Supreme Chef

Chapter 907 Voluntary Compensation

Chapter 907 Voluntary Compensation (2)

After listening to the chairman's words, Jiao Feiyang also felt that he was too weak to express himself. He had already accumulated all his strength, and was ready to refute him like a cannonball as soon as the chairman spoke.

But unexpectedly, the chairman would take the initiative to admit defeat, which made Jiao Feiyang very, very depressed.

"The two seniors are here, you should have something to talk about?" Seeing this, Lin Mu also changed the subject on his own initiative.

Jiao Feiyang also hurried down the steps and said, "I do have something to tell you."

"Two seniors, please come in and talk."

Jiao Feiyang and the president followed Lin Mu into the house, while Liu Yiyi had already made spiritual tea.

"Seniors, please have some tea." Liu Yiyi said.

"The saint from Xuannv Palace and Lin Xiaoyou really match well, it's definitely a match made in heaven." Lin Mu helped him just now, so Jiao Feiyang naturally didn't hesitate to praise him.

"Senior, you have won the award." Liu Yiyi blushed pretty, and said with a little blessing.

"What's the matter with the two seniors, but it's okay to say." Lin Mu said with a slight smile.

Jiao Feiyang said: "Actually, we are entrusted by someone today to come to you as lobbyists."

"Entrusted by someone? A lobbyist?" Lin Mu asked in confusion.

Jiao Feiyang glanced at the president, and the president said: "Cang Mo of the Hunyuan Sect wants the two of us to make peace with you. He is willing to add another [-]% to the compensation you demanded from Taixuan Mountain. show their sincerity."


Lin Mu was a little surprised when he heard the president's words.

Lin Mu originally thought that the Hunyuan faction would come back to seek peace, but he didn't expect that the Hunyuan faction would move so quickly.Before I even arrived at Craftsman City, the Hunyuan Sect had already found lobbyists.

And not only that, the Hunyuan faction even took the initiative to ask for [-]% more compensation.

The Hunyuan faction had put their stance extremely low, which made Lin Mu want to do something, but he couldn't find any good reason.

"What do you two seniors mean?" Lin Mu didn't agree directly, but asked Jiao Feiyang and the president.

Since Jiao Feiyang and the others were willing to agree to the Hunyuan faction as lobbyists, they had their own reasons.Of course, this reason must have nothing to do with the benefits given to them by the Hunyuan faction.Because Lin Mu knew the two of them well, neither of them would do something against their conscience for the sake of money.

So if the two are willing to come, there must be a reason why they have to come.

The president said: "I'll discuss it with the old drunkard, and I think you should agree."

Lin Mu didn't answer, but waited for the president to give himself a reason.

The president said: "Firstly, the demon world has not completely stopped, and there are still many remnants hidden in places we don't know. If the vitality of the Hunyuan faction is seriously injured at this time, the demon world is likely to make a comeback. This is definitely not what we want. What you see is certainly not what you want to see."

Lin Mu nodded, expressing his agreement with the first point the president said, but Lin Mu didn't speak. Obviously, this point is not enough to convince Lin Mu.

"Old man, what are you hesitating at this time? Just say what you have? Lin Mu is not an outsider." Jiao Feiyang saw that the president was hesitating, so he took up the conversation directly, saying: "The second point is that we are all worried. If the Hunyuan faction If it is weakened, the balance of Xijizhou is likely to be broken. The entire West Jizhou is likely to enter a long-term internal conflict. At that time, we are worried that the Demon Realm will not take action, but the Magic Mountain will take the opportunity to come out."

Jiao Feiyang continued: "My old man really doesn't have any opinion on the Moshan coming out. However, my old man's opinion alone cannot represent the entire West Jizhou. Besides, my old man is planning to go to Dongxuanzhou with you for a stroll. , To be honest, I'm really not interested in how they fight. But if something like this causes the Blood River in Xijizhou to drift, my old man really can't bear it."

After hearing Jiao Feiyang's reason, Lin Mu pondered for a while, then nodded, and said, "Since the two seniors have spoken, then according to what the two seniors said, I agree to the Hunyuan faction's peace request."

Jiao Feiyang laughed and said: "I knew that Lin Mu would agree to the old thing, and you lost to me a jar of fine wine again."

When Lin Mu heard Jiao Feiyang's words, black lines appeared on his face.

Two old seniors can also bet on this thing, and this state is completely different from what Jiao Feiyang said just now.

Of course, Lin Mu knew that whether it was Jiao Feiyang just now or now, he was the real Jiao Feiyang, without any affectation in it.

The president said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't renege on my debt."

After speaking, the president took out a storage ring, handed it to Lin Mu and said, "All the compensations from the Hunyuan faction are in this ring, please count them."

Lin Mu didn't expect the Hunyuan faction to be so sincere and brought all the things directly, which really made Lin Mu have no reason to do anything.

The Hunyuan faction is already like this, so if I do it again, I'm afraid I will stand opposite my comrades in Xijizhou.

Although Lin Mu is not afraid of these things, Lin Mu still has some friends in Xijizhou. Many of them will not go to Dongxuanzhou with Lin Mu, and their sea monsters stay in Xijizhou.

If these problems of his own caused them any trouble, it was obviously not what Lin Mu wanted to see.

Lin Mu took the ring, counted it carefully, and then put [-]% of it into his own ring. The remaining [-]% ​​Lin Mu divided into two rings and handed them to Jiao Feiyang and the president respectively: "Seniors, This is a little thought from this junior. I would like to thank the two seniors for taking care of this junior."

The president and Jiao Feiyang obviously did not expect that Lin Mu would prepare for the two of them, and they were also slightly taken aback.

However, both of them declined and did not accept the ring that Lin Mu handed over.

"You two seniors, please don't refuse. I am a person who knows how to repay you. If there was no help from the two seniors, I am afraid that I would not be standing here today." Lin Mu said sincerely.

The president said: "We didn't help you with anything. Even without us back then, I believe that with your ability, you would have been able to escape."

Lin Mu did not hide anything, and said: "The two seniors are right. I did have the ability to escape back then. But it would have required a huge price. If I had that way to escape back then. I think To achieve today's cultivation, I'm afraid it will take at least 20 years. Therefore, the two seniors, don't refuse any more."

What Lin Mu said is the truth. Lin Mu did have a way to escape from all the crises that Lin Mu encountered in the past.But that was all necessary, and Lin Mu paid a huge price.Lin Mu didn't want to use resting tricks unless it was absolutely necessary.

So at that time, the help of the president and Jiao Feiyang was extremely important to Lin Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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