Supreme Chef

Chapter 911 Total Blockade

Chapter 911 Total Blockade
No one paid attention to such a person's departure, because their hearts were still regretting that they didn't go with Lin Mu.

Chi Hong's speed was extremely fast, and she ran wildly all the way, and soon arrived at a big city.

Although Chi Hong's speed is fast, it is still not as fast as the teleportation array, so Lin Mu still has to rely on the power of the teleportation array.

Suddenly there were so many masters in the city, which naturally alarmed the city lord.

This is a seven-star city, the owner of the city is a strong person on the eighth floor of the Ascension Realm, and there are no fewer than ten people in the Ascension Realm under his rule.It can be regarded as an extremely powerful Seven Star City.

And from Lin Mu's point of view, such strength can be regarded as a nine-star power in Xijizhou.

"Everyone came to my Zixiao City, why don't you know?" The city lord brought all the Ascension Realm masters in the city, and asked in front of Lin Mu and the others.

It was the first time for everyone in Xijizhou to see the strength of the forces in Dongxuanzhou.

Seeing a seven-star power in East Xuanzhou, there is an eighth-level Ascension Realm, and more than a dozen powerhouses in the Ascension Realm, all of them gasped.

Such an incomparably huge city is only a mere Seven Star Force in Dongxuanzhou.

This is completely unimaginable in Xijizhou. They have heard before that Dongxuanzhou is powerful, but they did not expect that Xijizhou is so far behind Dongxuanzhou.

"I want to use your city's teleportation array." Lin Mu said politely.

The city lord was inexplicably relieved when he heard that he only used the teleportation array.

"Fellow daoist was only using the teleportation array, so fellow daoist, please come with me." The city lord smiled and led the way ahead.

Lin Mu came with a large number of masters, which made the city owner have to be careful.

When Lin Mu and the others arrived at the Teleportation Hall, Lin Mu looked at the sealed teleportation array in the farthest corner, and frowned, "What's the matter with that teleportation array?"

The city lord said: "That is heading for Qiucheng, and it is temporarily suspended during this period."

Lin Mu frowned again when he heard the city lord's words, and said, "I'm going to Qiucheng."

When the city lord heard Lin Mu's words, he became fully alert and said, "I don't know why you are going to Qiucheng?"

Seeing the sudden change of the city lord, Lin Mu also understood something. Obviously, someone had artificially controlled the teleportation array to prevent anyone from going to his Fumanlou for help.

Lin Mu didn't hide anything either, and said, "I'm Lin Mu, the head of Fumanlou, and I'm going back to the sect now. If the city lord can make it easier for me, then Lin Mu will be very grateful.

The city lord should know that there is a top half-immortal alchemist in Fumanlou. As long as the city lord is willing to let me pass, I can let my alchemist in Fumanlou refine any pill below the third furnace for free for the city lord. .Of course, the materials need to be provided by the city owner yourself. "

The city owner did not expect that this is the forest.Everyone in Dongxuan Continent knew that Lin Mu had gone to Xiji Continent to deal with the Demon Realm, but they didn't expect Lin Mu to come back so soon, and brought so many masters with him, even those who had completed the Ascension Realm.

The most important thing is that according to what the city lord knows, when Lin Mu left Dongxuan Continent, his cultivation had just passed the tribulation.But I went there once, and when I came back, I had already ascended to the second floor.

And the aura fluctuating on his body made him feel a little terrified.The growth rate of such a monster is really unimaginable.

At this time, the city lord's mind was also at war between heaven and man. On the one hand, he really didn't want to offend such an evildoer as Lin Mu, but on the other hand, he was also worried that he would offend Emperor Zong.Because this is an order issued by Emperor Zong himself.

Of course, what moved him the most was Lin Mu's proposal to refine the elixir below the ninth grade in three furnaces for free.

Three furnaces of eighth-grade elixir, to him, that means dozens of lives.Besides, it is the same in Dongxuanzhou, the top half-immortal alchemists are all in Emperor Zong, although they are not weak, but the alchemists in the city can only refine sixth-grade elixir.

"City Master, my time is limited, please hurry up and make a decision." Although Lin Mu's words did not threaten at all, his tone already showed his attitude.

"Master Lin, I know how you feel, and I can completely understand it. But Master Lin, my Zixiao City is not as good as Master Lin's Fumanlou, and there are so many big figures behind it. I just follow orders, if If Sect Leader Lin wants to pass, I will definitely not be able to explain it. But if Sect Leader Lin wants to forcefully break through, I will definitely not be able to stop you, Sect Leader Lin," said the city lord.

Hearing the city lord's words, Lin Mu instantly understood what the city lord was planning.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Then I'll offend you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu directly slapped it out.

And the city lord also resisted symbolically.

"Pfft!" The city lord spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"The city lord's kindness is always in Lin Mu's heart. When the city lord needs the three furnaces of elixir, just ask someone to take it." Lin Mu cupped his hands, and took Liu Yiyi and others directly to the teleportation formation.

When the brilliance above the teleportation array disappeared, the person behind the city lord asked, "Master city lord, is there really no problem if we do this?"

The city lord of Zixiao City swept away the paleness just now, and said: "The rise of Lin Shu is doomed. Compared with Emperor Zong, I would rather have such an ally."

"The forest of the city lord is only on the second floor of Ascension Realm. Is it really worth our big bet?" Someone asked again.

The city lord sneered, and said: "The second floor of Ascension Realm, do you know what Lin Mu's cultivation was like when he left Dongxuan Continent? But he just entered the Transcendence Tribulation Realm. It took less than ten years for Lin Mu to leave Dongxuan Continent. It's already the second floor of Ascension Realm. And do you know how many layers of Lin Mu's true essence has been transformed into immortal essence?
Everyone shook their heads to express their ignorance.

The city lord said: "A full [-]% of the true essence has been transformed into immortal essence. Just now when Lin Mu made a move, he intentionally revealed a trace of aura to let me perceive it. This is telling me that if we do something, we will It may not be his opponent. And Lin Shu can retract and release so freely, even I feel ashamed."

"Fifty percent of the immortal yuan! How did he do it?"

The Ascension Realm powerhouse behind him gasped when he heard the city lord's words.

Fifty percent immortal yuan, this is a bit too exaggerated.

The most important thing is that Lin Shu has just ascended to the second floor of the realm.

If according to Lin Mu's speed, it is possible that Lin Mu can convert all his true essence into immortal essence in the cultivation world and become a land god, then it will not be a problem to sweep the cultivation world by then.

After a pause, the city lord said: "And Lin Mu himself is the half-immortal alchemist of Fumanlou, do you think it is more important for me to befriend such a person, or to befriend Emperor Zong?"

"What! Lin Mu is that half-immortal alchemist!" Everyone was shocked again.

This is what Lin Mu took the initiative to tell the city lord through sound transmission, otherwise, the city lord would not have made the decision so happily.

A top-notch half-immortal alchemist, who also possesses heaven-defying cultivation, such a person, even the great emperor back then is not as good as, such a person is destined to become a master in the future, and making friends with Lin Mu is indeed more promising than Emperor Zong , it is even possible for Lin Mu to become the Great Emperor in the future.

"It's good for the city lord to make good friends with Lin Mu, but if Emperor Zong really investigates, we..."

The city lord glanced at the other three teleportation formations in the teleportation hall, and directly raised his hand, destroying two of them.

"Even if Emperor Zong investigates it now, we have something to say."

After a pause, the city lord said in a cold tone: "I don't want outsiders to know what happened today, otherwise everyone knows what the outcome will be!"

(End of this chapter)

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