Supreme Chef

Chapter 906 Voluntary Compensation

Chapter 906 Voluntary Compensation (1)

Cang Ming looked down, and said: "I asked you to come to discuss countermeasures, not to see your own internal strife. What time is it now, and you still have time to strife!"

Seeing Cang Ming's unkind expression, the people below all fell silent.

"War or peace?" Cang Ming asked directly.

Cang Ming didn't bother to talk nonsense to them anymore, because Cang Ming knew that no matter how much he talked, there would be no results today. Instead of doing this, it's better for him to ask the results directly.

Everyone was arguing in full swing before, but now that Cang Ming asked, no one dared to talk to him.

"Let's make peace." Just as everyone was silent, the door of the main hall suddenly opened, and an old man in green clothes slowly entered the main hall.

"Elder Taishang!"

"I have seen the elders!"

Seeing the people coming in, everyone got up and said respectfully.

"Elder Supreme, do you suggest that we seek peace?" Cang Ming stood up and asked respectfully.

The Supreme Elder nodded, I have already gone to see the situation of Taixuan Mountain.The land veins of Taixuan Mountain have indeed escaped. Although I don't know what method Lin Mu used, I know that besides the fairy artifact, Lin Mu definitely has a great treasure in his hand.

This is not something we can resist, maybe our Cangming faction can resist it with all our strength.But I don't have the absolute strength to kill him, if he escapes, according to his growth rate.When he comes back again, none of us will be able to stop him.At that time, we will be more passive, why not take the initiative to seek peace now. "The Great Elder said slowly.

After listening to the analysis of the Supreme Elder, everyone in the Hunyuan Sect was completely silent.

The Supreme Elder said that he was not sure of killing Lin Shu, so the others had nothing to say.

After pondering for a while, Cang Ming finally nodded and said, "According to what the Supreme Elder said, how should we prepare?"

The elder Taishang said: "Let's add [-]% to the compensation that Lin Mu asked for from Taixuan Mountain before. If you think about it, Lin Mu has nothing to say."


Hearing the words of the Supreme Elder, everyone below was surprised again.

Lin Mu already asked Taixuan Mountain to pay a lot of compensation, and now he has to add another [-]%.

"Huh! If you have the ability, you can also cultivate a forest of your disciples. Does my Hunyuan Sect still need this?" Seeing the discussion among the people below, the Supreme Elder also gave a cold shout.

Hearing the cold shout from the Supreme Elder, everyone fell silent again.

In fact, the elder Taishang felt very sad when he said such words.Because not only did they fail to cultivate such disciples, but he himself also failed to cultivate such disciples.

After all, Lin Mu is too monstrous, today's Lin Mu simply surpassed the childhood of the five great emperors.

How many people can become emperors in such a vast world, with hundreds of millions of monks? It is impossible for ordinary people to teach such people.

After Lin Mu returned to Craftsman City, he went directly to Liu Yiyi, without alarming the president and others.

"What is Yiyi thinking? Thinking so preoccupied?" Lin Mu suddenly appeared behind Liu Yiyi, looking at Liu Yiyi who was leaning on his chin with his hands and looking outside, he asked with a smile.

Liu Yiyi was startled when she heard Lin Mu calling her, turned around and saw that it was Lin Mu, and said coquettishly, "I hate you! You didn't make a sound when you came in, you want to scare him to death!"

"Is the matter of Taixuan Mountain resolved?" Liu Yiyi looked at Lin Mu gently and asked.

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "It's solved, I evacuated Taixuan Mountain directly. Taixuan wants to rise again, if there is no chance against the sky, don't think about it in ten thousand years."

Liu Yiyi didn't care too much about these things. Whether Taixuan Mountain was alive or dead, Liu Yiyi really didn't care that much. All he cared about was the trees. Seeing that the trees were not injured, Liu Yiyi was relieved.

"What were you thinking about just now? You were so preoccupied. You couldn't be thinking of other men behind my back, right?" Lin Mu joked.

Liu Yiyi raised her powder fist and punched, saying: "You are looking for death."

Lin Mu easily dodged Liu Yiyi's pink fist, hugged Liu Yiyi from behind, and said, "I really want to die, but I'd rather die in your arms."

When Liu Yiyi heard Lin Mu's love words, her pink neck was also slightly flushed.

Liu Yiyi sighed, and said: "I think back then you were only a Nascent Soul, and I wanted to hit you back then, you didn't even have a chance to escape, but now that you have ascended to the second floor, I can't even hit you .”

Lin Mu turned Liu Yiyi's body and said, "If you want to fight, I'll fight you anytime. As long as you're happy, I promise I won't run away again."

Liu Yiyi looked at Lin Mu with her beautiful eyes, and said, "Really?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Of course it's true."

"Then I'll hit it?" Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

Lin Mu nodded, and said, "Of course. You helped me a lot in order to achieve my current level of cultivation. The first time we met, you helped me advance to three levels in a row."

Hearing Lin Mu's mention of what happened when the two met, Liu Yiyi's pretty face also blushed.

How could Liu Yiyi not know what Lin Mu implied. When she was in love with Lin Mu in the cave, her ten-thousand-year pure Yin body was picked by Lin Mu. Of course, Lin Mu got benefits, and she also benefited a lot.

Thinking of her own madness back then, Liu Yiyi couldn't help feeling a little hot all over.

Lin Mu, who hugged Liu Yiyi tightly, naturally noticed Liu Yiyi's change, and lowered his head, looking for Liu Yiyi's little cherry lips.

Liu Yiyi felt the breath of the forest, and closed her eyes in cooperation, as if she was picking it up.

But before Lin Mu kissed him, he gave a wry smile and said, "It seems that our kiss will probably be saved in Dongxuanzhou."

Liu Yiyi didn't understand Lin Mu's meaning, and looked at Lin Mu suspiciously, but soon, a group of people came towards her in Liu Yiyi's consciousness.

Realizing that someone was coming, Liu Yiyi hurriedly pushed the trees away.

After all, in name, she is still the saint of Xuannv Palace, and she and Lin Mu can do whatever they want when there is no one around, but in front of outsiders, Liu Yiyi really can't let go.

Naturally, Lin Mu also knew Liu Yiyi's knot in his heart, and he didn't force Liu Yiyi either.

"Welcome seniors!" After Liu Yiyi tidied up her clothes, Lin Mu also opened the door and said with a smile on her face.

"You guys did a good job. I picked Taixuan Mountain by myself. This old man has long been unhappy with Taixuan Mountain." Jiao Feiyang said without restraint.

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said, "Actually, I'm also the one who takes revenge when I have it. After holding it in for so many years, if I don't take revenge, I'm afraid I'll ruin myself."

Jiao Feiyang laughed and said: "That's not bad, you are more and more interested in the old man's appetite. But your cultivation level is too monstrous, it's only been a while, and you will directly break through the Ascension Realm. After a while, I'm afraid I'm going to be dragged down by you, old man."

The president glanced at Jiao Feiyang and said, "Old drunkard, do you think you are his opponent now?"

"I..." Jiao Feiyang said to me for a long time, but he really didn't dare to say that he was now eating trees.

"I'm not Lin Mu's opponent, don't tell me you're just an old ghost." Jiao Feiyang countered.

The president said calmly: "I was not good at fighting and killing."

Jiao Feiyang snorted, and said, "Then you think your alchemy cultivation is Lin Mu's opponent?"

The president still said calmly: "When we met for the first time, I was no match for him. Lin Mu's alchemy cultivation has opened up an era, and I can't compare with it at all."

(End of this chapter)

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