Supreme Chef

Chapter 905 The Prestige of Earth Veins

Chapter 905 The Prestige of Earth Veins (3)

Watching Lin Shu stepping away, the entire Taixuan Mountain was silent.Lin Mu can beat even the ground veins away, even if they want to speak out, will Lin Mu be willing to listen?

Li Jiuyu and the elder Taishang actually couldn't bear the slightest bit of revenge in their hearts at this time.

There is no doubt about the strength of Lin Shu, and the rise of Lin Shu has become an established fact.

In fact, this time, Lin Mu already had the strength to destroy Taixuan Mountain.

"Close the mountain gate for a thousand years, and no one can enter Taixuan Mountain for a thousand years!" Li Jiuyu had no choice but to make this final decision.

The land veins are gone, and the decline of Taixuan Mountain is already doomed.Closing it for a thousand years is just a temporary measure. If Taixuan Mountain can't find a new cave within a thousand years, then he may not even be able to keep the position of the Seven Star Sect after Taixuan Mountain for a thousand years.

In fact, if Li Jiuyu knew that Lin Mu was mainly here to rob this time, not to destroy the family, maybe Li Jiuyu would really vomit blood.

If Lin Mu resorted to all means, it would indeed be able to seriously injure Taixuan Mountain's vitality, but it would still be difficult to remove them completely.And in this case, the price paid by the forest itself will be very high.

This is not what Lin Mu wants to see. Lin Mu's enemies in Xijizhou are not only Taixuan Mountain but also the Hunyuan faction. Lin Mu doesn't want the Hunyuan faction to take advantage of it.

Lin Mu looked at the various materials piled up like mountains in the chaotic world, and the seven or eight spiritual veins not far away, and said in his heart: This time, Fumanlou's background is considered to be established. With these, even if it can't become an eight-star sect, but the seven-star Zongmen is always easy.

After tidying up Taixuan Mountain, Lin Mu didn't go to Hunyuan Sect non-stop, but went directly to the direction of Craftsman City.

The news that I cleaned up Taixuan Mountain by myself will definitely spread throughout the entire West Jizhou in the first place. What Lin Mu depends on is the attitude of the Hunyuan faction. for a trip.If the Hunyuan Sect doesn't go on the road, Lin Mu doesn't intend to let the Hunyuan Sect go like he let Taixuan Mountain go.

The pursuit of him back then was always dominated by the Hunyuan faction.

Lin Mu guessed right, the news of his handling of Taixuan Mountain spread throughout the entire West Jizhou almost immediately.

For Xijizhou, which has just experienced war, this is undoubtedly another heavy news.

Lin Mu was alone, and the entire Taixuan Mountain couldn't lift his head, and that's not counting, he even knocked away the terrain of Taixuan Mountain.

This is simply going against the sky.

Taixuan Mountain is a majestic eight-star sect, let alone a single person, even a nine-star sect, it will not be so easy to clean up Taixuan Mountain.

Of course, what everyone wants to know most is how the land veins of Taixuan Mountain were driven away by trees.

You must know that the leylines are the most important thing in a sect, and the leylines are almost invincible by manpower, but Lin Mu forcibly knocked the leylines away.

If this is the case, how powerful is the tree.

The news was delivered quickly, and it naturally reached the ears of the Hunyuan faction.

At this time, the atmosphere in the main hall of Hunyuan Sect was more serious than ever.Even when the Devil Realm invaded West Jizhou, the atmosphere was not as serious as it is now.

Cang Ming sat on the head of the sect, with a serious expression on his face, he didn't know what to say.Lin Shu's strength was indeed beyond his expectation.

It has only been two months, and Lin Mu's flawless body has not only been perfected, but his cultivation level is even comparable to that of the Supreme Elder, and Lin Shu also has a fairy weapon in his hand, and there is even an immortality that can shock the earth's veins Baby, such a person is even more evil than evil.

Everyone is even imagining that even the five great emperors back then might not have such a strong posture like Lin Mu.

Now among the five great emperors in the fairy world, none of them are the talents of that era, and none of them have done earth-shattering things.

