Supreme Chef

Chapter 904 The Prestige of Earth Veins

Chapter 904 The Prestige of Earth Veins (2)

Lin Mu took out the Heavenly Dragon Bow and Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, and unexpectedly felt a wave of fearful consciousness coming from the ground veins behind the Supreme Elder.

Lin Mu couldn't help being greatly surprised by the sudden wave of consciousness of fear.

Lin Mu wasn't sure if his feeling was correct, so he poured spiritual energy into the Tianlong bone arrow, and the bone arrow immediately emitted a dazzling light.

And when these rays of light appeared, the veins of the earth began to tremble slightly.

"The Heavenly Dragon Bow was shattered by an arrow back then, so it naturally shattered all the veins of the earth. This is the thing that shattered its ancestors back then. It is impossible for it not to be afraid." Taoist Guang said to Lin Mu through sound transmission.

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu couldn't help but want to laugh three times.

Lin Mu never thought that such a thing would happen.

Originally, Lin Mu just wanted to take out the Heavenly Dragon Bow to try. After all, the Heavenly Dragon Bow is an existence that surpasses the immortal weapon. Lin Mu also just wanted to see if it would be effective for the earth veins, but what Lin Mu didn't expect was that the earth veins were afraid of the sky. Keel Arrow.

"Since you are afraid, I will scare and scare you!" Lin Mu made up his mind to pay attention, and began to inject spiritual energy into the bone arrow, and slowly stimulate the bone arrow.

And as the light of the bone arrow became more and more intense, Lin Mu discovered that the ground veins behind the elder Taishang were trembling more and more violently, as if they were about to escape at any time.

The Supreme Elder and the others obviously also discovered the abnormality of the Earth's veins, but they didn't know why the Earth's veins were like this.

"Get out of here immediately if you don't want to die, or you will die under the arrow!" Lin Mu shouted loudly at the leylines.

Hearing Lin Mu's roar, Dixie trembled.


The elder Taishang felt the bursts of fear coming from the earth veins, and his face changed drastically. The elders did not expect that the earth veins would be afraid.

"It should be that the bow in that kid's hand is weird." Li Jiuyu said.

The Supreme Elder also nodded, and then said: "Everyone worships the earth veins together."


With the order of the Supreme Elder, the people in the entire Taixuan Mountain began to kneel down and meditate on exercises, using a special way to worship the earth veins.

After receiving everyone's worship, the uneasy mood calmed down a lot.

Seeing that the land veins were much calmer, the Supreme Elder felt at ease. This was his last reliance on Taixuan Mountain. If even the land veins were no match for Lin Shu, the Supreme Elder didn't know what to do.

When Lin Mu saw that the veins of the earth had calmed down, he also straightened his teeth. Lin Mu originally thought that the keel arrows would be enough to scare the veins away.But unexpectedly, the group of people in Taixuan Mountain calmed him down by offering sacrifices.

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead. You eat my food and drink mine every day. Now I need you to make some contributions. Find a way to scare away that leyline." Lin Mu communicated with Tianlong Mountain in the chaotic world with his thoughts.

Lin Mu knew that Tianlong Mountain could understand.

"You're still pretending to be dead. If I die, who can help you repair the broken body!" Seeing that there was no movement in Tianlong Mountain, Lin Mu shouted anxiously.


Hearing Lin Mu's words, Tianlong Mountain squirmed slightly, and then an unimaginably huge coercion swept out directly through the chaotic world.


Feeling the coercion of Tianlong Mountain, everyone in Taixuan Mountain couldn't help but hold their breath.

And the ground veins that had just calmed down, feeling such a coercion, unexpectedly broke away from the control of the Supreme Elder, directly fled into the sky, and completely left Taixuan Mountain.


Losing the ground veins, the entire Taixuan Mountain collapsed suddenly, and the spiritual energy that had been condensed just now also collapsed in an instant.

The Supreme Elder and Li Jiuyu were dumbfounded on the spot.


The elder Taishang looked at Yuandun's invisible leylines, also with a dazed expression on his face.

The earth veins ran away directly. The elder Taishang had never heard of such a thing.

And he didn't know what it was that could scare away the earth veins.


Seeing the leylines of Taixuan Mountain running away directly, Lin Mu could finally laugh heartily.

Without the leylines, Taixuan Mountain would not be able to say nine stars, it is still unknown whether the seven stars can be kept.

