Supreme Chef

Chapter 921 Recognition of star rating

Chapter 921 Recognition of star rating
Lin Mu listened to Chen Yunkai's analysis, and felt that what Chen Yunkai said was basically the direction of the whole battle.

It seems that I am still inexperienced, and what I did was a bit too obvious, but I have already vented my anger. If the four pavilions compensate again, then my Fumanlou's prestige will be considered to be established, and my Fumanlou will be in the future. Dongxuanzhou, not anyone can move it if they want. "


Earth, the cave house under the sea!
"Sister Yaqing, everyone has reached the third level of the Golden Core, we can go to the world of comprehension together." Fan Xiaoxiao said to Yaqing.

Yu Yaqing nodded a little excitedly, and then said to everyone standing behind her, "Today, everyone will set off for the extreme north together."


In Fumanlou, Lin Mu has been waiting for Sige to attack again.

And Lin Mu didn't wait too long, and soon the people from the Fourth Pavilion were killed again. This time, the scale was significantly smaller than the previous one.

As soon as the people from Soul City and Ghost City showed up, the people from Sige immediately withdrew.

And the ending after that was basically the same as what Chen Yunkai had speculated.

Sige discovered the arrival of the people from Soul City and Ghost City, and retreated immediately, and then Sige directly announced his life.

He said that he was deceived by the Demon Sect and wronged Lin Mu and Fumanlou, and he was willing to reconcile with Fumanlou and pay for all the losses of Fumanlou.

Sige's statement completely covered up the real purpose, and at the same time, it also protected his own face to the greatest extent, and even created a good impression on everyone that Dazong knew his mistakes and could correct them.

"Damn it, we spent so much effort, but ended up helping these bastards." Wu De cursed directly as he saw the life from Sige.

Lin Mu is already used to this, whether it is Sige or Emperor Zong, these people who claim to be dignified and decent, no matter what they do, they must put themselves on the side of morality.

"It doesn't matter what they say, they just send the spirit veins." Lin Mu received a total of five spirit veins this time, which instantly raised Fumanlou's spirit energy by more than one level.

The current Fumanlou is really no worse than any other paradise.

After accepting the spirit veins of the Si Pavilion, Lin Mu naturally fulfilled the regulations and released all the captives from the Si Pavilion.

Because they had to discuss the arrangement of the teleportation array, neither Chen Yunkai nor the Beggar God left Fumanlou.

"Sister Mei, I've been a little restless these two days. I think sister Yaqing and the others may have come here. Where did you come out of the teleportation array?" Ruye Linmu said to Xu Mei.

When Xu Mei came here before, Yu Yaqing had already told Xu Mei that she would stay on the earth and wait for everyone to arrive at the third floor of the Golden Core before coming together, so that Lin Mu didn't have to worry.

So even though the five-year period has already passed, Lin Mu is not worried, but Lin Mu has been restless these days, always feeling that something is about to happen, so he came to discuss with Xu Mei.

And according to Lin Mu's own estimate, it has been more than ten years, no matter how slow it is, everyone should have reached the third level of Jindan.

Xu Mei frowned slightly after hearing Lin Mu's words, and said, "Actually, I have also felt the same way these two days, and my mood has been restless. It's just that you have to deal with Sige all the time, so I didn't tell you."

After a pause, Xu Mei continued: "Actually, when I came out, I didn't know where I was, and later I was directly rescued by the teacher, so I was even less sure where it was."

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "Because of me, there have been some problems with the teleportation array in the extreme north. So I'm not sure whether Sister Yaqing and the others will still appear in the place where you appeared, but I think we It’s better to wait somewhere.”

Xu Mei took Lin Mu's hand and comforted her, "I'm going to the place where I teleported tomorrow to wait for Sister Mei and the others."

Lin Mu shook his head, and said, "Although your cultivation is advancing rapidly and you are about to become a god, your cultivation is still too low in Dongxuanzhou. It's too dangerous for you to go out alone."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Liu Yiyi said in a very considerate manner: "Let me go with my sister, and the two of us can take care of each other. You are in Fumanlou, and you will discuss with the seniors about the arrangement of the teleportation array." Bar."

Lin Mu looked at Liu Yiyi gratefully, and said, "Thank you Yiyi, I will let Xiao Diao go with you."

Liu Yiyi said: "We are a family, there is no need to be so polite, Xiao Diao can stay in Fumanlou, the two of us are fine."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It's no wonder that the two beauties can't be coveted when they go out. It's better to let Xiao Diao go with you. There are already many masters in Fumanlou."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Liu Yiyi and Xu Mei gave Lin Mu a coquettish look.

Seeing the two beauties flirting with him secretly, Xiao Linmu reacted immediately.

After being nervous for so long, Lin Mu couldn't stand it anymore.

Everything that followed was naturally logical. After some cloud and rain in Wushan, the two girls were panting coquettishly in Lin Mu's arms, and Lin Mu was also unceremonious, stroking the two girls' buttocks with his big hands.

Looking at the two panting girls in his arms, Lin Mu couldn't help thinking that after Yaqing and the others came, he would be slept together.

"Looking at you smiling so fucking, you must be thinking of something good?" Xu Mei pinched Lin Mu fiercely and said.

Lin Mu said: "You know I didn't think of good things, and you still asked me. It seems that you want to stop letting me do good things."

Xu Mei pushed Lin Mu away and said, "He's not coming. You've been torturing him just now, and you've been so gentle with your sister Yiyi. Now go find your sister Yiyi."

Liu Yiyi blushed when she heard Xu Mei's words, but she also said boldly: "My sister knows how to bully others, and my sister's practice is the best in the world. The faster it will be. My sister will take advantage of it much more than others."

Xu Mei touched Liu Yiyi's little white rabbit unceremoniously, and said, "Sister is so resourceful, Lin Mu doesn't bother you, isn't it a waste?"


Liu Yiyi let out a coquettish cry when she was suddenly violated by Xu Mei.

Lin Mu looked at the two women, completely disregarding her husband, and wantonly seduced herself in front of her. Lin Mu also gave a smirk, and said, "If that's the case, then let's continue."

After a night of ups and downs, Lin Mu personally sent Xu Mei, Liu Yiyi and Xiao Diao outside Fumanlou.

"Take these two jade slips. If you encounter danger, crush the jade slips immediately. I will arrive in the shortest time." Although Xiao Diao was with him, Lin Mu was still a little worried.

The two women nodded and accepted the jade slip given by Lin Mu.

After instructing the two girls, Lin Mu patted Xiao Diao's wings again, and said, "Little Diao's safety is in your hands. If you meet someone you can't beat, don't fight hard. You can't beat them with your speed. There is no problem in running away with the two of them."

Xiao Diao yelled 'Aw' and 'Aw' twice to show that he understood.

Seeing the two women and Xiao Diao leave, Lin Mu also returned to Fuman Building.

"The matter of the fourth pavilion of Linmu has been resolved, shouldn't it be time for you to think about the matter of affirming the star rating of Fumanlou?" Chen Yunkai found Lin Mu and said.

(End of this chapter)

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