Supreme Chef

Chapter 912 What a big hat

Chapter 912 What a Big Hat

The teleportation array in Zixiao City cannot reach Qiucheng directly.

However, since Lin Mu already knew about Emperor Zong's plan, he was naturally well prepared.

In the next few cities, except for the city lord of one city who was very uncooperative and was directly killed by Lin Shu, the rest of the people were still very cooperative. Of course, Lin Mu also promised them considerable benefits.

After three days of non-stop teleportation, Lin Mu finally arrived at Qiucheng.

Although Qiucheng was not under the control of the Four Pavilions at this time, it was still an important supply place.

"City Master, the teleportation array is shining brightly, someone should have teleported over." The guard of the teleportation array in Qiucheng ran in and said to Qiu He.

Qiu He frowned, and said: "Send someone over there right away to have a look. If it's someone from the Fourth Pavilion, let it go directly. If it's not from the Fourth Pavilion, report the situation immediately after finding out the situation."

"Yes!" After the guard went down, Qiu He frowned again.

Qiucheng has been blocked for several days, and no one communicates at all. It is obviously unreasonable for the teleportation array to suddenly light up today.

"City Lord, the person who teleported here is... is..." The person guarding the teleportation array came back again, his face changed drastically, and his speech was a little awkward.

"What is it?" Qiu He frowned involuntarily.

"It's me." As soon as Qiu He's voice fell, Lin Mu led everyone into Qiu He's City Lord's Mansion.


Seeing the trees, Qiu He couldn't help but tighten his eyes.

He never thought that Lin Mu would come back today and stand in front of him now.

"City Master Qiu, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Lin Mu looked at Qiu He and said with a smile.

"Lin... City Lord Lin!" Qiu He responded with a stiff dry smile when he heard Lin Mu's words.

"City Master Qiu, I remember that when I opened the mountain gate, you visited twice a day, saying that we are neighbors and should help each other. But now City Master Qiu, what you did made my heart ache." Lin Mu said lightly.

"I..." Looking at the powerful team behind Lin Mu, and Lin Shu's cultivation level that had already left him far behind, Qiu He's heart couldn't help but twitched violently.

"Master Lin, my Qiucheng is just a small six-star power, and it really can't change anything. The four pavilions invaded at the same time, and my Qiucheng is helpless. If Qiu and I are just a widow, it will be considered as a life of death. It doesn't matter, but there are millions of people in my Qiucheng, so I can't be ruined because of me, Qiu." Qiu He explained emotionally.

Lin Mu had seen Qiu He's acting skills before, so Lin Mu naturally didn't believe what Qiu He said.

"Of course I understand City Master Qiu's difficulties, but now that I'm back, I want to ask City Master Qiu to do something. I wonder if City Master Qiu is willing?" Lin Mu said.

Qiu He was also very opportunistic, and immediately said: "Master Lin has any orders, but it doesn't matter, I, Qiu He, absolutely have an obligation."

Lin Mudao: "I don't ask City Lord Qiu to do anything, as long as City Lord Qiu closes the city gates, does not allow anyone to come in and out, and does not provide anyone with supplies. I did this for the good of City Lord Qiu. It can avoid harming the fish in the pond, right?"

When Qiu He heard Lin Shu's words, his forehead became sweaty.

The threat in Lin Mu's words was already very obvious.And with the lineup behind Lin Mu, Lin Mu is fully capable of destroying Qiucheng.

But if he really did what Lin Mu said, it would be tantamount to fighting against Emperor Zong and Sige.At that time, if Lin Mu wins, everything is easy to talk about. If Lin Mu loses, then he will definitely be buried in Fumanlou in Qiucheng.

But if he disagrees with Lin Mu, his own Qiucheng will be destroyed without waiting for Fumanlou to be destroyed.

Even if Lin Mu is immortal now, if Lin Mu wins, Qiucheng will still be fine.

Now Lin Mu is forcing him to choose a team again, and Lin Mu only gave him one chance to choose.Once he missed it, he and his Qiucheng would surely be doomed.

