadowless Knife, and slammed out the first slash that split the sky.


Shaking a sword formation hard with a sword, not only did not fall into a disadvantage, but it made the sword formation tend to collapse.

"What a powerful sword!" Lin Mu sighed inwardly.

In fact, the astonishment in the Supreme Elder's heart at this time was not much less than that of Lin Mu.

Although the elder Taishang had seen Lin Shu perform the Sky Splitting Nine Slashes, he did not expect that the power of the Sky Splitting Nine Slashes would be so powerful.

He thought that his Taixuan Six Swords had completely escaped from the inherent limitations.It shouldn't be worse than Lie Tian Jiu Zhan at all, but only after a real fight did he realize that his thinking was too simple.

At this time, Lin Mu hadn't really displayed the power of the Sky Splitting Nine Slashes at all. If Lin Mu could really display the power of the Sky Splitting Nine Slashes, his so-called detachment might not be worth mentioning at all.

But the more this happened, the less likely he would let Lin Mu go.He couldn't let the tree grow any longer. At this moment, the tree was almost equal to him. If he waited for the tree to grow, he might have to be trampled under the tree's feet.

Thinking of this, the Supreme Elder also put his mind to one side, and quickly changed his tactics.

Following the change of the Taishang Elder's hand formula, the entire Taixuan Mountain was violently trembling for thousands of miles, as if something was about to come out of the ground.

Seeing such a change, Li Jiuyu couldn't help but turn pale, and said to himself, "Did Lin Mu force the Supreme Elder to this point? Even if Lin Mu dies, I'm afraid I, Taixuan Mountain, will never regain my vitality within a thousand years." !"

Lin Mu naturally noticed the changes in Taixuan Mountain, but Lin Mu didn't know what the hell the Supreme Elder was going to do.

Everyone is welcome to join us!

(End of this chapter)

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