There are indeed some strong people in Taixuan Mountain, but when these strong people are old, what will be left in Taixuan Mountain.

Moreover, the escape of the Taixuan Mountain veins will definitely be known to the entire West Jizhou. At that time, no trees will be used to fight, and those with ulterior motives will find faults and come to the door.

After all, it is a cultivator in the realm of comprehension, who is the best at playing and is also the best at tricking people into trouble.

When Li Jiuyu and the Supreme Elder heard Lin Mu's laughter, their expressions changed. Such a result was beyond their wildest dreams.

The earth veins actually escaped, and it seemed that they were scared away by the invisible bow and arrow in Lin Mu's hands.

Lin Mu aimed at the Supreme Elder with the Heavenly Dragon Bow, and said, "Old man, come on. Let's continue and see if you are as powerful as the earth veins!"

When the Supreme Elder heard Lin Mu's words, he dared to be angry and dare not speak out.Although he is a lot stronger, he is definitely not as powerful as the earth veins. The Heavenly Dragon Bow in Lin Mu's hand has scared the earth veins away, so it is not easy to deal with him.

"No! We are willing to pay compensation!" Li Jiuyu quickly asked for reconciliation.

The earth veins are all gone, if the elder Taishang loses any more, then Taixuan Mountain will completely decline.

Now that the Supreme Elder is under pressure, he can at least maintain the eight-star sect, and then he will just find a new cave, but if even the Supreme Elder dies, then the end of Taixuan Mountain will come.

Lin Mu looked at Li Jiuyu and said, "Didn't you just say that next year's today will be my death day? I think you can prepare more paper money now, because next year's today will be your Supreme Elder's death day."

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "No, if he dies. Your Taixuan Mountain will not be far from being destroyed. I'm afraid you won't be able to burn paper for him on this day next year. Why don't you prepare it now."

Facing Lin Mu's ridicule, although Li Jiuyu's steel teeth were about to be crushed, he had to bear it all.

The elder Taishang must not make mistakes, this is Li Jiuyu's final bottom line, even if Lin Mu scolds his ancestors, he can only listen.

"We are willing to compensate you for all your losses. You can take one of the underground spiritual veins, and you can choose [-]% of the various medicinal materials and materials in the treasure house at will." Li Jiuyu said through gritted teeth.

Lin Mudao: "Li Jiuyu, you seem to have forgotten something. I said it. Once this old guy makes a move, the conditions will change. I want all the underground spirit veins, and I also want all the treasure house."

"Lin Mu, don't bully others too much. Even if the old man fights to the point of self-destruction, he can't allow people to break ground on my Taixuan mountain." The elder Taishang said, holding back his anger.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "That's not what you said just now. Do you think you are the fastest to self-destruct or be killed by me? If you don't believe it, let's experiment now."


"I agree, you can take away the underground spiritual veins now, and I can unseal the seal of the treasure house now, and let you take them all away!" Li Jiuyu said quickly before the Supreme Elder could speak.

Li Jiuyu's idea is very simple, if the spirit vein is gone, you can continue to look for it.The materials and elixir in the treasury are gone, and you can continue to collect them.But there is only one Supreme Elder.

When Lin Mu heard Li Jiuyu's words, he couldn't help laughing three times. This time, most of the sullenness in his heart was resolved.

Lin Mu was not polite to Li Jiuyu either, and directly turned into a big hand of true essence, went deep into the ground, and extracted one high-grade spiritual vein, two middle-grade spiritual veins, and even the three low-grade spiritual veins from Taixuan Mountain. .

Seeing Lin Mu's tricks, he easily surrendered the spirit veins, and everyone in Taixuan Mountain gasped again.

Of course, Lin Mu did this on purpose, directly extracting the spiritual veins, Lin Mu did it with all his strength, and it was definitely not as easy as it seemed on the surface.However, Lin Mu wanted to make the Taixuan Mountain people afraid of him, so that they would take a detour when they saw him in the future.

After extracting the spirit vein, Lin Mu reached out again, and directly grabbed the treasure house of Taixuan Mountain in his hand.

"This time, I see that your apology from Taixuan Mountain is quite sincere, so I will spare your lives on Taixuan Mountain for the time being." Lin Mu grabbed the treasure house of Taixuan Mountain and walked away directly on the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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