Supreme Chef

Chapter 914

Chapter 914
Losing four Ascension Realm powerhouses in an instant, the masters of the Four Pavilions naturally arrived at the first time.

"Dare to hurt my elder of the fourth pavilion, court death!" Two strong men who had completed the ascension state of the fourth pavilion came up, and they didn't even ask who Lin Mu was, and they were ready to kill Lin Mu and others directly.

Lin Mu and Jiao Feiyang stepped forward, but each blocked one of them.

"Fatty man, I'm back, and I brought people out to take the prisoners." Lin Mu let out a loud roar, and the sound was directly transmitted into Fumanlou.

"Lin Mu! It's Lin Mu's voice!" Xu Mei was the first to stand up excitedly when she heard Lin Mu's voice.

Wu De got up suddenly when he heard Lin Mu's voice.

"Elders, the people in the four pavilions outside were suddenly attacked by masters from unknown forces." You Fumanlou's disciple entered and reported.

"Immediately notify everyone, counterattack in an all-round way, and let's go capture the prisoners." Wu De also said with a sneer.

It is true that there are Mi Xuan and Cao Xiu in Fumanlou, but they are unwilling to take care of these trivial matters, so when Lin Mu is away, the right to command naturally falls to Wu De.

"Yes!" The disciple of Fumanlou immediately ordered after hearing Wu De's order.

"Seniors, let's go out together and see what surprise our Master Lin has brought us back after going to West Jizhou." Wu De also said respectfully to Mi Xuan and Cao Xiu.

Before Wu De could finish speaking, Xu Mei was the first to rush outside.

"What are you looking at, fat man? If one of these captives is released, I will deduct it from your annual offering." Lin Mu looked at Wu De standing in the mountain guarding formation with a surprised expression, and roared loudly.

"Catch the prisoners! Take the prisoners! Don't run away!" Wu De also reacted from the brief surprise, and immediately opened the mountain defense formation, leading everyone out in a file.

Mi Yan and Cao Xiu, seeing that the forest trees are made of mere ascension state, they can fight against the strong ones who have completed the ascension state without losing the wind, their eyes are also full of horror.

You must know that when Lin Mu was forced to leave Dongxuan Continent again, his cultivation had just passed the tribulation.Not to mention the strong ones who have completed the Ascension Realm.It is a strong man who has completed the Tribulation Realm, even Lin Mu has a hard time dealing with it.

But in the past few years, Lin Mu's strength has grown to be on par with them. The speed of this growth is a bit too monstrous.

Attacked from both sides, coupled with the loss in the number of absolute masters, the vanguard troops sent by the four pavilions were directly led by Lin Mu and Wu De, and were completely captured.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect that I am no longer your opponent." Wu De said in shock when he came to Lin Mu's side.

After a pause, Wu De immediately revealed his true nature, and said, "Have you taken any panacea, and if you have any left, give me one too."

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said, "Aren't you going to ascend to the realm soon? What kind of medicine do you need?"

Wu De laughed and said: "Who would think that pills are too thorny? Do you have them? Give me two if you have them. You see, I managed Fumanlou so well for you. No credit but hard work. "

Lin Mu looked behind Wu De, and the five Ascension Realm powerhouses besides Cao Xiu, Mi Yan and Xiao Diao also nodded. Wu De had indeed managed well in the past few years when he was not around.

Fumanlou has already begun to see its scale. Although the star rating has not yet been determined, Lin Mu knows that with such strength, it is no problem to rate a seven-star rating.

It is absolutely unimaginable for a newly established sect to be awarded seven stars in a short period of time.

Lin Mudao: "You manage well, and let the Sige bully come to your door, and you dare not fight back when you are surrounded and beaten."

Wu De chuckled, and said: "It's not easy for me to help you get some money, and I'll eat the big fish and small fish. I've already contacted Soul City and Ghost City. If you are late Come back in a few days, the masters from Soul City and Ghost City will come over, and then the big troops from the Four Pavilions will also come over, just give them a big package, isn't it once and for all?"

Lin Mu was still skeptical before, with Wu De's personality, how could it be possible that he was the kind of person who was beaten up and didn't dare to show his face, so he was planning to make a big deal. From this point of view, it was a bit early for him to come back.

"You mean by that, I came back a little early?" Lin Mu asked back.

