Supreme Chef

Chapter 927: Someone from the Emperor’s Vessel

Chapter 927: Someone from the Emperor’s Vessel (1)

Skyfire can be said to be the nemesis of any magic weapon, of course, the premise is that the level of Skyfire must be high enough.

As for Lin Mu's third-level peak Liushuangtianhuo, it is obviously advanced enough. Although Star Core Flame is still at the first level, with the help of Liushuangtianhuo, it is enough to suppress another spirit treasure.

"Two celestial fires!" The four of them were a little dumbfounded when they saw Lin Shu sacrificed two celestial fires at once.

Such things as sky fire are something that can be encountered but not sought after. It is already very incredible for ordinary people to have one sky fire in a lifetime, but Lin Shu can have two at the same time, and one of them is actually a third-level sky fire .

The four of them suddenly felt a little scared, how could the four of them be able to kill a person with so many backhands.

At this time, the two elders who lost their arms no longer wanted to take back their lost spirit treasures. They were very lucky to be able to survive at this time.

They were already injured, and the two elders also directly burned their blood and tried their best to break free from the tree's domain.

As for the other two, they frantically urged the Lingbao in their hands, trying to break through the forest.


There was a crisp sound, and a crack appeared in the forest area.

Seeing the cracks in the tree's domain, he also hurriedly broke free, and immediately fled from the forest's domain, and then ran away from the star rating tower without looking back.

Lin Mu saw the four running away, but did not pursue them.

My family knew about my family affairs, although Lin Mu was able to restrain the four of them with the domain, and he could also use the Shadowless Knife to take away the arms of the two of them in an instant.

But this is already the limit, after all, the cultivation base of the four is placed there.His own domain has only just taken shape, and it is already very difficult to control the four people, and Lin Mu's instant shot just now is also very exhausting.

Otherwise, even if Lin Mu's strength was slightly stronger than the four of them, it would be impossible to cut off the arms of the two of them in such an instant.

But the goal has been achieved, as to whether the four people are dead or not, it is not so important anymore.

Lin Mu raised his hand to bring the two spirit treasures that had been suppressed by Tianhuo, and then directly used his powerful spiritual sense to erase the spirit marks on the two spirit treasures.

However, Lin Mu didn't immediately engrave his imprint on his soul. After all, this kind of treasure comes from a large sect. Who knows if those old guys have done other tricks on it.

Lin Mu threw the two spirit treasures into the chaotic world, and let the frost and sky fire burn the two spirit treasures.

Sure enough, under the roasting of the sky fire, the two spiritual treasures, and two very hidden imprints of spiritual consciousness were burned out respectively.

After burning for another half an hour, after confirming that there were no more problems, Lin Mu carried out the first step of refining the two spirit treasures.

These two spiritual treasures are prepared to be reserved for Fumanlou as the bottom of the box, so naturally they will not be completely refined.

After the initial refinement, Lin Mu also continued to move forward.

The closer he was to the star rating tower, instead of feeling relaxed, Lin Mu felt more dangerous.

It's a feeling, a feeling of being targeted by a poisonous snake.This feeling made Lin Mu feel very uncomfortable.

After walking a further distance, Lin Mu saw a young man about his age blocking his way.

But when Lin Mu saw this young man, he didn't despise him at all. On the contrary, Lin Mu paid more attention to this young man than the four elders of the four pavilions before him.

Although the young man in front of him didn't have any serious momentum fluctuations.But Lin Mu was convinced that the uncomfortable feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake just now was caused by the young man in front of him.

"You are Lin Mu?" The young man on the opposite side, seeing Lin Mu approaching, opened his mouth first.

Lin Mu looked at the young man on the opposite side, and asked back, "Are you from the lineage of the Great Emperor?"

The young man smiled slightly and said, "You are so smart that you managed to come out. Where do I come from?"

Lin Mu curled his lips in disdain, and said: "There is no need to guess at all, except for those of you who advertise that you are the blood of the Great Emperor, it is really difficult to find a second one in the cultivation world to have such a state of stinky fart. "

"It doesn't matter if you have anything to say, I will take these as your last words. You have humiliated the emperor. After you die, I will report to heaven one by one." Like the others, as long as Lin Mu humiliated the emperor a little, he would immediately attack from embarrassment.

The young man on the opposite side was very calm. His calmness didn't even match his age.

"Do you think you can stop me?" Lin Mu asked.

"Do you think you can get by?" The young man also asked back.

"It seems that you are very confident in yourself. In this case, let's stop talking nonsense and do it directly." Lin Mu felt very unhappy with this young man, so Lin Mu didn't bother to say anything more to him.

"You don't want to say more last words?" The young man didn't seem to be in a hurry to do it.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I don't want to. If you want, I can wait for you for a while."

"Okay! Since you don't want to talk too much, you can die!"

As soon as the young man's voice fell, he appeared directly in front of Lin Shu the next moment.

Such a speed is no slower than the speed rule of Lin Shu.But Lin Mu can be sure that this is definitely not the speed rule.

But now it's obviously not Lin Mu, thinking about the identity method used by the opponent, when speeding up, because the opponent's punch has already rushed towards him.

On the young man's fist, he could hardly feel the fluctuation of energy.But this is what makes it even more terrifying.

Such a punch reminded Lin Mu of the Dao fist of the Ye family.But this seems to have more extreme power than Da Dao Fist.

"The background of the great emperor is really extraordinary!" Lin Mu was also the first time to really face the blood of the great emperor, and the first time to face the attack from the blood of the great emperor head-on.

When he was in the Immortal World before, Lin Mu never had the chance to fight against the Great Emperor. It wasn't that Lin Mu didn't want to, but Lin Mu at that time was not the Emperor's opponent at all.With his cultivation level at that time, the emperor could deal with him with just one finger, and his survival was already a miracle among miracles.

But now facing this disciple of the Great Emperor's lineage, Lin Mu finally had a chance to see what the Great Emperor had in store.

Facing the opponent's fist, Lin Mu also punched, and blasted out flatly.

Lin Mu used the Ye family's Daoquan, which of course was perfected by Lin Mu himself.


The fists of the two collided soundlessly, not even the sound of bones colliding.

If outsiders saw such a scene, they would never think that this was another attack between Lin Mu and a genius from the lineage of the Great Emperor.

Although there was no sound, the earth and rocks under their feet had already shown everyone the power of their fist.

The earth wave spread outwards rapidly like a sea tide.Tens of thousands of catties of boulders rolled around under the waves like mud balls, pushed by the waves.


After a moment of stalemate, Lin Mu let out a muffled snort, and stepped back half a step, while the young man from the lineage of the Great Emperor only swayed slightly.

"To outsiders, you are already very strong, but to those of us who are really strong, you are still too weak." The young man looked at Lin Shu and said calmly, as if to say another fact.

Indeed, this young man gave Lin Mu a great surprise, because Lin Mu found that the other party's cultivation base was the same as his own, at the second level of the Ascension Realm, but his strength was almost on par with his own.

Lin Mu always thought that there would be no second person like himself in the cultivation world.But a young man who came out of the emperor's lineage was almost on par with him.

Looking at this young man, Lin Mu knew that he still underestimated the realm of comprehension, and even more so, the lineage of the Great Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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