Supreme Chef

Chapter 922

Chapter 922
"Star rating?" Lin Mu was also taken aback when he heard Chen Yunkai's words.

In Lin Mu's prediction, isn't the star rating everyone's own opinion, what strength is he, and what strength is that?This thing needs to be evaluated by someone.

Chen Yunkai nodded, and obviously knew what Lin Mu was thinking, and explained: "Any sect or force does not mean that you have a few stars. This needs to be done by your own star rating stone. Certification, and all schools after evaluation will have a chance to re-evaluate every hundred years. As for the star rating after evaluation, it will be recorded on the star recording stone."

Lin Mu really didn't know that there is a special evaluation place for star ratings, which is really interesting.However, Lin Mu still didn't think that the star rating had any real use.

Chen Yunkai shook his head and said: "What you said is exactly the opposite. The purpose of star rating is much greater than you think. The star rating of a sect not only represents the strength of the sect, but also represents the strength of the sect. It is the luck and cloud of this sect.

Luck is a very mysterious thing to say, but when you have reached your level of cultivation, you should be able to perceive it somewhat, the mystery of luck.You can go all the way, in addition to being inseparable from your hard work, it is also directly related to your luck.

This is true for a person, and even more so for a sect.And the star rating stone is the most precious treasure that determines the luck of a school.No one knows how this star rating stone came from, whether it is ancient, ancient or modern, star rating stones have always existed. "

After hearing what Chen Yunkai said, Lin Mu became interested in this star rating stone.

Lin Mu really didn't expect that there was such a thing in this world.Moreover, this thing has been handed down since ancient times.

After a pause, Chen Yunkai continued: "Do you know why for so many years, only small sects have appeared in Dongxuan Continent, but no major sects have appeared?"

Lin Mu said: "Is it because of this star rating stone?"

Chen Yunkai nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "That's right! That's not right either!"

Lin Mu was a little confused by Chen Yunkai's words, and asked, "What does this mean?"

Chen Yunkai said: "The reason why I didn't show up at the Dazong Gate is indeed because of the star rating stone. Because no matter whether it is a person or a thing, as long as you can't detach yourself, your luck will not be infinite. Luck is limited, and everyone wants to see it." Occupying more luck, naturally those big sects don't want anyone to share the luck.

As for being wrong, it is because not every major sect will be recognized by a star rating stone.It doesn't mean that once you establish a sect, you can occupy a trace of luck on top of the star rating stone. "

After hearing what Chen Yunkai said, Lin Mu said, "Oh! Isn't it true that all sects can be recognized?"

Chen Yunkai nodded, and said: "Of course, otherwise every sect would be recognized, and the luck of Dongxuanzhou would have been divided long ago.

Now in the entire Dongxuan Continent, although there are many sects, the total number of various sects is no less than a million.But there are not even a thousand sects that can really leave their names on the star rating stone. "

Such a low probability really surprised Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded after hearing this, and said, "Where is the star rating stone?"

Chen Yunkai said: "In the center of Dongxuanzhou, there is a place called Star Rating Tower."

Lin Mu said: "Then do I need to prepare anything in advance?"

Chen Yunkai said: "There is no need to prepare anything, as long as you, the head, go, you only need to write Fumanlou's name on the star rating stone, and it will be rated automatically."

Lin Mu said, "Is it that simple?"

Chen Yunkai nodded, and said: "It's that simple, but I think it will take a lot of effort for you to enter the Star Rating Tower, because no matter if it is the Emperor Sect, the Four Pavilions, or even some other big sects, you will have to work hard. I don't want you to judge success and share their luck."

After a pause, Chen Yunkai said: "But you don't have to worry too much about this. Although they will stop you, they will definitely not fight, because it is related to the luck of the entire continent, and it is the most important place. , no one would take the risk of destroying luck and make a move there."

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "Then I have nothing to fear. Senior, please give me a map of where to go. I will set off now. After returning, I will immediately start to build the teleportation array."

Chen Yunkai said: "That's fine, we also need time to prepare materials. If there are some materials that we don't have, we have to find a way to collect them in advance, or buy some by auction."

Lin Mudao: "You and Senior Beggar God can make up your mind about the materials. I also brought back a lot of materials from Xijizhou. You and Senior Beggar God, go inside to pick and choose. If you need it, you can directly contact Wu De. Just say it."

Chen Yunkai smiled and said: "You have just established Fumanlou, and those are all your heritage, so you can keep them for yourself. Besides, you should contribute. Senior Beggar God and I should contribute some materials."

Lin Mu said: "In this way, there are two laborers."

After Lin Mu took the jade slip given by Chen Yunkai, he also left Fumanlou directly.

Regarding the star rating stone, Lin Mu did not pay much attention to it before, but now after listening to Chen Yunkai's words, Lin Mu is also full of interest in the star rating stone.

But as soon as Lin Mu came out of Fumanlou, he saw Qiu He bringing all the elders from Qiucheng to Fumanlou to congratulate him with various gifts.

Lin Mu didn't expect that Qiu He held his breath and rushed over the next day.

"Master Lin!" Seeing Lin Shu, Qiu He immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

He didn't reach out to hit the smiling face, and Qiu He was obedient and cooperative, so Lin Mu said indifferently: "City Master Qiu, what's the matter?"

Qiu He said sincerely: "I, Qiucheng, have come to sincerely surrender today. These are all the resources of my Qiucheng. Please check and accept them."

"Huh?" Lin Mu was slightly taken aback when he heard Qiu He's words, he didn't expect Qiu He to play so big.

Lin Mudao: "City Master Qiu, what does this mean?"

Qiu He said: "Master Lin, I, Qiucheng, only exist in the Dongxuan Continent. Now that Dongxuan Continent is full of heroes, as the master of the city, I naturally don't want to see Qiucheng disappear. So I thought twice, I still decided to surrender to Fumanlou. And Sect Leader Lin, you put benevolence and righteousness first, whether it is towards Qiu Cheng or myself, I think Sect Leader Lin will treat me fairly. I also ask Sect Leader Lin to be generous and accept me, Qiu Cheng."

Lin Mu didn't expect Qiu He to be so straightforward, and now Lin Mu also understands why Qiu He came here today. This is completely a matter of preparing to surrender again, so it was delayed for a day.

But if it was yesterday, Lin Mu might have agreed.But after knowing about the star-rated stone, Lin Mu would naturally not agree. Qiucheng is just a small town, and Lin Mu couldn't let it share his luck.

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said: "City Master Qiu is serious. We are neighbors and help each other. As for surrendering, let's avoid it. I also appreciate City Master Qiu's kindness, but I can't accept these things! "

(End of this chapter)

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