Supreme Chef

Chapter 925 Looting Luck

Chapter 925 Looting Luck (3)

The elders of the four pavilions were completely angry when they heard Lin Mu's arrogant clamor.


The elders of Sige shouted loudly, and then the bronze drum in his hand suddenly grew bigger, and when the bronze drum got bigger, Lin Mu could see clearly what kind of bronze drum it was, it was clearly a bronze hammer.

The bronze hammer showed its original shape, and a smell of vicissitudes quickly permeated.

"Ancient Ninth Rank Spirit Treasure!"

Lin Mu looked at the bronze hammer in the elder's hand, and couldn't help but tremble.

"This is an imitation of the first lightning strike treasure in ancient times, made by Thor's hammer. You have to be careful!" Taoist Guang also spoke at this time to transmit sound.

"Thunder God's Hammer!" Lin Mu didn't know much about ancient magic weapons, but it was obviously not Fanpin who could remind Taoist Guang aloud.

"His magic weapon is not complete, without the Thor Cone, but you have to be careful." After observing for a while, Taoist Guang said again.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I will be careful!"

After the elders of the Fourth Pavilion took out the Thor's Hammer, they directly activated it, and suddenly the sky was filled with lightning flashes, and countless thunderbolts as thick as a child's arm fell down in the void.


This is the second thing that Lin Mu has seen that can summon Tianlei besides himself.

Such an incomplete imitation can summon a real sky thunder. It is conceivable that if it is a real ancient Thor's hammer, its power is simply unimaginable.

"Go to hell, Lin Mu!" This time, the elders of the four pavilions adopted an indiscriminate attack, using the entire thunder space to block all possible escape routes of Lin Mu, so that even if Lin Mu knew the rules of speed and space, he was completely unable to escape. operate, escape.

However, Lin Mu really didn't plan to run away this time. Facing the sky full of thunder and calamity, Lin Mu directly used the "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

Relying on his flawless body and great perfection, the forests and trees in the thunder field can come in and out at will, and the thunder that is as thick as a child's arm in this area can't stop the trees at all.

After a round of bombardment, the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and the area attacked by the lightning had completely turned into a piece of scorched earth at this time, with no grass growing.

"The three tricks are here!" The thick smoke dissipated, and Lin Mu's figure gradually appeared.

"Impossible! This is impossible!" The elders of the fourth pavilion saw that Lin Mu's body was spotless, and even his clothes hadn't been scorched by the thunder. They couldn't believe it at all.

If he didn't resist the power of the thunder that day, he wouldn't be able to survive completely, but Lin Shu didn't even burn his clothes.

"Flawless and perfect body!" The elders of the four pavilions behind him stared at Lin Mu for a while, and suddenly thought of such a possibility.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Congratulations, you got the answer right, but there is no reward."

"Now it's my turn to attack, are you four going to attack together?" Lin Mu glanced contemptuously.

The four of them exchanged glances with each other. Although they were extremely reluctant to join forces with the four of them to attack, they also understood at this moment.

Although Lin Mu is only at the second level of the Ascension Realm, his strength has already surpassed those elders at the fifth level of the Ascension Realm.

With Lin Mu's current strength, I am afraid that only the existence of the same level as the head and the great elder can compete with Lin Mu.

"It seems that the four of you have decided to go together, okay! Then I just write a little more!" Seeing the four of them standing together, Lin Mu also understood the choice of the four of them.

The more they join forces, the more impolite they will be when the trees plunder their luck.

"Stop talking nonsense! Lin Mu, die!" The four of them are fighting with their backs now. If the four of them join forces and still fail to take down Lin Mu, it will be disgraceful not just for the four of them, but for the entire Four Pavilions.

"You gave me a series of catastrophes just now, and I will reciprocate them, so I will return them to you."

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and then a hundred-foot-long Thunder Robbery Spear appeared in his hand.


With a sound of explosion, the Thunder Robbery Gun shot out directly, heading for the four of them.


Seeing that when Lin Mu raised his hand, there was a thunder coming out of thin air, and the four of them were a little dumbfounded.

The reason why the elder before was able to attract the sky thunder was entirely due to the imitation of Thor's Hammer.

But in Lin Mu's hands, he didn't take anything, but he could still fabricate a sky thunder out of thin air.

Moreover, the power of the sky thunder is obviously much greater than the power of the sky thunder that he summoned with Thor's hammer just now.

Seeing that Lei Jieqiang was approaching, the four of them had no time to think, and quickly dodged.


The thunder gun blasted at the place where the four of them had just stood, and suddenly a bottomless pit appeared on the hard ground.

Seeing the bottomless pit on the ground, the expressions of the four of them couldn't help but change a few times.

If such a powerful thunder gun was hit head-on, even if the four of them survived, they would probably be peeled off.

"Look at how fast you run, or the speed of my thunder gun!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, another thunderbolt gun appeared in his hand.

The moment the thunder gun took shape, Lin Mu had already thrown it out.

The thunder gun flew in the air, sparking a series of lightning bolts, and the air seemed to be on fire.


This time, the elder who had just used Thor's Hammer stood up, took the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and smashed it directly at Lin Shu's Thunder Gun.

There was an explosion, and the smoke and dust dispersed. The elder holding Thor's Hammer couldn't help shaking his body, and at the same time, his face turned pale.

Moreover, Lin Mu observed that the elder's collision just now obviously shook his veins.

Looking at the elder, Lin Mu couldn't help but sneer: "You can't do what you can."

His own Thunder Robbery Spear was cultivated from the Thunder Domain, how could it be an imitation in his hands that could resist it.

After one blow, Lin Mu didn't intend to stop. Three lightning guns appeared in his hand in a row, and he threw them out at the same time, heading straight for the faces of the three of them.

One thunderbolt spear was enough for him, and now it is absolutely impossible for him alone to block three thunderbolt spears.

The people behind him obviously noticed it too.

With a flash of his figure, another elder behind him came out more and more, and a yellowed umbrella appeared in his hand.

The umbrella was stretched open, and the precious light suddenly appeared, blocking all three of them behind the umbrella.




Three lightning guns hit the umbrella, and a violent light shook on the umbrella, but it failed to tear the umbrella.

"Ninth grade defense spirit treasure!"

Lin Mu looked at the umbrella and was also slightly amazed.

In fact, Lin Mu already had quite a few magic weapons in his hands, but almost none of them were used for defense.

In fact, not only trees, but even in the entire cultivation world, there are very few defensive spirit treasures, and even fewer such high-level ones.

Although Dongxuanzhou is much richer than Xijizhou, there will never be more than ten defensive spirit treasures that can reach the ninth rank.

You must know that there are many sects in Dongxuanzhou, and the total number of major sects is more than one million. Within a million sects, the number of spiritual treasures is even more vast.

However, among the vast number of spirit treasures in the star sea, there are only ten defensive spirit treasures that can reach the ninth rank, which shows that the defensive spirit treasures are scarce.

"It seems that you have prepared well. Take out all the ninth-grade spirit treasures. Don't wait until you die. You won't have a chance to use them." Lin Mu said sarcastically.

(End of this chapter)

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