Supreme Chef

Chapter 926 Transportation Brigade

Chapter 926 Transportation Brigade
After Lin Mu finished speaking, the remaining two were not polite, and directly took out the Ninth Grade Spirit Treasure they had brought.

Seeing four people holding a ninth-grade spirit treasure, Lin Mu was also secretly surprised at the background of the Nine-Star Sect. As soon as he made a move, there were four ninth-grade spirit treasures. There is a taste of vicissitudes, obviously these two are ancient spirit treasures.

"Tsk tsk! You four pavilions are really willing to spend a lot of money, but it just so happens that I have just established Fumanlou, and I lack the spirit treasures of the town, so I will take all four of them." Lin Mu looked around and said.

"Hmph! Lin Mu, you are too crazy!" An elder from Tiandi Pavilion said with a cold snort.

Lin Mu looked at the spirit treasure that looked like a handkerchief in the elder's hand, and said with a smile, "You are a big man, holding a handkerchief, didn't you steal your wife's handkerchief?"


What Lin Mu said was hurtful enough, and immediately the elder of the Dige Pavilion blushed with anger and his neck was thick, as if he was about to catch fire.

"Be careful, the spirit treasure in his hand should be a replica of Huntian Ling. Huntian Ling was also a treasure with a great reputation in ancient times. Back then, the witch Qingqing almost swept the ancient world with a piece of Huntian Ling. I also once I have fought against her, although her cultivation is not as good as mine, but her Huntian Ling is indeed extraordinary. We have no win or lose within a thousand moves, and when I was about to kill her, she also relied on That Huntianling has escaped." Taoist Guang said to Lin Mu through sound transmission.

Lin Mu also didn't expect that Huntianling actually had such a background.

Lin Shu knew the strength of Daoist Guang.The speed is unparalleled in the world, but the witch Qingqing was still able to escape under the hands of Taoist Guang with the help of Huntian Ling, which surprised Lin Mu.

"I will keep at least two of these four things." Lin Mu also made a secret decision in his heart.

Although I brought back a lot of resources from West Jizhou and temporarily solved the resource crisis, Fumanlou is really lacking. This kind of spiritual treasure that can hold the scene.

Although he has a fairy weapon, but that fairy sword is Lin Mu's plan to continue to promote the Wuying Dao, and that fairy sword always makes Lin Mu feel that there is something wrong, he will not leave a fairy weapon that makes him feel at ease, and give it to him. The scene of Fumanlou town.

"Ling Mu, die!" The elder of the Tiandi Pavilion who took out the Huntian Ling also roared, and then the Huntian Ling in his hand flicked directly, and suppressed Lin Mu.

A small handkerchief grew in the wind, and soon expanded to a square of several feet. At the same time, streaks of pink light were aroused from the Huntian silk.

These pink rays of light not only affect the surrounding space, even Lin Mu feels that his consciousness is affected by these rays of light, which greatly affects Lin Mu's judgment.

Although it was the first time for the four of them to cooperate, with their level of cultivation, tacit understanding didn't need a long period of training at all.

In imitation of Huntian Ribbon and restricting Lin Shu's actions, the imitation Thor's Hammer also released sky thunder, approaching Lin Shu's dantian.

And the other elder of the Ninth Grade Spirit Treasure who was holding a Fangtian painted halberd also shot instantly. The Fangtian painted halberd in his hand turned into a ferocious beast and rushed straight at the forest, intending to tear the forest into pieces.

And the elder holding the umbrella was not idle, even though his was a defensive Ninth Grade Spirit Treasure.

However, the defensive space of the Lingbao can still restrict the movement of the trees. It is also the defensive space that activates the magic weapon. It is stacked on top of the three battle spaces to further restrict the activities of the trees.

Four fifth-level powerhouses in the Ascension Realm, and four extremely powerful ninth-rank Lingbao.

With such a lineup, I am afraid that even a strong person with a perfect Ascension Realm can only drink their hatred on the spot.

But all of this is nothing to Lin Shu who has already mastered the 'domain'.

Although the battle space of Yu and Lingbao has the same effect.

But the domain is always more than one level higher than the battle space.And the domain can be continuously strengthened. As for the battle space, except for Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife, which can be continuously promoted and become stronger, the battle space of the remaining ninth-rank Lingbao is fixed.



Just when the four of them thought that Lin Mu would at least be seriously injured this time, even if he didn't die, the four of them heard the sound of glass shattering at the same time.

Then they saw that the superimposed battle space of the four of them was completely crushed inch by inch by the forest domain.


The four of them looked around Lin Shu's body, gradually forming Yu, and finally their expressions changed drastically.

Domain is a legendary thing that only top immortals can possess, but the forest tree is displayed in front of the four of them at this time.


When the domain of forest trees is fully unfolded, the four spirit treasures and the superimposed battle space also collapse instantly.


This was the only thought in the hearts of the four of them at this moment.

Facing a monk who owns a domain and is stronger than them, the four of them have absolutely no chance of winning.

But Lin Mu has already taken a fancy to their Lingbao, so they can escape if they say so.

"I want to run! Leave your spirit treasure behind!" Lin Mu sneered, and then his domain spread out directly, and at the same time, the shadowless knife also appeared in Lin Mu's hand.


The area spread out, also directly covering the bodies of the four people.

The power of the domain is much stronger than the battle space.

Although there are no rules engraved in Lin Mu's domain, there is still no problem at all if you want to restrict the four of them for a moment.

Being controlled by Yu, all four of them felt their bodies stagnate slightly, and the next moment, all four of them felt their backs go cold at the same time, and the hairs all over their bodies exploded.

They didn't need to look back, they also knew that it was Lin Mu who bullied him with the Shadowless Knife.


The four of them turned around at the same time, and used the Lingbao in their hands to meet the Shadowless Knife.

But when they turned their heads, they found that they were completely in a sea of ​​thunder, and at the same time, a huge saber formation also appeared in the sea of ​​thunder, stirring the sea of ​​thunder constantly, pressing down on the four of them.

The battle space of the Thunder Field of the Wuying Dao, plus Lin Shu's own domain, this double restrictive ability further restricted the actions of the four of them.


In order to break free from the restriction, the four burned their blood at the same time, unleashing the most powerful power of the magic weapon.

However, the four people's thoughts were good, but at the same time that Lin Mu was slashing out the Shadowless Knife, the Thunder Tribulation Spear also shot out instantly, and dozens of Thunder Tribulation Spears stabbed at the four of them indiscriminately.

There is a thunder field on the top, and a thunder gun on the bottom. There is also a touch of despair in the eyes of the four.

They didn't expect that the four of them teamed up and lost in the end, and the defeat was so complete that they didn't even have a chance to fight back.


With a loud explosion, the thunder field and the knife array fell at the same time, and at the same time, the thunder gun also hit the four of them.


The four of them spurted blood at the same time, and at the same time, the elders of Sige who were holding Thor's Hammer and Huntian Ling felt their arms and arms were cold, and the next moment they held Lingbao's arms, they flew out directly.

Lin Mu Zhenyuan grabbed Thor's Hammer and Huntian Ling with his big hand, and at the same time directly activated his Zhenyuan, completely smashing the severed arms of the two into pieces.

"You're not being honest, Skyfire suppresses me!" The two ninth-grade spirit treasures were naturally unwilling to be reconciled in Lin Mu's hands and wanted to break free, but Lin Mu directly mobilized Liushuang Tianhuo and Star Core Flame to take the two pieces together. Lingbao was directly suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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