"Elder Yan from the Sun Moon Pavilion, the city lord, is visiting." Just as Qiu He was sweating profusely and didn't know what to choose, someone suddenly came to report at the door.

Hearing this man's return, Qiu He's heart immediately relaxed. This Elder Yan from the Sun Moon Pavilion really came too timely, he is completely his savior.

"Master Lin, do you see?" Qiu He didn't agree immediately, but looked at Lin Mu and asked Lin Mu's opinion.

Lin Mu didn't expect that Elder Yan from the Sun Moon Pavilion would come here at this time, but it just so happened that Qiu He couldn't make a decision by himself, so he made it for him.

Lin Mu nodded, and said calmly: "Since he is here, let him come in. I will also see who gave Sun Moon Pavilion the courage to come to my Fumanlou to make trouble."

"Yes! Yes! I'll send someone to call me right now." Qiu He agreed, and sent people to invite Elder Yan from Sun Moon Pavilion.

Soon, a proud old man in a loose shirt entered the city lord's mansion.

"Qiu He has met Elder Yan." Although Lin Shu was present, Qiu He did not dare to forget the courtesy he should have.

Elder Yan was slightly taken aback when he saw Lin Mu and the others, but he didn't care too much.

Although the strength of Lin Mu's group is not up to par, they are obviously not seen by Elder Yan.

This Elder Yan's cultivation base has just ascended to the Ascension Realm, but because he comes from the Sun Moon Pavilion, his attitude is naturally extremely arrogant.

"City Master Qiu, the head of the four pavilions asked me to discuss with City Master Qiu. Our next step is to increase our offensive strength and try to take down Fumanlou, a malignant tumor in the cultivation world that is in collusion with the demon world, within seven days. I will lend you Qiucheng to use as a camp." Elder Yan was here to discuss, and he came here to inform.

Qiu He's attitude towards the Si Pavilion was actually too dare to speak out.

After all, the Four Pavilions are the famous Nine-Star Sect in Dongxuan Continent, and Qiu Cheng can't deal with any one of them, let alone the Four Pavilions, which Qiu He didn't even dare to resist.

But now that Lin Mu was also present, it was naturally not his turn to make a decision.

Qiu He peeked at Lin Mu, but didn't immediately answer Elder Yan's words.

Elder Yan obviously also saw Qiu He's actions.

"Who are these?" Elder Yan asked Qiu He.

Without Qiu He's answer, Lin Mu directly said: "You are attacking my mountain gate now, you ask who I am, don't you think your question is very funny?"

"You are Lin Mu!" Elder Yan thought for a while, and he knew who the person in front of him was.

Lin Mu looked at Elder Yan and nodded, "You're not too stupid."

"Lin Mu, a thief who colluded with the demon world, you dare to come back, aren't you afraid that I, the Sun Moon Pavilion, will destroy you?" Elder Yan sternly reprimanded while being on guard.

Lin Mudao: "Actually, I'm also a little curious. I have no grievances with your four pavilions in the past, and I have no enmity in the present. Your four pavilions aggressively invaded my Fumanlou. What is the reason for it? Could it be that the four of you are so downcast that you became emperors?" Is Zong's dog leg?"

"Lin Mu, don't talk nonsense here. You are a thief in the devil world. Everyone can punish you. As the mainstay of the cultivation world, my four pavilions should dare to be the first. Now that you are back, let's open your blessings. With the mountain protection formation, our Four Pavilions can consider killing only one of you, and let the people in Fumanlou be spared." Elder Yan said righteously.

"Haha! What a joke. I, Lin Mu, went to Xijizhou alone to resist the demon world. This is obvious to all my colleagues in the world. Now I have become a thief in the demon world. What a big hat. But since you Sige said that I am a demon, Then I'll do it once, and this time, people from your four pavilions, don't leave!" Lin Mu's words suddenly froze.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Elder Yan also took out the communication jade slip, ready to send a message, but just as he was about to make a move, he found his body was locked there.

(End of this chapter)

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