But their earth-shattering, compared with Lin Mu's, seems to be on par.

But the important thing is that they really emerge after the completion of the Ascension Realm.

Relying on his invincible cultivation base, he broke through barriers and seized treasures all the way, becoming a legend in the cultivation world.

But Lin Mu has just ascended to the second level of the Ascension Realm. If Lin Mu's Ascension Realm is completed, he will not only cover the sky with his hands, but also turn over the entire cultivation world. Such a character is really unimaginable.

"Let's talk about it, everyone." Seeing that the people below had been silent, Cang Ming finally couldn't help asking.

Cang Wei is actually very helpless, he really didn't take the threat of Lin Shu seriously before.

Because in his opinion, although Lin Mu is strong, that is only because the people behind him are strong.He himself is far from being strong enough to threaten his Hunyuan faction.

But it's different now. Lin Mu's strength is beyond imagination. Lin Mu's strength can completely threaten the existence of his Hunyuan faction.Taixuan Mountain is a very direct proof.

The Hunyuan Sect is indeed a Nine-Star Sect, and its background is definitely not comparable to that of Taixuan Mountain.But Lin Mu could abolish the Taixuan faction almost without bloodshed, and let the Taixuan faction fall directly to the Seven Star Sect.

Cang Wei believes that Lin Mu is also fully capable, allowing Taixuan Mountain to be reduced to an eight-star sect. If the Hunyuan Sect is reduced to an eight-star sect, it will be too involved.

The first is how the other three nine-star sects will treat the Hunyuan faction. Don't look at the four amiable ones who seem to be in charge of Xijizhou together.

But everyone knows that as long as there is a crisis in any one of them, the other three will surely fall into trouble immediately.

In the world of comprehension, two things are best done, the first is to add icing on the cake, and the second is to add insult to injury.As for giving charcoal in the snow, that's all for everyone to think about.

"Why doesn't everyone have anything to say?" Cang Ming waited for a long time, but seeing that there was still no answer, he asked a little displeased.

"As far as the head is concerned, it is better for us to pay for Lin Mu, and just settle this matter. It is true that we wanted him and hunted him down. Now that we have taken the initiative to settle the matter, he will not let him go It's gone." An elder finally couldn't help but said.

"How do we compensate Lin Mu? Lin Mu took away all the spiritual veins and all the treasure houses of Taixuan Mountain. Are we going to do the same and give away all the spiritual veins and treasure houses of our Hunyuan Sect? If this is the case , I, the Hunyuan Sect, how can I gain a foothold, what can I use to maintain the operation of the entire sect!" As soon as the words fell, an elder immediately jumped out to refute.

"Taixuan Mountain doesn't know how to be flattering. Lin Mu originally only wanted a high-grade spiritual vein and a fourth-floor treasure house. Their Supreme Elder insisted on making a move, which ended up like this. I think if we take the initiative to seek peace, Lin Mu won't be too It's too much. Besides, we are the Nine Stars Sect after all, so if we want to come to Lin Mu, we don't dare to offend him too much, what is needed now is our proactive attitude." The elder continued.

"You will also say that we are the Nine-Star Sect. Do the Nine-Star Sect have to be so cowardly, so bullied and unable to resist? If so, what kind of Nine-Star Sect are we?"

"This is not bullying, it's just an attitude. Back then, Lin Mu was chased by my Hunyuan faction and fled to Dong Xuanzhou. Didn't he also be insulted by my Hunyuan faction?"

"Insult? Do you think what we did to Lin Mu was an insult? But did we really cause any loss to Lin Mu? On the contrary, Lin Mu was in Xijizhou, which caused a lot of insult to my Hunyuan faction."

"Elder Li, what you say is the main battle. If you think you can beat Lin Mu, then ask Elder Li to make a move."

"Even if I can't win, I won't be as spineless as Wang Xi!"


"Enough!" Cang Ming couldn't bear it anymore, so he stopped the unnecessary quarrel.

Welcome to the group to hook up!

(End of this chapter)

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