"Not early! Not early! You brought back so many masters, we have other ways to play, they besiege us, can we also besiege them? Actually, I like to take the initiative." Wu De smirked Said.

"Okay, let's go in first and talk about it first, arrange someone to settle down the fellow Taoists who came from Xijizhou first." Lin Mu said.

"That's easy!" Wu De beckoned, and immediately someone came over, took the 25 people who came with Lin Mu, and went down to settle down.

These 25 people thought that Lin Mu's new sect would not be of any scale.But as soon as they entered, seeing the 99 seats inside, the main peak that communicates with the star power in the sky, and the rich and outrageous aura, the 25 people immediately felt that they had made the right choice.

"Lin Mu." Xu Mei stepped forward, also looking at Lin Mu emotionally.

Lin Mu also pulled Xu Mei over, hugged her in his arms, and said softly, "You have worked hard all these years."

Xu Mei said: "With Wu De and the others here, I just need to practice. I'm just worried about you."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Do you think I'm not doing well?"

Xu Mei rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, looked at the shy Liu Yiyi behind Lin Mu, took the initiative to pull Liu Yiyi and said, "You are Yiyi's younger sister, you are really beautiful, no wonder this pervert is desperately trying to go back to West Jizhou. "

Although Liu Yiyi was older than Xu Mei, after all Xu Mei was with Lin Mu first, according to her age, Xu Mei was indeed her elder sister.

Liu Yiyi nodded shyly, and said, "Sister Xu Mei, I am Yiyi. In fact, Lin Mu often mentions her sister."

Xu Mei said: "With a beauty like you, he still has the mood to mention me."

Lin Mu hugged both of them in his arms, and said, "I both mentioned it, and both of us thought about it. After all, we are all reunited. Tonight, how about we..."

"I'm sleeping with Yiyi tonight, if you dare to come in, I'll kill you!" Xu Mei said in a scissors-hands gesture.

Lin Mu cried sadly, and said: "I just came back, let me stay alone in the empty room, do you think it's okay?"

Xu Mei snorted, and said: "For a pervert like you, you must be dealt with properly. Alright, I'll take Yiyi's sister to rest first, and you go talk to Wu De and the others about your men's business."

No matter on the earth or in the realm of comprehension, Xu Mei knew very clearly what she should do and what she should not do.

Seeing the two stunning beauties disappearing from his eyes, Lin Mu also sighed inwardly.

Lin Mu came to his main peak, where the main hall of Fumanlou sat.

"Thank you to the two seniors. The younger generation is very grateful for your care these years." Lin Mu bowed to Cao Xiu and Mi Yan.

Mi Yan said: "Old man, I promise you that I will protect you for a hundred years, and I will definitely not regret it."

Cao Xiu also smiled and said, "I've been cultivating here for the past two years, and my cultivation has grown rapidly. It can be regarded as taking up the light of your blessings, and I should do something for you."

"Big brother and I, Ziyan also put in a lot of effort, why don't you thank Ziyan." Chen Ziyan appeared from nowhere, jumped into Lin Mu's arms, and said coquettishly.

Lin Mu scratched the tip of Chen Ziyan's nose, and said: "Ziyan has worked hard too, big brother also thank Ziyan." Chen Ziyan hung on Lin Mu's neck contentedly after hearing Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu hugged Chen Ziyan, cupped his hands to everyone present, and said, "Thank you for your hard work during Lin's absence. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. These are the resources I brought back from Xijizhou. Wait for everyone Go to Elder Wu, and Elder Wu will reward everyone according to the rules."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu took out all the resources he collected from Xijizhou.

At the same time, he raised his hand and placed the two high-grade spirit veins in the well-prepared spirit vein pit.

As soon as the two high-grade spiritual veins entered, the spiritual energy of the entire Fumanlou was instantly raised to another level.

Of course, the most attractive thing is that almost the entire hall is filled with various resources.

"Everyone, don't worry, everyone will come to me later, I'll go down and take inventory first." Wu De flicked his sleeves and took all the resources away.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and shook his head helplessly. Wu De was still the same as before.

"Fatty, don't try to embezzle, sir, I'll go and watch you too." The blood spirit dragon also flew over at once, grabbed Wu De's shoulder, and followed Wu De to the back to count the trophies of the trees.

(End of this chapter)

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