Supreme Chef

Chapter 913

Chapter 913

Elder Yan only had time to say such a sentence, and the next moment his body was directly burned to ashes by the sky fire of the forest.

Seeing an elder who ascended to the first floor, being burned to slag in front of Lin Shu, everyone in the main hall fell silent.

As soon as they raised their hands, a strong man in the Ascension Realm who they could only look up to turned into a scumbag, while Lin Mu seemed like a normal person.

Especially the last word that Elder Yan said before his death made Qiu He and the others tremble with fear.

Although they are not strong in the Ascension Realm yet, they also understand what a 'domain' is.

That is something that only the top immortals can have according to the legend, but now Lin Shu already has it at the second floor of the Ascension Realm.

Even if Lin Mu had only a prototype, it would be absolutely amazing.

Thinking of these, Qiu Gu's heart trembled a little.

Lin Shu is so monstrous and powerful, his rise is already doomed.It should not be impossible to become No. 1 in the world of comprehension in the future.

"Master Lin, our matter just now is settled. I will block Qiucheng now and prohibit anyone from entering or leaving. If you need any help or resources, please mention it. Provide it with determination." Qiu He was also quick to see the opportunity, seeing that the trees were strong, he immediately changed the wind direction.

Lin Mu was very satisfied with Qiu He's attitude, and said: "City Master Qiu is bothering, so there is no need for help, as long as City Master Qiu seals off the city, it will be fine to not harm the fish in the pond."

"Yes! Yes! Sect Leader Lin said that I will seal the city, and I will never let the flames of war harm anyone in my Qiucheng." Qiu He nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Since City Lord Qiu is so cooperative, I won't stay any longer."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he took Liu Yiyi and others and left Qiucheng directly.

After Lin Shu left, Qiu He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"City Master, does this forest really have the domain that only immortals can have?" An elder behind Qiu He asked.

Qiu He also pondered for a while with a serious face, and said: "Elder Yan should be right, this forest must have had an adventure that we couldn't have imagined, and the Si Pavilion may be in trouble this time. The rise of Fumanlou is already doomed .”

"Then the city lord, we will really block the city. If Lin Mu's Fumanlou loses, what will happen to us?" An elder of Qiucheng said worriedly.

Qiu He hesitated after hearing what the elder said.But in the end, Qiu He still gritted his teeth and said: "Now we can't control so much, we can only choose to stand on one side. Lin Mu has been hunted down by Emperor Zong in Dongxuanzhou for so many years, and he is still safe and sound. It can be seen that Lin Mu relies It's not just luck. Behind Lin Shu, there are shadows of Ghost City, Soul City, and Qidu. This time, the four pavilions came to attack, obviously instigated by Emperor Zong.

Wanting to occupy the mountain gate created by Lin Shu, what they seized was the period when Lin Shu was not in the sect.If he wants to take advantage of this time difference, he will not gain a firm foothold in Fumanlou.While Fumanlou has no leader, try to eat Fumanlou in one go.

But now Lin Mu is back, and he has brought so many masters back.The inside should cooperate with the outside, and the vanguard troops sent by the four pavilions are not opponents at all.The vanguard was wiped out, and it was obviously meaningless for the Fourth Pavilion to send a large army.

And when the time comes, once the support from Soul City, Qidu, and even Ghost City arrives, even if the four pavilions join forces, they can only end sadly. "

Qiu He was able to become the city lord, obviously he was not a pustule, his analysis was orderly and his decisions were decisive, as long as he was given a chance, he would definitely become the overlord in the future.

Lin Mu didn't think so much, Lin Mu only knew who bullied me.I'm going to bully back immediately.

Lin Mu took Jiao Feiyang and others directly to the outside of Fumanlou.

The outside of Fumanlou was completely besieged by the vanguard of Sige.

Although this is the vanguard of the four, it has also mobilized a full twenty Ascension Realm powerhouses.

Although most of them are below the third level of the Ascension Realm, the two leading ones are all strong Ascension Realm consummators. Although they are not as good as Yang Hongxi, they are not far behind.

The monks in Xijizhou have never seen so many monks in the Ascension Realm.This opened the eyes of the monks in Xijizhou again, but this time is obviously not the time to open their eyes.

"Who are you?" As soon as Lin Mu and the others approached, several experts from the Ascension Realm immediately surrounded him.

Although Lin Mu's side includes Lin Mu, there are only two Ascension Realm powerhouses, but the rest of them are not weak, and Jiao Feiyang is also a perfect Ascension Realm powerhouse, which makes the people in the Four Pavilions have to be cautious.

Lin Mu looked at the person on the opposite side, and said, "When you arrive at my house, you still ask me who I am? I want to ask you, who are you?"

"You are from Fumanlou!" The powerhouses in the Ascension Realm of the Four Pavilions also immediately became alert when they heard Lin Mu's words.

However, Lin Mu obviously didn't plan to give them a chance to form a formation. Facing the people in the fourth pavilion, Lin Mu directly punched Yan Lang.

With the improvement of cultivation base, the power of Yan Lang has also increased several times.

The hundred-foot-long wall of fire spread directly and rapidly, and the fire dragon filled the sky, and immediately began to raging crazily, rushing towards the strong man who ascended to the opposite side.

"Heavenly Fire!"

The four Ascension Realm powerhouses on the opposite side couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw Lin Mu punching out. At the same time, the four of them teamed up instantly and set up many obstacles to stop the raging sky fire.

However, how could the hastily organized defense stop the raging sky fire.

And following the sky fire, there are dozens of trees, and the thunder robbery spear is hundreds of feet long.



The Lei Jie gun directly cut through the space and charged at the crowd on the opposite side.

With the effect of sky fire, thunder gun, and forest 'field', the person on the opposite side didn't react at all, and was directly swallowed.

Lin Mu's current domain has no rules, it can only be used to restrict other people's actions, but even so, it is a heaven-defying benefit for Lin Mu.

After all, even a momentary pause is enough to determine the trend of the entire competition.

In an instant, it was enough for Lin Mu to kill his opponent dozens of times.





With four bursting sounds, the four strong men on the first floor of the Ascension Realm on the opposite side were all exploded.


Seeing Lin Mu raising his hand, he took the lives of four more Ascension Realm experts.This made the monks in Xijizhou, who came with Lin Shu behind them, click their tongues secretly.

Ascension Realm is the top of the pyramid for monks like them who are in the Tribulation Realm.

As long as they cross that barrier, they can be regarded as standing at the top of the cultivation world.Even if he is not standing on the top, he still has some right to speak in the cultivation world.

But such a strong Ascendant, in front of Lin Shu, was wiped out in an instant like chopping melons and vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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